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- [ All the world's a poet and poetry takes centre stage in ssehcetam's world of poetry and publications]Sexless wonders and gutless objects, absolute and unconditional surrender of a platitudinous scrapheap, doing our thing in Benidorm, New Zealand, Barbados, and Tyne and Wear, Twenty nine million years and all is well, God bless this place I call home. LOVE IS BEAUTIFUL AND DIMENSIONS OF LOVE. -If you like my site please leave a comment at the following email address = -- Look deep inside for your hidden pride and just let your love flow as the song goes.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------My poems are great, although they frustrate, why wait? do not hesitate, he thus also ate on a plate at the Tate, while in solemnity to meditate. Is a story a poem and why is the sea so blue? why do birds fly in the sky and not stand and walk like you,? why is the sun bright yellow and why is the desert so dry,? only my poems can answer these mysteries, so read on and pray do not cry. What is a man if not a woman, and why be shy and not brave, why love thoughts and hide them, when shades of resentment are grey, although this is not the beginning of any substantial decline, it may well be the ending of literature if poetical prose be mine. All of my poems are rubbish and yet they sell, all of water needs drinking but not a well, a day needs a night, as any moon in flight will tell you, the bird on the wing sings a song, the man in the tower dings a dong, the tick keeps clocking, and the carpenter keeps knocking his wood into the nail, to write a poem one needs rhyme, to sing a song one needs time, to write a book one needs a pen, to keep a lion one needs a den, all of my poems are rubbish but they sell. Poetry is all things to everyone, poetry is good, poetry is anything written, poetry is food of your cell, or soul, jolly dee said he whoop it up and give another performance just for me, and so I did give another performance just as he had asked me to, and again the applause rang out into my ears telling me that I was not alone, encore encore please you are so good they said, and so again I repeated my act, jolly dee said he as I climbed down out of my tree, this monkey deserves an increase in pay I thought an increase in pay, listen I said how about a raise,? play it again sam I am still in a daze said he. One day so soon corned flake in my spoon, apple on rye crisp on butter somewhere in my gutter memory. This house is a bit sideways on, it leans not very straight, it was built on a hill and its ex-occupier was called Bill, and Bill always had a chill, and because this house was built on a hill the roof is as big as the door, and the mice take refuge in the floor, the windows are made of wood and the present occupier is very good at building houses sideways on.I once was a porter whom thought that I ought'a do something about getting married, so I went to the chapel eating an apple, slipped on the core and fell on the floor, and ended up in a box.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Without quite realising it I had surpassed myself a thousand fold, travelling in warp factor Twelve and beyond planets and minds and obstacles, a million light years had unfolded before me, everything was as clear to me as the morning sun rising over the mountain top, to be able to see all the worlds problems, to be able to see every bodies point of view, to be able to understand why people fought wars and held different religious beliefs, and why people chose to die of starvation when food was available, it seemed as if my mind was racing forward at a million miles per second, beyond this planet, beyond the furthest most far reaching planets and still further, and far out beyond and still travelling, to be able to understand all that one sees and hears, and never being able to find a problem to stop me, a truly remarkable predicament to find oneself in.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Every day I sit and wonder and contemplate my nose, every day as I sit and wonder my nose it grows and grows, in every way I always wonder if my nose it knows, that the secret of a lovely nose is to write some decent prose. Fifteen minutes and twenty seconds late not enough time to bake that cake, chasing that second hand around and around soon be time to visit town, hurry scurry puff and pant the crowd they stare and then they rant, fifty five seconds nearly there will I make it what a scare, Ten Nine Eight this is it come back next week for another bit, to the wheel of fortune. Lovely lady beautiful and sweet eyes so piercing a pleasure a treat, gently as I approach so near, will she wont she thats the fear, and yet within this passive stance we both await the wished for glance, the thoughts the hopes abound anew for those that wait are lost its true, a simple touch and then the smile, the wait has yet surpassed a mile, beneath the tremor my nerve doth shake the moment is now to make or break, but all is well she doth kiss long, the poem has sung its enchanted song. In times of need we falter not lest it be to tie the knot, the brave the strong the weak are slain the path we take will doubt remain in love the thought the eye is pure, we walk the silent echo to path when once again it shall be known, a night of pleasure a life of pain. Episode one of this story is tread the thought the dream the pain in head, at last the longed for thirst has passed the pen has served its trusted mast if these few words can gender hope then please read on and stay the rope. There is more than this in a moment its true, have patience my friend for tis not thought that lacks the need but pertinence redeems itself and far away the night is new, when once we wake and night becomes true, few of us are bold and brave for those that are the shield the knave a knight of valour a sword and thrust the poem has yet a soul to trust. Whenever the Earth shines its light above the stars and into the night, the mist it fades and then it glows for when the power of the sun it knows, to move and gently sway the fog and rain the birds at play, from inside out and over the top our lovely planet moves and will never stop, for life itself is born anew, with each day passing love it grew, its good to wake and see the dawn, another day this Earth is born. I stepped down from the plane and I left her heart our love had just begun to start, she was so pure a gem indeed a man could wish for nothing more, a tear began to fall and then she turned and whispered gently, a sweet caress and then the call another man had stolen all, alone one night and then the news a soul destroyed without much thought, just memories now an empty space this love has walked and the words the love the kiss has gone, just lonely dreams in life that sadness has caught. she followed me and I her, we made every step a pleasure to taste as she walked upon my breast, to keep a tender loving way while holding hands we skip and play, the distance was without a doubt just a second without a thought, now the sky is full of rain, the heart is filled with lifelong pain.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------The following are imagined facts, that is, a factually imagined reality, that may or may not be true in other words it could be fiction, real or imagined true or false it remains an unknown, at least an unknown to others, but not to me, for me at least it represents the only truth, its the truth of different dimensions, you see it came to me in a dream, it just made pure sense the only sense to see and know that different dimensions are real. The way to understand this theory is to imagine a box of copy paper, lets say a box of A4 copy paper, of which there may be 500 or 1000 sheets or maybe more in a box, well now the next step is to imagine that each sheet of that copy paper is our whole universe, everything the whole lot all of the planets stars galaxies dark matter light matter all matter, no matter, everything black holes the lot, all and everything on this one piece of A4 copy paper, well thats it I mean thats what different dimensions are, ie millions and billions of single sheets of A4 copy paper all piled one on top of the other just as they are in a box of A4 copy paper, and remember that all of these single sheets of copy paper represent one complete and total universe the whole thing ie everything you and me and all of the stars and galaxies and planets and black holes and well you get the idea - right,? well thats whats going on you see one sheet of copy paper represents one dimension, and the next sheet of copy paper represents the next dimension, and the next and the next etc etc ad infinitum, now the next step is to realise that each and every one of these sheets of paper ie each and every one of these dimensions encompasses and includes each and every one of us, yes thats right you and me, an exact copy of ourselves is on each and every piece of this copy paper and don't forget that the whole universe is on each and every sheet with all of us and everything duplicated exactly the same billions and trillions and zillions of times over and over and over again, and so it is that people the world over have experienced the feeling that they have been somewhere before, when they know that they have not, it really is just that our other self has been there and done that particular thing, and don't forget that they are very close indeed, so close in fact that its just like that sheet of copy paper sitting on top of that other piece of copy paper millions and billions and trillions and zillions of times over and over and over again, never ending yes thats right they are very close indeed I mean our other selves and our other universes and our other dimensions all co existing so close just as close as that sheet of A4 copy paper in that box of 1000 sheets of A4 copy paper repeated and duplicated forever over and over and over again, well that is my guess my hope my dream another dimension never to be seen, a dream of something better than this a long lost love never to be missed, a place a time that has gone before another world beyond that door, a trusted place better than now another dimension but surely how,? think not of them nor even of why it really is just futile to try, trust in yourself and this place we are at while other dimensions ponder with chat, they are out there of course its true a perfect copy of someone like you in fact they sit and ask as we, but pause with doubt lest it be just a dream and nothing else a hope a wish of a better life a dimension where all is void of strife, our very selves are thinking this right now upon that distant place the look upon the smile of face we might one day have the chance or miss the opportunity to gently kiss that lovely lass whom we have lost in this dimension born of frost, she waits and looks a beauty a prize just out of reach of her lovely eyes, just a dimension thats all it takes to reach the arms of strength to make a better life where love it grows in the body of one whom knows, that love transcends all dimension and time another dream and she is here transported from that distant fear, for love is the answer so doubt it not have faith that we are all as one she may be here and there as well but love will make the distance small not even a dimension can build a wall, we stand together so be not afraid the A4 paper can not invade be content and suffer not as this dimension will forever stay a true reflection of our other self, think not out there but here instead, our planet is pure with life to tread.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Have you ever wondered why words are as they are?, and why we call a car a car, who invented words and why do we see that piece of wood as a tree, why water and sky and bird and fly, why chairs and tables and carpets and bread, when someone chose these words in head why not this and that and anything instead?, when the word was chosen it must have been said not only the wise have something in head, the answer is clear it must always have been, not one person could invent what has always been seen, these words have existed long before us so don't worry and stress with thought and fuss, the answer is clear for all to see there is no mystery with that tree the words were always here just waiting to be found, and there are many more secrets waiting around so read on and have no fear, as the meaning of life will soon become clear.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------On a clear dark night when the moon it doth shine and the stars they twinkle like a glass of wine, you can see the answer for its up above there is no mystery in space or love, for how can it all have been created when not yet the stars the planets the emptiness were dated, ? well clearly things have always been why just imagine the empty scene they say the gas and dust did all for after the bang the story is tall can you not see the blinding light for I tell you true this night the bang was not and could not be its easy to discover what must have been, no cloud of dust can just be there without a reason or even a care, the void the blackness the things we see were put in place by one like me, need I say more you must realise we were made in his likeness what a surprise, there was never a bang not out in space because he made everything just like our face, yes now you know and see it all infinity exists there is no wall. And now this life this truth is seen you know the answer has always been fear not for love its never gone the poet and poem will linger on, your strong and brave so trust in thee will echo beyond this time and place the past the future in pure full face, the beauty repeats and we will see the song in hope and pleasure in life its long, you will not die nor tender be only the brave will create the joy to see, if hope and love are in your heart the beginning and ending will never start, we were always here and will always be just like the wood in that tree, life is eternal and love the same so doubt it not and ease the pain. If thought and deed were never spoken hark the smile will not be broken with trust in your heart and the hope and prayer is not the beauty long to stare, fear not to walk the darkest road with love in your heart the song will ode.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------So what I have got is what I keep no longer the fool or knight to sleep much has been given born of doubt when such was fear to live without, not a moment not a word was said frustrated and told the pressure in head, when lost and ancient rhymes go near the pleasure was taken without a tear and now we have to live with choice, the lungs are longing to shout with voice, trust in what is left undone strive and prosper and try to run.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------This is the story of a man whom falls in love, of one whom seeks the hand of his fair maiden then tragically dies by way of drowning, and these are his thoughts as he descends the murky depths and of his hopes and dreams alas being so sadly dashed in one so young and yet to fulfil the might of life. January cold and icy February played with snow March starting to thaw April showers raincoat May I have this dance June such a pretty name July on my other arm August things are hotting up September on the boil October wedding bells approaching November saw us cut the cake December honeymoon to take. A is for affair my affair with you B is for bare this life we two C is for care for each other D is for dare to be together E is for ever our love always F is for fear that we should part G is for great this love to start H is for hope we have together I is for island our home J is for joined entwined forever K is for keep us together L is for love ours alone, M is for mouth to speak the truth N is for never us to part O is for open our hearts wide P is for pleasure we give to others Q is for questions we never ask or hide R is respect for each other, S is in spite of all our flaws T is the tremendous feeling for you U is the ultimate feeling, V is victory over adversity W is winning the battle of life X is extra beyond strife Y is younger with each year Z is zealous for each tear. Walking and talking and thinking of you as we pass the Deer in the zoo the pretty red roses on our right enchanting serene what a beautiful sight, Aprils showers could do no wrong splendidly singing ancient songs away to the greenhouse master of none, save for the apes the gorillas have won the spacious refinery all to ourselves, cloved in asparagus set on the shelves, this place of amusement which we see is London zoo to you and me, now we approach the snakes and the frogs signs saying please will you bring no dogs just over there the journeys end we are in love lets not pretend. Such a happy rolling seaside town simply skyward waiting for the applause to be forever on the ancient lawns roller coaster bubbly juice, the bands are heading for number one break the lateness time is floating keep for me people are boating back to front and inside out we are high on love and not without, rowing in a small boat everything is nice and quiet the water is very still and calm as we pass the waters moat and the castles moat, as I row I can not help but as I look into her beautiful eyes whereupon I am hypnotised and her smile makes me realise that to be in a boat alone with her on this river of tranquillity this is a beautiful feeling, looking and thinking and reeling as we pass the roses red and the sight of daffodils in their bed I start to gaze to look and groan these thoughts of words in monotone, and now she starts to smile at me this is the face of sublimity is this the girl that loves the sea whom thinks of me in totality a veil of flowers and a cloak of thorns this is the girl that keeps me warm, thinking and feeling I begin to sleep suddenly I fall overboard and into the deep in she goes without a thought I feel that time has come to nought, down I go I am gone for sure but wait a moment there is a door am I dreaming or is this real on my left is a giant eel, this is too much and its blinding me my arms are pulled with relentless ease the strength the power the force ensues, the water abounds the depths submerged all light and life begins to fade, floating breathing past pleasures redeem resting with mouth and lip to conceal her beauty shines and radiates warmth the eyes they shine and penetrate deep, our love has survived the dreaded weep. Oh to be in England on such a fine day oh to be in Sussex in the suns ray oh the joys of living in this loving way all the children and flowers happily at play, oh to be in England never been so good Shakespeare's cottage even Robin Hood oh to be in England what more could I want to be in church on Sunday kneeling at the font. Prosperity in light blue shades of sunset in overdrive caught on the wheel of fortune almost a bit of madness absolutely and abundantly serene in its simplicity a broken nightmare painted in sadness, leaves that are green the colour of my youth and leaves that have markings of veins in their bed a baby grown from seedlings small closed in the earth with eyes alone, a stub of growth a mark of respect left asunder from their breast an upward climb an endless trail the suns ablaze not far to go, now watch the earth gently move a rose I am another day. A pleasure to see you my friend so nice to see you again a long time to be together separated entwined forever loves lost on lonely march parades to see you now, illustrious pictures anew fresh from the perfume of old scents and fragrance aplenty with people that we know sad as we were seen as we grow this pleasant land is for me picture postcard boulevard DE john in France on a sunny day. Time is fortune money is life give me that daydream in my strife wrap up my sorrows peppered with tears whisper sweet nothings in my ears, follow me all the days of my life and enrich me with feelings of happiness. Walking on air and walking on sea seeing and tasting and feeling a spree on whistling past the old oak common boarders when those days of fishing and floating and playing football in the spring and on the sand, and now we go walking and running and gaily jumping and to dance halls and parties and spend evenings dining and tasting the summers vineyard wine and reminiscing on our youth, time is fortune money is life give me that daydream in my strife, follow me follow me inside out give me that daydream with tables and chairs and a bottle of stout pen to paper Liszt on song Issac is knowing this payment begone, January cold middle is bold ending is told my birthday again. There is a town called Limerick with people very gay the children always run about and every day they play over the hills and down the valley you can see old Limerick town with the sun so bright and the moon at night it layeth all alone. Happiness is my name contentment is my game to have plenty of everything and nothing to lose born on this day a pleasure to choose so happiness is all things to me. HARRY SHARMA KATE HENRY JULIA ROSE PHILLIS ALICE ROBERT BARBARA MARK. The sea is beautiful it is clean and it is smooth silky shiny and nice, it is very nice just to be sitting quietly on the beach without anyone around to disturb the silence, when the sun is going down in the early evening and everything is serene looking up at the cloudless sky is a beautiful thing, and seeing in the distance the last of the birds going home to nest tranquil in their silence as they glide away gently on the breeze. Light of my India with garlic watered down mellow DOWN save for all this woe begotten tract of treasures bend this arm of oppression show forth this anaemic face that shudders openly appalled, shower these thy children with flowered perfume scent red roses opened in spring give thanks to all that you bring forth and give truth the chance to redeem its broken wing, succour all his thoughts of mellow shadowed perception on a fiery wind, angered by his arm of friendship dust to dust the bounties king reach out to splendour mine own see this thing of movement keep all these things as one as the eagle approaches the gates of home. On wandering past old common brick brown and grey dust filled with ages past the eloquence of a bygone age so flamboyant in its youth time resisted all abuse, following green pastures and fence to laid mortar and stick come now and see this thing of beauty for it has been bequeathed to us all let not weak heart prevent us, stand near and lobby her bow for it needs support a thing of beauty never dies given for the sake of posterity she is a treasure upon us all in weather fowl she stood alone in the heavy storm she faltered not now brave her gently kind folk for we fear that she may aghast the life is ebbing from her broken sail, I remember walking by a stream only remembering the tiny fish just below the surface of the water sitting by the bank just by the waters edge how pleasing to hear the silence the stillness the softness of grass on finger, ripples gently swaying glistening on the water the sun strikingly red and yellow as the evening draws near, on the distant winds the animals cry foxes sleeping darkness coming soon be night all is quiet once more. My mind and my body were detached my spirit disabled a rolling stone in the blackness of uncertainty and here I am sitting alone my body and my mind so far apart it was as if being in a car with the windows open with people many thousands of people standing in a straight line and all of them shouting at the tops of their voices but not being able to hear what they were saying because of the speed at which I was traveling to be able to comprehend everything without fully understanding anything such a paradox to live with. Twilights last gleaming born on the ceiling of blues and greys and white playing football and thinking of telling tales tall tales pieces of Eight without weight plums and fruit juice of wine taken away on light blue dust, from Sunday to November and back together we stay and accept the ultimate of this treasure for you and me and those days of sights past, and present pleasures given for ourselves your light. Somewhere out there is my reflection somewhere out there is my other self gazing down on this object of desire, somewhere outside is my inner being looking again at the imprint of this thing, without looking inside looking out without looking outside looking in we try to see ourselves looking at the looking, looking at the looking mirror, looking at the looker only to see ourselves being looked upon by the looker, don't try to force when the force of the force is not forcing the issue remains still the issue remains the same, the stillness remains the issue the same remains the same. ITS NO GOOD WISHING YOU MUST DO, AND IF YOU DO AND WISH YOUR WISH WILL COME TRUE, be with me for another day and help me to help others in the same way. Of ships and sails partly hidden blue of acorn eyes apart dead of night we are as one we sprightly dance the butterfly waltz canst from the dungeon cool a further feather from osprey, let Byron's name be echoed throughout the land and let the day of Agamemnon approach the eye of Zeus, The army in Ireland are fighting a battle hell is hell even in heaven once in hell and above the sword the crime is done and blood is poured, now for country law and peace we see ourselves for what we are never to stay the falling blade can I but face that darker bend in which may come my final end. The answer to all the problems the answer is to meditate be still and sincere in the silence of meditation. Since I was young I would be sitting with book on my knee sitting by the fire glowing brightly with my family and all was very peaceful, over the years reading my book page by page I took the chance to read all the news with a breathless wonder yearning to look, since I was Ten still reading my book fifteenth chapter take another look since seventeenth chapter all is well tea is ready story to tell, since I was eighteen and full of thought playing rugger on rugby ground north of town bound for fifty miles, with still time to read my book and still sitting by the fire with my family around the tree, tall stories of my younger days children and grandchildren and auntie Margaret's daughter on my knee, since I was reading my book since I was young and old. I sit here now with frowning heart saddened with eyes torn apart blackened ripped and desperate plagued by sarsaparilla, pop corn and yellow custard pies and butter beans floating in G wave on the good ship lollipop. Tide and sea sand and peace its what everybody wants flying in a small plane all is green below piecing together pieces falling in the snow, pleasing memories of people and places the things we did together so long ago when we were happy death comes so soon so unexpectedly, tide and sea and sand so green the pleasant land the Earth comes closer still repentant always praying, hoping when there is no hope covering mine eyes a second only and then a flash and then the blackness, am I dead or alive? perhaps in limbo a feeling of floating endlessly drifting dead or alive?. On Bolton dock I was standing around the stale bread and cocoa until uncle Bert with tea in hand made advances to the sand off they flew all in a flutter only to land face down in the gutter all of a splutter with tears in their eyes. Staying alive staying alive staying alive this world is staying alive running jumping singing drinking and staying alive staying alive staying alive, happy happy sorrow cry staying alive staying alive singing in a one man band One Two Three Four Five and trying to stay alive. How can I weep for sorrow when she has no tears, how can I condemn the meek when they hold the spears, light this fire with passion spurned and cast aside this womb of feeling given to us for life's journey now to start, pleased for the seeing sights of believing a view of aspiring glory taken from the book of Jude relive this moment for me, Armageddon approach begone each second counted Armageddon is upon us. I am pleased to be myself I am pleased to be together with friends I am pleased to have a nice job and home I am a product of my mothers thoughts I am a pebble in this shell of sunken beaches. Dreaming of a time gone by and trying to remember forgetting only glimpses of reality feeling not as one and yet not lonely, oblivious to actions events and causes quiet thoughts pass freely now dreaming still of the friends I once had before and now, what is real and what is untrue? where am I what am I and what are they? all these things are dreams but what is a dream?. Can you please will you please come back to me soon perhaps we can be together again one day soon, when you were with me I was walking on air as light as a feather not even a care, but now you are gone and life is so sad will I see you again? perhaps in heaven, what a time we will have. [ EPILOGUE ]
- And so it came to pass that a fair young prince whose spirit was cast aside lay forlorn and defeated on the long dark road of sadness to the other world beyond the reach of light and hope, and yet for whom and lest we tell there may be a truth beyond the reach of hell, we believe and trust that all will be well for this fair young prince whom has lost his princess, but we hope and pray there will come a day when they join again for fair prince and princess to succumb once more for loves sweet smile to kiss and caress beyond oppressive duress.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Spirit my thoughts and arrest this tranquillity move me one step closer to reality, Telegraph Standard news flash Times Observer Guardian Angel Sun shine for me Mirror my thoughts shine on this foolhardy spirit of enlightenment, frown upon my wicked venture absolve me from evil and injustice, take this bond and pieces, repair this martyred soul, again this duty pleased., The sunshine comes slowly over the mountain top whistling and breathing with every stop, breaking silkily through the misty morning air as I stand alone in the due drop green grass, the cool morning breeze echos past on its way to meet the night on its long and relentless journey, where one day I will stand to meet him and to greet him on that mountain top, the next morning as the mist it gently fades to see the sun arise again, playing games on my mountain top surely my friend will never stop. I have written many poems but my best I regard as this one read on.
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123456789 and all is fine FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF FINE.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------There was a time before the yesterdays became tomorrows that the flowers they did bloom and the canon boom and the light and the darkness were as one, when the mist was hazy and the dawn was crazy for the love of life and the swift cut of the knife were known, Tis now to say that faith and gun were alive to each other and better than none, when doubt and fear were always near and the shudder and fight were always right, well, it is in this time of hope and lost the days were long and the forests were tall that this tale begins to shine, when dreams were proud and the brave did stand that merry spring of man was loud, it was a time of peace and hope when all those songs were filled with gusto, now I empty this pot of gold for tis true that the detail must now unfold, all mystery and doubt will be cast out for you will know the truth of how it all began in that time of legend and man, a miracle was born that day and I am here to show the way, fear not and look that compass long the days the years we search with song, of battles and creatures proud and lean the blood it flowed before the scream, the brave were weak and the old were young in those days of pastures strong, if England's song can rise again the bravest folk will honour men.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Believing that there is something else other than emptiness trying to surrender ones own doubts and fears to the reality and to the absurdity of feelings, plying wood upon fire moist upon dryness water upon depravity, seldom recognising that what we are doing is total destruction of humanity self annihilation for a lost cause, perhaps its already too late to stop the seemingly endless chain reaction of events, that we are told are beyond our power, and yet all alone in the darkness one can see the benignity of it all perhaps the emptiness does have something, something to say and something to offer, perhaps we are not alone its as if waiting for the seconds on a clock to tick relentlessly by, time will continue even if there are no humans to wind the clock. Stubbornly I find myself criticising all that I see around me, but still I feel not quite alone its as if in the emptiness and the stillness there is a voice to be heard, albeit a voice without a face the lonely one on the other side of awareness who can not communicate to tell us of the better world, which is just beyond our reach, am I really so far away from the truth?, I believe that to find ones self one must look inside for the answers.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Impersonalised number plates driving in a small plane feeling a little pain, don't think that I am the same doing it my way thought that I knew it all, where am I going to what is it all about? trying to work it all out my way, nothing more to say take my girl to the pictures seen it all before, someone at the door open it and fall in love again.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------When one contemplates the existence of life on Earth one must surely be completely mystified by the fact that there is no end to space, but there must be an end somewhere.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Perhaps one of the most controversial and emotive subjects facing man in this century is just how do we dispose of the bodies of our deceased?. Throughout the centuries this has not been a problem that mankind has addressed to himself with any degree of seriousness, it has never been seen as a problem with any degree of urgency attached to it, it is only now at the end of the Twentieth century and the beginning of the Twenty First century that man is beginning to take seriously this enormously complex problem. Burying the dead has always seemed to be the most humane and respectful way of disposing of bodies as far as the relations of the deceased are concerned, and until quite recently there has been no need to think seriously about the problem, maybe this is because there has always been plenty of land available, and also that in all countries respect for one's dead and finding a proper place of rest for them has never been found difficult, but as we open a new chapter and start a new century we are being made aware of the need in many ways to increase food production and conserve energy for the ever increasing population, and so the need to conserve our wealth is the reason for needing so much land. It is a priority which we must come to terms with quite soon if it is to have any effect at all, I believe that there can only be one answer which is logical and practical, and one which is the only realistic solution there can be little doubt that cremation is the answer to this very serious and pressing problem, however, the way to go about convincing people is far from easy, to suggest to the families of those deceased that in the interests of everyone, not least those in the Third world, whom are in desperate need of the Earths resources, that their dearly beloved be cremated would no doubt seem quite outrageous and unnecessary, man can not forever go on abusing the Earths resources at such an alarming rate, the Earth at the present time has what may seem like an abundance of land available for agricultural purposes, and so people have assumed that that there will always be an abundance of food and raw materials whenever needed, but this can only remain so if we stop burying our dead and start cremating them. A typical burial ground will probably be used for a period of some Fifty years or more, with the present increase in population and our need to feed and clothe everyone, we must start taking seriously our need to conserve land, we simply can not afford to take substantial areas of land out of circulation for so long.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------The following little verse is not to be taken too seriously by those that are easily offended, there is no disrespect intended, it is just a poem, well a story of sorts. That poor black person uneducated semi literate half breed, forbidden in the house of the white man born to serve the master supreme, separated from his homeland over centuries of gloom a beaten finalist in the race of doom, some abstract admission of guilt, born in the womb of sorrow, despised and forlorn cared for and mourned, the life of the black man when born.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Asian lady dressed in white across the Sahara desert with mouthfuls of water glazed, about this time set to thinking of some ancient forest, born to give life and sight all of the soldiers leading the way across this sandy dune, of beautiful droplets particles of blues and greys and flowered petals pacing, only in my mouth for the pleasure that I gave and only small thoughts passing for the brave and not forgetting the slave traders, in that land of song across this sea of caves this camel of my meaning.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Roses are red pretty red velvet and soft roses in their fire blown from aloft, orchids and daffodils and blue dancing too much on due pine tree escallop and rice, boiled beef stewed onions and lice, roses red partly hidden splendour accentuated on this autumn gender manor to manor surrender, speak up and voice your views roses and daffodils on blue, albeit lies or true if lies and detention born on redemption splendour splendour given voice, on this afternoon of alpha sud super soap sud.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------THE WORLD CUP 2010 ] Those days of football are upon us again when the shout of the girls admire the men, the brave and the strong have travelled so far for the fame and the glory a bruise and a scar, they came from the lands of poverty and pride the rich and the poor now they all reside, no fear no lust no thirst to fail the spirit is strong to shout to hail, all conquering hero's must strive to the mast each game is so precious each man to the last, to play for one's country ambassadors all the heartbreak the sorrow before the fall, the winning and losing the constant test just another game before the rest, at this moment we are all as one as each waits nervously for the starting gun, whoever triumphs we are winners all, the taking part makes a man stand tall.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Last night was a very sad night he sat there all alone desperately desperately needing help, a sorrowful picture of loneliness and depression, every fibre of his makeup was exhausted beyond recognition of the once youthful full of life character that once occupied that strong and happy frame, completely shaken by shock a man who would not and could not accept the truth which was the truth of separation, as I watched I could feel and sense and realise that it was the death of a soul and the death of a spirit of that embodiment of life, and of love and of hope he was now dead, a pitiful languid and hateful and despised specimen-of nauseating sickness, he was pretending to smile while realising that everybody hated him and all of the time he was wondering just what he could do to heal the break, crying in his teacup alone all through the night his heart was bleeding and it would continue to bleed for all time, his stare was callous hard and cruel with a burning look that penetrated the floor, endlessly searching for the reason for his heartache, alas it was all too late to reconcile the hurt my friend is now alone perhaps to be alone for ever not knowing when he will regain his happiness or his pleasures or his life, his thoughts were all too clear he was trying to say that he was sorry for the wrong that he had done he was trying to say please while knowing that all the time he dare not say a word or there would be a deathly hush of hatred he was trying to say that his love was still for her alone, but she did not want to listen to his petty mumblings he was now a man who knew just what it was that he had done and he regretted it so much but he knew now that it was too late to change a thing, how sad it is to look upon the face of defeat many a sad-line telling a sad tale, what will become of the man of sorrow never to see the light of tomorrow, seldom have I seen such a change in a man.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I place my faith in God and all of my worldly possessions I place at his door, I do not condemn those that are evil but ask forgiveness instead, I smile in the face of adversity I laugh at evil intent I pray for those that are good and also for those that are bad, and I ask nothing for myself other than to help those less able than me, my religion I have none my aims are small my likes and dislikes are few, but above everything else my one hope remains to be able to say that I tried when someone asks for my hand in time of need, and yet these are only words mere words without strength, the test will come when one day someone says help me.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I have received instruction in faith I have accepted the word and the light I have chosen to obey all things to this day without fear or malice or spite, I am simple and clean and I do what I can to help those that are worse off than me, and so to end this sad tale of rhyme and song let me part with the words of shakespeare anon, my dear let me be what I want to be a simple soul harmless to all.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Two wars are long past a third in sight as east and west both flaunt their might, with awesome weapons in grand array total destruction on open display, as counter charge and counter lie tension mounts the price is high one hasty word and all could die, filled with a dread I have seldom known fear my companion I sit alone afraid this day I might be called upon to fire three, through mankind's greed and mankind's hate I am now ordered to exterminate all mankind, the dye is cast and I am caught not much time left for thought trained to act instantly repeat command fire three, those cold grey walls shall be my shroud as I release the deadly mushroom cloud, button three is coloured red and finally all are dead, spare us this day, I feel an urgent need to pray to ask the lord forgive us this day, button Three now glowing red, needlessly all are dead. button three is coloured red and finally all are dead, spare us this day. A strident note the warning bell confusion hurry run like hell fire fire someone shouts then suddenly find there is no way out the doors are locked where are the keys ? a woman is praying on her knees, I try to resist the panic I feel have I the time to stop and kneel, ? as I stumble through smoke and erupting flame I wonder if someone will find whom is to blame, I sorrow for those whom soon must follow I am sorriest most there is no tomorrow.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------The cup slipped gently from the old mans hand he could not hear the nearby band, a beggar blind who had no sin there was no reason to do him in, he had no fear of any harm he was withered old and full of charm, he never spoke just proffered the cup hoping for something he would share with the pup, who was whining now and licking the face, of the only friend he could not replace.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------No one knows for certain what follows one's last breath, no one knows for certain if there is living after death, no one knows the reason someone called a fish a trout, no one knows for certain if an echo can make a shout, no one can be sure of the face behind a mask, no one knows the answer to a question that you don't ask, but one thing is for certain and the truth it can not lie, you can not live forever and one day you will die.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I could gather the silver thats lining every cloud, I could be the lightening flash and the thunder following loud, I could know the innocence of a babe just newly born or walk along a rainbow and see a new worlds dawn, I could ride upon the wind to the farthest galaxy, quite simply I unlocked my mind and threw away the key, through my imagination I now find has made me very sad, they say that I have lost my mind and have locked me up as mad.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Sharp is the edge of the knife I see, a surgeon in white bends over me, blood spattered gown brush my face- I sink in a flimsy clouds embrace, with fluttering heart and feeble will - I now depend on the surgeons skill, soft the hands I no longer see softer still the memory, awareness comes and with it pain moving beds an endless chain, concerted effort to save a life another goes to face the knife, its calmer now and need I say --they have not lost a life today.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------A second chance, I was only a smalltime gambler whom did not know a lot, but I went to a casino and I won the biggest pot, it seemed like easy pickings I thought I knew the score, I lost all count of place and time as I laid out more and more, drunk with thoughts of grandeur a little tree grown tall too late I recall the proverb pride goes before a fall, the joy and ease of winning was not without its thrill but my cup of sorrow was brimming when I had to face the bill, I no longer have a wife and home I am a saddened and lonely man I was only a small time gambler but played as a big man can, the pill that I must swallow a lesson expensively learned my position all due to my gambling my fingers sorely burned, I dread the thought of the morrow and the path that I must walk a highway of grief and sorrow a road without a fork, I look back on my life with a sadness and regret my broken romance, can I know the joy of gladness to be found in a second chance ?.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------It does not need a brain on a higher plain to see wars as futile and a pain, so lets refrain from the strain of a million droplets of rain.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Merry Christmas and God bless everyone, and I pray that you will find the lord as I have. Just looked outside and its total darkness the street lights are off, welcome to austerity in the uk 2011. My prediction for the uk budget, = fags up booze up petrol up taxes up all hope for a better life down down down. No need for austerity plenty of money around but privatisation is the top agenda. 12 billion pounds for the olympics money for wars everywhere and public service down the toilet. A uk liberal mayor lets hope so as I stand to win big bucks if it happens. Yankee horse racing is great its better than the uk which is fixed rotten. Horse racing in the uk is screwed rotten take my advice bet on night time yankee horses they pay out on 1-2- and 3 - even with 7 runners. The usa the uk and Israel will regret their foolish rhetoric their words of war will rebound on them and haunt them forever. Any country that attacks Iran will be destroyed so stop this madness now. Israel the usa uk France and other hopeless hangers on are insane to seek a fight with Iran. Fucking bastards Nato bullshit stop interfering in other countries Nato wankers. The wests action in libya sets a dangerous precedent for world order, it is wrong illegal unjust and dangerous for world peace. The usa uk and France are wrong to seek a change of leadership in libya, 1973 does not give them the authority for such action stop now. www.ssehcetam world poetry and publications .co.uk- el presidente gbagbo is king el presidente gbagbo is the winner viva el gbagbo viva el gbagbo viva el gbagbo viva el gbagbo viva el gbagbo. scum usa uk Israel pay back time is coming in defence of the oppressed in the arab world insane policies will have severe consequencies. The Third world war is upon us say your prayers the end is near. Eruv poles all over the fucking place, concessions to the Jewish community but no one else, screw the jews, screw Israel, screw the west. I need love I need warm hugs I need honesty tranquility sincerity but no chance on earth 2011. David ca morons big society is doomed to fail uk conservatives are insane insane insane. Who agrees with me that the British Royal Family are a waste of time and money, ? Royal wedding complete rubbish, who cares I dont. Press tv for real news Press tv Press tv Press tv Press tv . Down with usa down with uk down with Israel down with the mafia, viva freedom viva democracy viva Egypt. The Egyption army are puppets of Hosni, the people must protest the usa the uk and Israel just want time to put their stooges in place. Grutos Sena Beeswi Agdu Twhyy. Why are track and field events run anti clockwise. ? Does Sir Alex Fergurson the man u manager wear a bullet and stab proof vest under that black coat, is he scared of being bumped off.? I like Islam I like Muslims they are good people friendly and wise, God bless them all. Is Egypt heading towards Sharia law ? will Sharia law become the religion of the world ? will Israel adopt Sharia law. ? Israel is finished, the Arab nations are going to gobble you all up bye bye Israel your friend Hosni has left you. Israel must be nervous worried and scared at Egypts revolution, the people want change adios Hosni. Twitter twit witwrit wet trite wire write tire rit tit we . England are rubbish at football. abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz and 0123456789 represents the total of all human knowledge. A womans place is in the kitchen they should be seen and not heard. Humanity is dumb stupid idiotic crazy mad barmy insane nuts and I only am a genius just my little joke. uk government want to move may day to october if they choose the 31st does that mean they really are wicked and evil .? Are the usa and uk and Israel planning an attack on Iran,? they would be making a big mistake to do so. Thanks for the warning Rev but I prefer honesty come what may. Shove it re death is pref to silence and fear scum politicians and scum uk political policies no fear no pain. Insane policies from uk government they should be held to account for war crimes against uk public services. uk British government imposing drastic and severe cuts to public services people will protest and potentially take violent action. uk government cutting hospitals schools day centres care homes libraries will cause chaos riots violence insane policies. London to Birmingham new rail link proposed costing £17 billion pounds what we have is adequate its a disgraceful waste of money. when politicians dont listen to their people chaos begins as in Egypt, its a tragic lesson for all other countries. 1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8+9=45 . Iranian tv news Press tv for real news not western sterilised sanitised nonsense. Iranian tv news called Press tv very nice take a look www.presstv.ir Suddenly the world loves Hosni viva Hosni viva. mr Hosni Mubarak is a dead duck, dont wait till september Hosni your people will string you up in the next few days if you hang around. The usa and Germany send planes to get their people out of Egypt, the uk waits till the next day and charges them £300 pounds for the flight. and has a cup of tea before they do anything. The London olympics is such a shameful waste of money £12 billion pounds how many hospitals schools etc its a disgrace. sky tv should be ashamed for sacking Andy Gray, sue those idiots at sky Andy for millions, free speech and democracy is now dead. Well done Andy Gray and Richard Keys speak your mind and screw the politically correct brigade, what happened to free speech. ? Women have no place on the football ground, the mans game is far too rough and tough, they should stay in the kitchen where they belong. Will some kind soul please take legal action to prevent the uk government selling uk forests to the highest bidder, ? as uk forests belong to all of us and are there to be enjoyed by all and not a priviledged few. www.ssehcetamworldpoetryandpublications.co.uk for great poetry. Spurs football club bosses are totally bonkers in wanting to re build the Stratford stadium even the fans refuse to go there. As uk politicians wish to devolve everything perhaps THEY will leave as they are a waste of time and money. Re Arizona shooting, when will the usa learn the lesson, ? the only surprise is their surprise, too many guns, too much tv violence, wake up. Watch RT.com for the truth in news. The cosy club of western mafia heads of state agreeing the death of democracy is shameful, Russia 1st. When people are pushed too far by a corrupt uk government and bent politicians they will fight back, so watch your backs scumbags. David Cameron British pm, my opinion as follows, people will protest against your idiotic policies, get lost get out and stay out, idiot. President gbagbo is king the best, viva el presidente gbagbo, screw the opposition. Leave president gbagbo alone, he won the Ivory Coast election fair and square, the usa and Europe should not interfere in other countries. Re- uk student protests, when the police use heavy handed tactics and kettling and politicians lie and cheat expect massive trouble again. No wonder we lost the football bid, sending the Two Daves and Bill smiling is not enough, wembley is a dump and London is full of rubbish. Russia for ever and China too we love the east screw the west and you too. Communism makes sense viva revolution. Get rid of the monarchy, kick out the usa uk europe bias viva revolution. Corruption pervades in uk society down with the establishment viva revolution. well done those uk students for protesting today the British establihment is corrupt the mps are corrupt David Cameron resign. Now an aircraft carrier is on its way to South Korea for war games, the usa must be totally insane 3rd world war coming up soon, crazy usa. China and Russia should tell the crazy yankees hands off North Korea, the uk and usa are seriously stupid. The South Koreans are crazy for holding military exercises so close to the border in disputed waters the usa and uk should not support them. That Bishop is right, get rid of the Royal Family I say, waste of time and money and what happened to free speech. Have a look at my great poetry web site = www.ssehcetamworldpoetryandpublications.co.uk - Dear David you do not own the bleep trees and the bleep forests as they belong to the nation they are not yours to bleep sell. This wicked conservative government are planning to sell off half of the uk forests to balance the books THEY BELONG TO THE NATION DAVID. The Malvinas islands belong to Argentina not the uk, give them back David and dont ask Chile for support, and stop military exercises there. This wicked government are thinking of doing away with the SIA license for the private security industry, are they nuts crazy bonkers. I hope you like my poetry. love you lol x -
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Have you ever wondered just like me why it is that the uk weather service people talk in such strange technical terms.? I am not interested in ice o bars or high pressure or low pressure nor deep fronts and the like, how about keeping it simple, just rain or shine hot or cold we simple folk need not to trot to the highest mountain top with the misty lingo crap, just keep it simple chaps and ladies too, as after a hard days work a little chat will do.
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Am I alone in thinking that perhaps just perhaps the late and many would say great Sir Jimmy Saville is being a little hard done by, and maybe spoken of a little too harshly, after all he was a DJ of the swinging sixties generation, you remember the swinging sixties and seventies dont you, ? when free love ruled the day, and flower power was everywhere, anyway the thing is that he may well have let his hands wander a little bit, but hey, I guess we all have. So he had a taste for the ladies, well that was once thought of as being normal, and having a healthy heterosexual appetite, and when being on those music shows as a DJ those ladies did not complain at the time and did not shout from the rooftops soon after, which suggests perhaps that they were not so offended after all. I must point out that I in no way condone or like the idea that he somehow did things to under age people, if that is proven then he was quite wrong and should have been found out and punished by the full force of the law, my comments are directed at those of adult age, he spent his life trying to do good, and many were helped by his charity work, its easy to kick someone when they are down, even easier when they are six feet under, I give credit where its due, and he did a whole lot of good for society generally, I think that he was a good man, a kind man, and a genuine man, whom only wanted to help others far less fortunate, and he clearly did a good job in that direction, so he liked to have some fun on the side, and had a taste for the good life, I see nothing wrong with that, with consenting adults of course. So I raise my glass to you Jimbo, in the context of your charity work and obvious kindness, and if you really did do things to those of tender years, then the price has been paid with your demise, and the Lord will be the master whom decides your ultimate destination.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Whenever I look at myself in the mirror I see beauty clarity and charm, I see raindrops in clear colour, I see vision and thought mixed with progress and dreams, I see love and a smile worth more than a million miles of stepping stones and old bones rolling along this hillside grass, can the day and the night the passing of these sliding doors open to a new dawn where once was born a brave new world without hatred and porn, it is a true saying that you love and you lose and then you love again only to cry when she leaves and you die, you struggle for air but the stare has gone, your heart has vanished with another into the night where she took flight gone from the arms of the once mighty fight, now its back to that mirror where she lives once more, so sweet and pure and only just next door, but its another dimension a dream thats all, though my beauty remains even with heavy heart after the fall.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- The year is 2013, the time is now, there are wars in all countries, fighting killing chaos and death, starvation hunger depression and sadness everywhere, its a fight to the death just to survive, no money no food no justice no hope, only decay and destruction that makes those in need choose the rope, when those in control steal lie and cheat, then all hope is gone, with the end result defeat, the Lord is watching and must feel despair for those that he died for show little of care, I pray that his kindness will reach in our hearts, before its too late for the ending to start. He died on the cross to give love and hope, a beautiful world with plenty for all, nothing was taken no bribe or lust, just truth and love that would never turn to dust, so be content in your heart that his love will shine, and all will be saved with his power devine.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------The legend of poo, faeces come and faeces go then there is nothing in between, then urine flow and urine stop and the rivers run deep with calm, if faeces can then faeces will and nothing can stop the pace, when all is done and rest is near, observe the tranquil face.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- I am the most wonderful person on the planet, I am so very nice everyone likes me, I have no faults no fear no pain no harm, I am pure lovely, the most charming peace loving humorous pleasant person that can be imagined, everyone admires me, they adore me, they praise me, they are in shock at my humble attitude, such a truly unique phenomenon of humanity, its amazing, I love myself so very much indeed.
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- There was a man whom woke one day to find he had a bonus at play, the strangest thing had happened that night, its a mystery indeed that one can not deny when if truth be told it looks just like my eye, its the smallest thing so round and pure, a cheeky little object that no one else has, a gift sent from up above, an added addition to mend and cure, this object is right in line with the other just up above but in a straight line, a direct descendant of the one before, a brother a daughter a family and more, its time to ease your pain and quest just what could it be you think I jest, fear not your wait is near be told but you wont believe the icy cold for this is the story of -TWO BELLY BUTTONS - it just appeared that little hole a red and round protruding mole, a joy a pleasure sent as a gift a tiny little present to give me a lift, I must be the only person around certainly the only one in this small town, my TWO BELLY BUTTONS are a joy to see but I wonder if aliens have more maybe Three, ? at last my BELLY BUTTON is not alone it has a friend a chum a buddy to phone, now they play and look so sweet they talk and sing and dance all night, TWO BELLY BUTTONS are better than one in a fight, how strange to get another but good for one alone to get a brother, my TWO BELLY BUTTONS are now content and pleased, and I sleep soundly at night with gentle ease, my TWO BELLY BUTTONS are now happily at play, may they live long and prosper and stay that way.
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- Will you be my valentine, will you love me true, will you enrich the world with your everlasting smile that dissipates the blue,?
- every woman needs a man for when times get hard, so on this day of fairy tales lets play the valentine card,a valentine is for life its bright and breezy with cheer,will you be my valentine in old age when I call you dear. ?
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- Yesterday I watched the late night football, so what I hear you say, its no big deal, well actually yes it was a very big deal indeed, you see it was not the British uk joke of an argy bargy football match where the objective is to break the other guys leg or kick him in the nuts or how about some brain damage like an elbow to the head, no, this was the real argy - not bargy - deal, ie the Argentinian Primera League, indeed it was a real pleasure to watch and enjoy a game of pure skill and not the kill or be killed attitude of the British game. The teams were San Lorenzo and Boca Juniors, your not alone, I had not heard of them either, all of them so super fit it was fast and pacy and yet gentle and kind to one and all, some of them had to change their shoes or boots and no laces either I wonder if they all do that, ? it makes for speed and skill on the ball only and not a karate kick to some tender parts of the body. At the end of a splendid game they all came off in a group together as one strong team, and they all played their socks off running here there and everywhere to win that game, there is no doubt they have respect for the game for the rules and each other, a proud people honest and true, and the crowd were great as well, lots of singing and clapping and no punch ups or pitch invasion, if you choose not to watch, then I pity you.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Rip off fucking Britain, the uk British insurance industry is one big fucking bullshit mega fucking asshole shit shagging waste of time and filled full of wankers, I have just had the misfortune to need help and these bunch of time wasters are trying every fucking bull shit wanky way to wiggle out of fixing the problem, you and I take out a policy in all good faith and pay our money so that when tragedy strikes we are not left high and dry, and these wankers look for every fucking letter and word of the detail to get out of paying a fucking penny in compensation, fucking assholes, wankers, bull shitters, cock sucking fucking idiots, thats what I say, God damn fucking country, the system is screwed rotten.Specifically, the company in question is none other than--- well I had better not use their real name as they might sue me, so lets just call them - Doom and Gloom - and if you take the first letter of each word then you might be able to know whom I mean, they are total bollocks crap wankers, a total shit waste of time and space, dont ever have anything to do with them.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------England are fucking crap shit rubbish at football, if they can not beat Chile they should give up altogether, or is the whole thing fixed, ? most probably, as the odds on Chile winning were quite good, yes thats it of course, the whole fucking game is bent rotten, fucking country, Rule Brittania thats what I say, after the first goal the England manager looked fucking shell shocked with that oh so familiar gormless fucking look that really says it all, what a fucking disgrace the England team were, they should all be kicked out of the game forever for not trying to win, which was fucking obvious, what a bunch of tossers they all are.Furthermore, no doubt England whom are playing Germany on Tuesday will run rings around the luftwaffa, and we will probably win 3/0----but that will in no way excuse those hopeless wankers whom could not give a toss about winning against Chile, honesty and pride have sadly gone from the uk game in 2013, where the name of the game is do or die, but only if there are big bucks in it for us to try.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------This is the story of Satan anew, this is the story of God in the blue, this is the story of those up above, this is the story of those that we love, never forgotten and always dear, those that we lost are always near, so true and yet lies we deceive with our eyes, we seek death and torture beyond the sky, a brother a sister a mother no less, a father is beaten but tries above rest, a grateful people in hunger and ill, a forgotten pride we once had in the mill, I had a dream we were one and the best, no longer the dream has been put to rest, a flight, a bird, a peasant, a poet, lest we know nothing and dont you know it, forget what you said and remember the past for all of your effort is gone at last, she was pure and sweet you and I know it all, and she broke your bones with one last fall, the Earth and the Moon and the planets that we see, can not hide the lonely tree, there is death, and Heaven and Hell its true, and only the weak believe, but not you.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------This is a tip for the world community, so sit up and pay attention, as its good advice, ok here goes, ------------ when making your dinner, you put potatoes green beans cabbage onions curly kale garlic peas and the rest of the good stuff in a pot , --- right ?, well then you boil the God damn thing, - right, ? well then, when its all cooked, nice and tasty like, dont chuck the lot ie the juice from the pot down the sink, I mean the boiling water that came out of the pot, I mean when you transfer all those lovely vegetables from the pot on to the plates, thats all the good stuff so dont waste it and dispose of all the juices, drink it with your dinner, it is out of this world and the next, so maybe the whole world does this anyway, well maybe they do and maybe they dont, but now that I have realised I will never chuck it down the sink again, I have seen the light and tasted pure Heaven. well you get the idea, just put it in a cup and drink it, its super fantastic vunderbar and fucking brill, and will keep you fit and healthy forever, well I like it anyway.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Well here goes with another not right not proper and not approved by the western mafia ie the scum politicians, that rule the west ie the so called best places to be in the world. so its like this, whom the fucking hell are the wankers ie the scum politicians ie the idiots whom are going all over the world ie Ukraine, Syria, Iran, Cuba, Venezula, China, Russia,----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------AND THE REST OF THE BEST IE THE LEFT LEANING GOOD GUYS OF THE WORLD, whom are being blasted by that idiot J/Mc, no doubt the world community will know whom I mean, so I say, shut the fuck up old age wanker that you are, and go home to your fucking wanky old wheel chair, before somebody decides to do something about your idiotic comments, fucking tosser.------------------------------------------------------------------------ And here I go again with more words of wisdom that the people whom run the country will for sure not like, so listen up and take note for these are Gods words - except for the bad language of course which is strictly mine, and the truth can not be hidden, nor indeed should it.-----ok then this is my opinion-----------------------------------------------You and I know only too well, there are many sad and lonely people here today living and dying on the streets of London England, yes in the year of our Lord 2013. What an absolute disgrace that this should happen, there should not be any reason why people are made and feel compelled to sleep rough on the streets, the powers that be should go around and help these people, ie they should even say that the law says that they can not do this, if I were in charge I would not allow this to happen, I would make sure that those in need received the proper help that they need, I would get vans to go and pick them up off of the streets and take them to a place of safety, I would feed them, and house them, and look after them, and get them back on their feet, until they were a credit to society and able to look after themselves again, yes this is what I would do, and this is what any caring and compassionate state would do, sadly we do not have such a system in London 2013, I also disagree with the idea of charity, why I here you shout, well its like this, I say that the uk bosses ie the guys that run the shop should fund properly all of the systems that we need ie Health/Schools/Nursing Homes/Social Housing/welfare/Defence/etc/ well you get the idea by now I guess, we pay I mean you and I through our combined taxes enough fucking dosh to feed the fucking world a billion times over, but sadly the scum that run the shop would sadly and from their point of view gladly line their own pockets, so I will never give to charity and I advise others not to do so either, as the Government have enough money to make the idea of giving to charity obsolete which makes the point of giving pointless, if everyone did not give it would force the bosses to do the right thing, so I say God forgive those that know better and choose not to do as they know they should, the Lord is watching and listening and at the day of judgement the price will be paid, and yes I too am a sinner, a bad dude, a scum bastard, a hopeless wanker, but at least I have the balls to admit it.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I wonder, can you like me see the stupidity of the following, ie we go into a shop, and we ask for pain killers, paracetamol or the like, for such times as a headache, or toothache, or whatever, and we can only buy Two packs, is this because they think we may harm ourselves with more, ? how bonkers is that, as we can go to all of the shops anywhere and buy millions, the powers that be whom dream up these rules are seriously in need of help I suggest.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Have you noticed just like me that the clocks I mean the time seems to be slowing down. ? If you look at a clock well then look at the second hand and the seconds seem to me to be slowing down quite considerably, yes really, take a look at all of the clocks everywhere, big clocks small clocks, anywhere and everywhere, they are all going slower, for sure, no doubt about it. Am I bonkers crazy and mad do I jest or is this just sad, could it be true, or am I just kidding you,? is the world spinning slower, and will it affect the garden tools and the mower?, can I be serious, am I potty or nuts?, for I have a strange feeling deep down in my guts, could it be the martians the aliens from afar, attacking our lovely planet whom view us like ants in a jar, ? if so we must stand and fight back and protect our rock, but seriously folks take a look at your clock.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Here is another point that I wish to make, another gripe, another complaint, but for those millions of my beloved followers whom no doubt thrive on my every word of oh so wise wisdom, it is a joyous moment to savour and digest, it is like this----. We, I mean you and I, watch the tv news, oh yes indeed we do, and we see the news reader reading the news, oh yes indeed we certainly do, and sometimes that particular news reader, and this only applies to the male species I must stress, well he will put his hand in his trowser pocket, yes there he stands reading the news with one hand in his pocket and the other hand is holding the script, paper, notes, how lax I say, how clumsy, how rude, do they think its cool, or hip, or smart, or, trendy,or fashionable, ? well I say no it aint, I mean no it is not, I mean they are on mega money and should take more pride in their job, I mean after all they are reading the news in front of millions, theyare probably told to do so by their masters the tv bosses, I have seen the same on other tv news broadcasts as well, its in very poor taste I would suggest, and shows just how far down the toilet standards have dropped.And it also shows a distinct lack of respect for themselves and more importantly their viewers. Basically they are saying - UP YOURS - we do not care what you think.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------What follows is my interpretation of life, the meaning of life, the moment of truth has arrived for all of Gods blessings are now to unfold before your eyes, this is the story of how it all began.--- It was in the beginning that I saw a light, shining brightly in the night, it was dark and misty until that point a ray of sun a star out of joint, perhaps a word a whisper was heard, that very day though sight was blurred, I do not remember the exact event after long lost flight the strength was spent, but I do recall an arm a hand reaching far out and into the sand, the stars were born that very day and we are the products of that blessed way, the giver was giving and gave a lot no doubt you know the story the plot, our father in Heaven was Heaven sent to rescue all with good intent, that evil exists is true no less but truth and kindness will lay to rest, so dream the dream and sorrow is gone for were you not brave to see the obvious meaning of life is long, I have hope in my heart and pray that the Lord will see that humans are human and vunerable be, his power is mighty pure and strong but in death and sadness we will here the song, of love and kindness that is his alone given to all to share and roam, love is forever and life the same so live life without fear and ease the pain.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I have tried to give you my dear reader an insight into the other side I mean the other way, as you can see my poems are wonderful, yes quite good really, however, there may be others whom see my poems as pure rubbish, and a total waste of time, well trust me it does have a meaning and a purpose, all of my words therefore are designed to give you my dear friend another way of looking at life, yes this life, this life given to us to break the mould of old thinking, you have no doubt been quite happy and contented with many of my sayings, and of course you have been less than happy with my bad language, but there was a purpose, a point, a meaning, it is not so much that you care nor dare or even wish to stare, but the other way has been shown to you and you are a better person for having seen my writings, so trust me dear reader when I tell you that your life will be so very much more interesting having seen my oh so wise words.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Ok then everybody, now that you have had a good rest from my brave and tragic thoughts, well just when you thought that it was safe to go out and play, well guess what, yes its me and I am back, yes back to pester you and caress you and ponder you and wander you around the brain and yet without pain though you wish I would refrain but the meaning will become plain that poetry can not be slain, then I rest my case so lets begin this most pleasant journey on the wise wisdom train.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Dear Friends, why you ask have you not heard my wise words again for some little time now I hear you say, is something wrong you ponder, ? well have faith and be patient for I say to thee nay nay and yes nay again, for all is well with the wise one, and I shall return soon to soothe your worried mind with gentle thoughts and dreams of pleasure, and where all trouble is brought to nought.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Ok here we go-------------------------------- Look up to the sky and fly, look into the sea and see, look into my eyes and be, whatever you want to be, your mind is a bit of alright, in fact its quite out of sight, so open it and let your dreams go, dont be shy just be brave and let go, the meaning is pure and so sure, its waiting just beyond that door, I have found the meaning of life, a world devoid of all strife, a deepness and feeling of joy, as one is when only a boy, let your inner being be calm, and let the Good Lord hold your arm, for I have sinned, repented, and prayed, and the Lord God has chosen to save, you too can be given the word, and your wicked deeds will be heard, but you must confess to your sin, for there really is no mystery to be saved and win.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Hello again dear friends and poetry lovers all over the world, I must confess without the stress that my site is in need of some slight colour alteration, therefore brave souls be at ease while I try to improve mywords to please, I will be back with brave new heart, to fight the good fight so let the battle start. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I am the master and you are my slave, yes you must agree, and yes I do indeed see that you are my slave and will obey my command, but wait you disagree?, for whom doth the cast were it not from afar, you know whom I am so be still while I come from the star, yes that star from up above, that small little light that shines with love, you may be small and wonder with lust but I am here to put wrong to just, we can win all with hope in your heart, let not the fear of pain prevent the start, you are what you are and have faith in the Lord, so let it all shine with the power so sweet, and there is no need to bow at my feet, for you are me and I am you, we are the same God knows its true, you are so pure so honest and true, but above all else just remember that the good Lord and I love you. You may wonder indeed why I called you my slave, fear not my friend I jest just be brave, it is meant to inspire to prove the lie that alone we must live before we die, for the Lord is with us both so fear not, rest your soul for we are forever tied together in his trusty strong knot.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Be not bad nor sad nor those things that worry thy soul, just be you so proud and true, dont try to be that which you are not, just be yourself and gain a lot, tis true so true that fortune will abide, with thee in mind so take the world in your stride, I count my blessings and yours as well, our demons reside in that place called Hell, but that place only resides in dreams, and it can not harm you though it does try with schemes, your power is within you so have faith that it will, save and protect you when you must climb the highest hill, for the Lord is with you always and will never leave, and all you need is the will to believe.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Dear friends and those of brave heart be still for the ending may be upon us all, it has come to my attention that a plot has begun to spin, for your brave wise one may fade quite soon, for the night is upon me like those guns at high noon, I followed the path without question or lie, but there are those whom would try to destroy and die, the message was given in truth and hope, for not withstanding the noose of the rope, there are those among us that are wicked indeed those demons are plotting and try to feed, I will be back in death or life as no demon can kill a mother or wife, so pray for me friends that I win this fight, the battle must begin this very night, I trust that the Lord will win the day as you only need love and the will to say, that darkness shall never win the game, those demons and evil will be slaine, let battle commence I must depart and through my words I trust that you will be strong of heart, do not surrender be brave and strong, for with the Lord in your heart you will hear the song, the time has come and I must face the test, God bless you all, you are the best, the darkest journey is upon me now, and just my faith is all I have, I pray I shall return quite soon, for the fight must begin up there on the moon, so look up and wonder and watch the war, for never has a battle been so raw, if I fail the lights will go out, but just remember not to shout, just keep the peace deep inside and remember to pray with eyes open wide, I must go now but I hope to return for the fires of Hell are waiting to burn, I go with no weapon to fight the good fight, just love in my heart for what is right, I have God by my side so I have no fear, and there is no need to shed a tear, I will return of that I pray, with more wise words of love to play.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Dear friends I am back and the battle has been won, I am hurting and broken but the heart still beats even with the stun, it was a great battle fast and long with many demons charging on the run, I fought them hard with strength and hope, I was determined not to let them use the rope, with the Lord by my side we braved the fight, I thank God that we have returned this night, I need to rest now for sleep is due, and soon dear friends my words of wisdom will be back with you.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- My foolish poems have been found out, I am no longer the Lord of clout, I tried to give of my best but it seems sadly that I have failed the test, there were many whom asked what are you and why, though I did give my best efforts and I was willing to try, but those of the many were seeking me out, and they found me and destroyed me of that there is little doubt, well now all I have are my poems of old, so all I can say to my beloved followers is be bold, for the time has come to rest my case, for the bottom line has been reached and its the base, from which you may gather that my time is done, but I wonder if another poem is due before I run, so I say goodbye to the world and may peace be with thee, for it has all come to nothing oh can you not see, indeed I may be back if you can say a prayer, may I linger in hope for your wished for stare, so let me know if you want me to write some more, I wait at the exit just near the door, oh please have me back as I wish to write again, be brave young folk for you are almost men, for ladies and girls and the old as well, for the choice is simple, its either Heaven or Hell.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------HERE IS A SONG AND IT GOES LIKE THIS--------LOVE-GLOVE-DOVE-MORE-SORE-CORE-BACK-JACK-SLACK-HAPPY-NAPPY-SLAPPY-WING-SING-AND ---DING-A-LING--I DO HOPE YOU LIKE MY POETRY, BUT IF NOT-- THEN GUESS WHAT --- ? WELL ---- YES YOU GUESSED IT----- SO WHAT ?.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Dear friends, I must stress that those words above were spoken by the demons in the heat of battle, up there on the moon last night, those devilish dastardly doom merchants had the ability to read my mind and were able to see that I have a desire for the poetical way, and they did not hesitate in shouting those words back at me, but I stood my ground and the cries and the cheers of the sound were around and abound throughout that long and arduous struggle, I swayed left and I swayed right trying all through that difficult night to fight to the end to pray that I win to return to my friends and my next of kin, they had weapons so strange never seen before long and tall with eyes so scary that went to my core, I trembled with fear and was shaking with dread, but I had the Lord by my side and the good book in my head, the night was filled with horror so pure but could I continue with effort to cure, the battle was worth it the war was won, the demons were vanquished thank goodness its done, I return with love and hope in my heart, that evil is defeated and never to start.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Hello everyone, I am back home again after what seems like an eternity flying around the galaxy, and I would like to update you on what appears to be a most unusual event up there on the Martian surface, yes indeed, among the hill tops on the 4th of April the Martian Rover caught a glimps of a bright light in the distance, now please remember that this is a distance from Earth of 99 million miles, but thats not so far in the big scheme of things really, anyway on the Martian surface the camera on the Rover was about a mile away or Two at the most, now what could this strange light be I hear you ask, ? -- well as it happens I can put your mind at rest, because while on my long journey home I was passing that very spot and saw the exact same thing, so naturally I stopped to investigate, well now it turns out that the bright light is indeed a man, just like you and me, yes thats right folks we are not alone and never were alone, in fact the whole universe is crammed chocca block full of all manner of strange and wonderful life forms, just too numerous to mention, anyway, that bright light is a Martian in his space suit of course just coming up for air and to go walkabout, you can see the outline of him perfectly in the photo, arms by his side, quite tall with a head and legs just like us, you see its like this, the Martian surface is rather barren no trees sadly, or rivers and lakes and birds flying around like our lovely planet, no its a bit of a dull old place really, but all the same it does have a few things going for it, get this, they all live underground, yes really, deep underground with all mod cons thrown in, that chap had just come topside from deep deep deep down and he was standing in a bright beam of light shining from way down below, thats the reason for the bright beam of light shown on the camera of the Martian Rover, yes they all live great lives deep down way down inside the Martian belly, and they also have great telly, dont tell me that you thought that we were alone in the vastness of space, ? come on people get real you mean that out of all the stars and galaxies and everything there is just little old us, ? well all I can say is look at the night sky and open your eyes wide, and your mind too, so there you have it folks, open your eyes and your mind to learn more and open your heart to walk through that door to a better life devoid of all strife.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Hello again everyone, yes its me back to bother you with more of my thoughts, which may indeed come to nought, but at least you will agree with me that though my words may seem so sad and you may agree that they may be bad, well at least I do make an effort and of that you must be glad. So here goes with more wonderous letters, you see its like this, if I be you and you be I then why oh why do we struggle and try, if not for reason long and proud then all is lost so shout it loud, why then be you and others to mourn for whom doth smile the story is worn, can you not see the ever green, the tall and long and most serene, I pray the lord will here your cry and at least with my poetry you know that I do try, so rest in peace and never fear not for what you have is worth a lot, I will continue to write some more, in the hope that you will love and adore.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Hello everyone again, its me, yes me, the one and only, and I am back, yes back to give you my dear friends many a word of wisdom.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------FUCKING wanky bastards, the usa uk, and the rest of the western wanky wankers keep on pushing the RUSSIANS you wankers will regret your foolish moves, da, yes, and da, again I say, NATO, potatoe, wankers, bull shitters, yes, da, and da, again, I say, oh foolish ones, stop, oh , stop, now, before, it is too oh so too late, I SUPPORT RUSSIA, YES DA, I SUPPORT, RUSSIA, oh foolish west, you are not the best, oh foolish west, you will lose the test, I LOVE RUSSIA.. DA-- DA -- DA ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Well now what be this, ? some people may indeed find my words rather rude, well yes they are but there is a point to say I object is not out of joint, you see its like this my friend and foe, for if we dont speak the truth then there is nowhere to go, so be at ease with my words to please, you see its done with a purpose to tease, its to open your mind and your heart as well, otherwise we will all take the long and lonely journey to Hell, I see nothing wrong in doing whats right, as to do anything else, we might as well say goodnight.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I am the master and you know that its true, I am the master so dont feel blue, I am the master when you are in your bed, I am the master so dream and realise that I am in your head.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Dear Friends, it has come to pass that being the oh so wise and gifted one that of course you know and realise that I am, the word has been passed down to me from on high, so that I may pass on these words of wisdom to none other than the good folk of planet Earth, ie you, yes indeed I do mean you, so listen and try oh please do try and act on these wise words of the Lord, our Lord, yes indeed the Lord of all that is good.We are in the dark of night whereupon there are those whom will scream and fight, death and crying abound around for those with evil in their hearts will seek to win, we of good cheer must fight the good fight also, there is change in the air and ways are being planned to destroy your brave land, so be wise to this threat and never be shy to give of your blood for the desperate try, be strong in your head your heart and soul, give not one inch to the dreaded hole, the pit yes that pit is the road to hell, its near and I realise of course that you tremble with fear, but all is not lost there is a way, to say a prayer and be good today, so stay on the path and the road of peace, as the Lord is waiting forever and its more than just a lease.
Well now good people, here is another moan, another gripe, another complaint, another I here you say, well yes, dear friends, here goes with another of my oh so very famous observations, its the chemist you see, well I mean the chemists shop, that is to say, the pharmacist, I mean that place where they keep millions of tiny pills, that sometimes make us feel better, and most times give us a bad dose of the ills, I wish here and now and yes indeed for ever more no less, well I wish to put down on record for all time and maybe even eternity the utter futility of it all, indeed the utter futility of even trying to make such sense of it all, not that there is much sense of it all to be had for sure, well now the point is this, there was once upon a time a tiny little tablet, yes indeed there was, and this tiny little tablet was a nice shape and colour, and this tiny little tablet did the trick quite nicely, it did the job that it was supposed to do, it was indeed a very nice little tablet that was of the right shape and the right colour and the right strength, well now everyone, the moment of truth has arrived, HERE COMES THE KILLER, some bright spark, some genius, some wizz kid, some numb nuts from another dimension, thought it wise and prudent and a jolly spiffing idea old chap to change the fucking colour of our nice little tablet that is the same in all other respects, its the same shape, the same size, the same taste, the same strength, its the same fucking tablet except that the colour has changed, so some moron whom works in a big company full of fucking morons has decided to screw the poor punters of this world, in other words you and I for every fucking penny that we have, how many fucking millions of bucks were wasted on just changing the colour, need I say more, ? enough said I am sure you will agree.
Here is a little poem that is quite nice -- nice like rice -- yes oh so very nice, so try to keep up, do you remember when as a boy you had a pup and played with a toy, ? do you remember the ice cream man whom was so nice and had a brightly coloured van, ? do you remember the milkmans float whom rattled those bottles without even a coat, on all of those rainy days in the fog and the haze, ? do you remember the lolly pop lady whom was so strict and stood quite still, but would move like lightening if a car was speeding on the hill, ? do you remember the coalmans lorry so full with dusty black sacks from the quarry, ? do you remember those that we loved and laughed and cried with on many a day, ? then remember this one thing the most important of all, that Love will cure all without doubt or delay, so live life to the full and be brave every day, and pray to the Lord for the mercy we seek, give us strength oh Lord for humanity is weak.
Why do people hurt each other and why do people cry, the recent sad events have made the world ask the question why oh why oh why,
it is with sorrow deep within these words are just to say, for Gods sake people of the world, - LIVE IN PEACE AND LET US PRAY.-
Yes folks I am back, after crying a million tear drops just like you and everyone else on planet Earth, well yes I am back to comment on all of the wonderful and yes even strange goings on in this the most central and one and only place to trace and face the truth of the yet unknown to be forever spoken on planet Earth, whereupon some little while ago the truth found its birth, and yet and until you and I will no doubt swim and surf until we find our worth.
I am the master and I am the dude, and all of my comments are basically rude, you know what I am and you know where I am at, so just accept my bad words and be content with a slap on the back, you think you know it all, a wise guy tough and strong, well come at me mother fucker and I will sing you a very sad song, your tall and muscles will see you through, and I am a wimp just a shadow of you, but wimps can win and reach the end, so watch it mother fucker or else you will bend, for poofs and queers and the fucked up will survive, you wanky fuckers dont know how to strive, I am bad, I am mean, an ugly machine, if you come at me dude then death will be seen.
Dear Friends, I do hope that you liked my latest and little verse, though a bit naughty it was in the lingo dept I must admit, though it really was just a poem, just a little rhyme, just a little story thats all, so dont worry too much about it, I am quite harmless really, THOUGH COME AT ME MOTHER FUCKER AND I WILL BUST YOUR BALLS. !!!
dear oh dear, here I go again, I really am such a tease, and so here goes with a lighter and nicer verse.
Roses are Red Violets are Blue my poems will last forever which might make you Blue, however remember the very old saying, that if you try and you fail then the world is not worth slaying, there is something wrong with this poem for sure, its supposed to be nice and kind not poor, so I will try to finish on a lighter note, that if no one buys my poems then I will remain broke, and yes your right folks my poems really are just a bad joke.
Do you remember a pub without walls, do you remember a market without stalls, do you remember a tree without leaves, do you remember a jumper without sleeves, do you remember the shelves without food, do you remember the jokes that were rude, do you remember the dances and songs, do you remember the short and the long, do you remember the bikes without wheels, do you remember the shoes without heals, do you remember the sky and the Earth, do you remember your very birth, do you remember the sick and the old, do you remember the brave and the bold, - Do you remember is all that we have, so remember to remember, when you need the Lav.
Hello everyone, I do hope that you are all well on this fine day, as it happens its my Birthday, and I know that you all wish me the very best, and so, dear friends, to celebrate this most momentous occasion, I will treat you all to a lovely poem, so here we go. --- Tis my Birthday dear friends and enemies alike, most of the time I jest of course, for tis true that I do like to tease, but my aim is only really to please, so therefore let the cake be spread you are indeed invited to partake of the bread, the wine and strong stuff is there for you, do please help yourself for the pancakes are true, there is jelly and ice cream in abundance no doubt, I do hope you like just a little drop of stout, there is sausage and buscuits and plenty of beer, on this day my friends there will not be a tear, just have a guess at my age if you will, there are not many whom have reached the heights of this hill, so indulge and feast and dance till the dawn, and wake on the morrow with a gigantic yawn, I have seen so many things and people its true, but none so special and lovely as you, I must end now as its time to fly, lets hope I reach my next Birthday before I die, and here is the punchline, I do tend to lie.
HEY YOU, get off of my cloud, HEY YOU, get off of my cloud, HEY YOU, get off of my cloud, dont hang around for this boy in town. sounds familiar right, ? well get this, I am the man, and I am the best, yes indeed folks I am the best in the west, indeed, by any test, so be at ease and rest, while I put thee to the test, you see its like this, I was once upon a time a woman, and my name was Labia Majora, now dont laugh, I heard a titter, a slight pause and a mutter, me thinks that you might perceive me as a nutter, well twas a while ago no doubt you do realise and know, that I was the king the master of all, until that great day when I took a fall, up to then I was a man proud and strong, but fate took a - t u r n - and sang a song, I became over night a feline cat, and - t u r n e d - into a typical brat, a moan, a groan, and a monthly leak, need I explain with another tweak, ? anyway I now sit at home doing the knitting, its a nice coat or jumper or maybe a mitten, I have found a hunk big and strong, whom gives me a - f o r t n i g h t l y - bang, and I am now smitten.
I wish I had a piano, I wish I had it all, I wish I had the courage to climb the highest wall, I wish I had the talent to paint to write and dream, I wish I had the brains to plot a plan and scheme, I wish I had the knowledge a better education would have helped, I am poor broken and defeated a drunken bum no doubt for sure, for others look at me with hatred as just a jerk heading for the door, you are so brave and happy, a life with plenty no doubt, I wish I were in your shoes with bravado and plenty of clout, but time will be the judge, and all is not lost I pray, for if the good Lord is listening, I may yet one day have my say.
Dear Friends, I have just received the latest message from God, and yes folks I am his messenger on Earth.
Well, it goes something like this, that the West - ie - Nato and the - w e s t e r n - tough guys think that they can defeat with force those in other countries whom think they wish to live their lives in the way that they want to, well to put it bluntly, that Nato can smash them, and crash them, and trash them, to the history books of time, well now, the word from above is that they can not, I repeat can not, for they are only trying to defend their own, yes indeed, as we would do, so therefore, and with great respect, the Lord says leave well enough alone, for whom doth chance the merry dance is foolish without a doubt, for the boys from afar will kick our butt, and the wound will be so sore, and will hurt us to our core, so leave well alone that which does not - c o n c e r n - us, or we may well - t u r n - to crust, if there is nothing left but dust.
ok everyone, its time to make a personal comment about the recent Scottish elections, so pay attention. If the Scots can only muster a paltry 1.5 million votes out of a total of some 5 million bagpipes, then woe betide the supposed for tribe of those whom think that its better to drink without the sassenacks by their side, I thought the Scots were brave and strong for no longer can I echo that particular song, the pride of being away the kilt, you failed to tilt the passion for unity, there were tears and laughter we saw it all, but the brave Scots were stuffed by the sassenack wall, poor Alex the fish had tears in his eyes, for upon the result he looked so surprised, did he really think he could throw the dice, a treble 6 would be very nice, but sadly Alex you fluffed your lines, the path of independence is filled with mines, never mind my son its a lesson well learned, that when you take on the mob your fingers will be - b u r n e d . -
And here is another personal comment that I wish the world to know.
Another war has been set in place, we are doomed to face the wrath of pace, its easy to see a way to win, but sadly the road to success is grim, the end is near so say a prayer, for its going to be a nightmare scare, with endless pain the struggle will last, for the future is dark and we will miss the peaceful past, those in control are foolish indeed, to imagine that war will change ones creed, they will prosper and fight for ever more, their belief is strong and ours is poor, oh foolish politicians in the west, whom think its just an easy test, these words will haunt us for ever more, I take no pleasure in saying the law, the law of truth shall win the battle, its the battle that will leave just sheep and cattle, for mankind will - b u r n - and - t u r n - to dust, there are no winners when everything is rust, so I say stop this madness now, before its too late, one planet, one life, given to us all to eradicate hate. - And as I said there will be endless pain while the world community and I say - NOT IN MY NAME -
All hell has now been declared, and chaos will now happen on the streets of the western nations, through the stupid actions of the western politicians. - God help us all - they have put you and I and all of our families in harms way, sadly they will only see sense when they themselves or their families are unfortunate enough to find tragedy on their own doorstep.
Remember my friends that - God is Love - and all will be forgiven with his kindness, I depart now to face my darkest battle, so say a prayer each and every night, and keep the word of the Lord in your heart, God bless you all.
Hello again everyone, looks like I defeated the evil one at least for the moment, but he might get me in the end, so say a prayer for me, just in case, well now while I have time, I have another complaint to make, specifically about the idiotic decisions that some people in power make, so here it is, you will be aware that there is a plan to build a new bridge across the river,------------ the river Thames in London, and fill the fucking thing full of nice trees and plants and flowers, all very colourful no doubt, but hang on a second, its going to be quite close to TWO other bridges across the river, and there are fucking public parks all around, and its going to cost well in excess of £160 million fucking quid, and can you imagine the vast numbers of people whom will wish to stand and admire it, the bridge will fucking crumble under the weight, these crazy mother fucking bull shit wankers whom come up with these insane ideas should be locked away forever, and the rest of us must put up with vast amounts of fucking austerity in the mean time.
Yes people I know you think that I am going to fuss and curse again and use very bad lingo, well guess what, no I aint, so take note and dont rock the boat, or I will kick your------------ oops sorry, nearly forgot, --- anyway here goes with a nice poem, sweet and kind, so that it will remain in your mind, and yes I mean for all time.
I wish you well and please stay out of hell, that very bad day of Halloween approaches, which fills me with dread, so may I rest my head, on my bed, in hope that life will outrun the dead, and so it goes that we are sure to know, that my poetry will outlive the demon instead, oh please Lord Jesus save us all, and leave those demons outside the wall.
Dear friends, I have chosen the path of the Lord, and that sadly will mean my end, for I have confronted the evil one face on and up front no less, ie -- I am as dead as F--- so my dear friends say a prayer for me, as its the end of the line and of that there is no doubt, but at least I will go on my final journey knowing that the evil one has had a black eye, well at least you and I will know and he that I do try, so I hope that my efforts have stopped him in his tracks, and it is for me bye bye, but say a prayer every night, and my last wish and effort is that it will all be alright, for evil will be defeated for I have no doubt, that with your good prayers and loving, there will be little clout from the evil one, and I pray that justice will be done, amen.
so say a prayer every night that the evil one is put to right, I rest my case the battle is done, its God or Satan whom will win the test, so let us wait and see whom wins the war, until it is done, and we are laid to rest.
Dear friends, I have again escaped the grip of Satans claw, and therefore wish to take this brief opportunity to say a few words, specifically about, --------------- RT-- UK -- what a great show it is, much to the dismay of the bosses in charge of the country, the Russians are coming, and thats for sure, never mind with the BBC--ITV--CH4--AND CH5-- they just tow the government line, ie-- support Israel--support the USA-- SUPPORT THE EUROPEAN MAFIA UNION-- support any god damn mother fucker with a million bucks in his pocket, but DONT under any circumstances support that which is right and proper and for the good of the nation, ie-- one good example is RT in russia showing how the public in the good old USA are fucking going nuts over the ---FRACKING INDUSTRY-- because it it so very dangerous, and yet the great British public are being told that it is SAFE.----- Please take note that the uk public are being told that its FRACKING, --- Which really means FRACTURING THE EARTH, fracking is FRACTURING----- and its a fucking nightmare scenario, for future generations, but the boys whom will make BIG BUCKS out of it -- DONT GIVE A FUCK.
For all you dudes out there whom are trying to purchase my web site/domain/email/ etc/ FORGET/IT/----- PRONTO---
For all you dudes out there whom are trying to purchase my web site/domain/email/ etc/ FORGET/IT/----- PRONTO---
For all you dudes out there whom are trying to purchase my web site/domain/email/ etc/ FORGET/IT/----- PRONTO---
For all you dudes out there whom are trying to purchase my web site/domain/email/ etc/ FORGET/IT/----- PRONTO---
You know um tough, You know um bad, a mean bad dude whom is tough and sad, I have been around and seen it all, done time inside yes plenty of porridge, and I have fought dragons and tigers in the forrest, um a big bad bitch, so dont jive my ras, or tease me with jokes that never last, my poetry aint bad in fact its good, but this bad dude aint dumb like wood, so play the game and dont take the P for this bad mother dont like the rise taken out of me, so here is a warning for all you jerks, its that this big bad dude knows how to fight back and it hurts.--------- BIG TIME -----
I am the master and you will agree, I am the master and you dare not disobay, maybe wrong spelling there, oops,---- anyway, I am the master and you had better not linger, for I am the master, and if you disobay, you just might lose a finger, or TWO, so how do you do, my name is blue, and I am a mean mother from the sky, and if YOU misbehave, then guess what dude, I will get YOU. I will look at you and look into your eye, and guess what again, as to what rhymes with EYE, ? yes dude you guessed it so if you dont want to --- you know what ---- then OBEY ME.
Dear friends, I have survived my battle with the evil one, it was something of a draw you might say, and we both were bloodied or blooded and badly bruised, he to resume his wicked ways and yours truly to follow the path of truth hope and justice, though sometimes I do despair as there is precious little of that about these days, anyway I am back to thrill you with my wonderful poetry, so I will keep it brief and simply say hello everyone, and God bless you all.
ok everyone, so here is the thing, just my point of view of course and no disrespect meant for anyone else, so here goes,
Well its like this, you see, there are those among us whom think that it is a good idea to go where no man has gone before, well actually he has gone before in this case ie, and specifically, the MOON, YES INDEED THE MOON, I MEAN, MARS, of COURSE, yes indeed Mars, I mean in fact that certain persons, or even people indeed, wish no less to take the long and arduous journey to MARS , well now the point is this, which might seem to some of you to be quite obvious, ie, its going to take about ONE YEAR to get there, and then upon arrival, what the fuck is there to do, except pitch a tent on the barren landscape, and by the way there is no return journey, so here is my suggestion, for what its worth, and its worth a lot in my opinion, well you see its like this, ---, In my opinion, which is great and fantastic and vunderbar, well yes indeed folks the MOON is the place to head for, and why I here you ask, well get this, its close, only about a quarter of a million miles away, and it takes about THREE days to get there, and even more important, you can get back home again, which seems to have escaped the attention of those whom wish to go further, now please remember folks that I--- yes yours truly, can at any moment up sticks and fly around the universe, yes indeed and its quite easy for me to do so, however, I do realise and appreciate that for Earthlings ie you yes I do mean you, well lets be honest your stuck on this chunk of rock which is the 3rd planet from your star, ie your SUN----- anyway, I do understand your wish to go and explore far off places in the galaxy, however, one step at a time, seems to me to be a good idea, for you folks at any rate, therefore, may I suggest again that the moon is a good place to start, to wet your feet in the water, before you attempt to start swimming I mean, so go up there and have a look around knowing that you can come back home without problems, I rest my case, but Earthlings being Earthlings will probably and no doubt ignor my comments and head straight for Uranus or some such place which is probably where most folks whom are in to these things have their heads right now.
Hello everyone, yes I am still here, I would just like to wish you all a very happy Christmas time, yes indeed, and may Gods love be with you always.
Well now good people of the world, I would like to wish you all a very happy new year, and set you a little puzzle to dwell upon, especially while having your cornflakes on a nice and bright sunny morning, and it is this, --- the so called wise ones will have you believe that everything got started with the so called -- BIG BANG -- I mean everything up above us ie the stars planets galaxies etc, --- well its not so and I am here to put the record straight for you, well just imagine the empty scene, its pitch black, no nothing anywhere, not a spec of dust no clouds planets stars nothing --- JUST TOTAL ZIP--- then good people we are told that out of all this nothingness one fine day there was this almighty BIG BANG, which produced you and me and all the fish in the sea and all the bunny rabbits too, yes I think you see what I am getting at, only that you can not get something out of nothing, so that leaves only one logical answer, the only power that created everything ie the Good Lord Himself, it is plainly obvious to those whom have an open mind and a pure heart, therefore be ye not in any doubt, just look all around for the Lord is about.
Dear all, yes its me again, oh dear I here you say, and in reply I say ------- oh lay oh lay -------- if you live in Spain that is, I mean the costa lotta , or even the costa del oo la la, anyway, lets get down to the real nitty gritty, which is as follows, ----- well Ladies and Gentlemen its like this --- I am the boss, and dont you dare forget it, --- I am the boss, and lest you forget, then you just might regret it, --- yes indeed, dee --- I am the boss, and if you want a fight, then I am available, just about any night, so dont you forget that I am a mean naughty child, for I am the boss, even more so when wild, even though I am a wimpy sucker, I like to push and pull, and sometimes I even do the knitting with wool, so just take my words as harmless fun, or else as a naughty child I will come at you with a dumb numb nuts poem and--- get this dude----, THE STORY WILL BE DONE.
its just poetry folks -- so dont choke on the joke, ---------------
I really am just a harmless wimp--- so look deep inside for forgiveness---------------- and just think, before you are inclined to bump me off in the drink.
A new poem is on the way dear friends, and I know that you are desperate to see it.
As the raindrops softly fall, pleasant memories they recall, of evenings spent midst Aprils showers, of walks we took amongst the flowers, the fragrance of those heavenly blooms, as we walked beneath the trees, took me from the land of living, carried on the evening breeze, as the raindrops cease to fall, memories dim and slowly fade, brings me back from dreamers hall, from the paradise we made, soft music, fragrance, your laughing eyes, in life, in love, forever together, and the fortune of the roll of dice, is of course - MY - paradise,
I wandered lonely as a cloud --- how beautiful thy words and indeed how beautiful thy eyes, few can imagine or even perceive the fear the heartache the pain the need, in death in life with sadness sorrow and strife, and the slow blood thirsty cut of the sharpened knife, were it not for you and for them and us the happy times with running thrust, they were brave and strong and funny as well and that lovely church with the very loud bell, stop this and linger I here you say, can you not spare a few moments to pray, well yes my friend I can indeed, so let us kneel and bow and lay, the joy is within and it will always be, and memories live forever and do not fade, -- and as I rest from these words to another page of life, a tear drop falls.
Well now good people, that was sad indeed, yes oh so very sad, that little story that had the whole world crying, yes I know, and only too well sadly, but life moves on and so must we, therefore, cheer up, for I will try and provide you my good friends with a happy little verse, and it goes something like this, ---------------- What if I say that I love you, well, what would you do, ? well yes of course, you would say that you love me too, therefore, be at peace with the world, for with God on our side we will both win through.
Dear friends, It has come to my attention that very many of you have been trying to make contact via email, and I am being very cheeky in not opening these messages, why is this you ask, well I am being rather naughty in that dept so as to get you a liitle angry and a little annoyed, and a little bit upset, but why oh why and why again you ask, ?-----------------hmmmm well its my way of making you strive to succeed, to fight and never give up, to struggle, to climb to the top and never stop, well thats why, so ---- sorry everyone, and you have my permission to call me as many bleep-bleep-bleeps- as you wish.
Hello again everyone, I do feel that it is time to try and change the colours of my web site, so please have patience as I will do my best.
Dear friends, I have decided to speak the truth, and these are the the words from up above, I mean on high, I mean oops well I guess you know from where they originate, that is to say, well, yes you guessed it, I mean the boss in the shop, so here goes, its like this you see,well its like this, you see that I am the the boss the master the main man yes indeed and even the dude, the main man whom may at times be rude yes rude, but chill winston, I say again chill winston, for whom so ever and if truth be told, then be bold and do not feel old, for it is written that yours truly, yes indeed---dee --- I do mean yours truly, well yes folks I am indeed the best by any test, ------------------------------ well folks its nite nite time and so I must rest my head, but I will return, ----- as this story is as yet to be continued , ----------------------------
Yes folks well where was I----------- ?---------------- oh yes---------- I am the master-------------- oops oh no thats not it ------
well all I can say is - Bo---- Lucks---- oops well that was a bit cheeky of me but I guess you know what I mean----only joking folks--- so chill winston---chill--- and still there is talk of going to Mars yes Mars can you believe it, so Four brave souls are going on a journey which will take one year, yes indeed can you imagine it, one whole year stuck in a tin can where there is hardly enough room to swing a cat, after a couple of months they will be going fucking bonkers never mind one year, the people that say it can be done are seriously sick mothers, never mind the time the expence the effort, and for what just to plonk 4 dudes on a chunk of rock a fucking million miles away, when there are so many worthy things to be done right here .
Dear Friends, I have just heard on the TV news that there are some people in positions on high, whom play games on their computers and lap tops and tablets etc while they are supposed to be listening and taking notice of what is going on, and they are being paid mega fucking big dosh while doing so, well all I can say is, how naughty, how cheeky, and what a fucking JI--NOR--MOUSE-- piss take, well it just goes to show how fucking screwed up the system is that lets those mother fuckers get away with it, and yes dear friends I do know that you agree with my sad OH SO VERY SAD sentiments
Well hello again my dearest friends and foe alike, that is unless we choose to forever be enemies, and I say-------------- where for art thou my Romeo------------------ if it is not to be friends, and so it is written with the oh so beautiful pens, that we shall live together, for there is NO other way, other than to destroy and slay. ---
and so my dear friends it is to another poem that we go, however it may indeed be slow, but have patience for the truth will shine, as indeed will the taste of a glass of wine.
and also by the way---- I do most sincerely wish and hope that the love of the Lord is with you upon this Easter weekend.
And so it is to the latest poem that we go.....
Well you see it was in the pub, yes indeed and very nice grub, but fortune was astray that day, for there was punch up in the air, just at that moment at the front door, a massive big bruiser of a brute approached the door, yes big and strong with flexing muscles, a bad mother fucker but NOT from Brussels, just a wimp was I with pint in hand, no match indeed for a battle in the sand, but the weapon that I had was strong and brave, just the good book with words to save, I said a prayer to save my pint, I mean not only the beer but the glass as well, and would you believe it a thunderbolt arrived, for just in time as he threw a punch, and my ears were ready to recieve a crunch, but no I was saved to booze again, the demon has been vanquished and I say -- AMEN.
And yes again my very good partners, and indeed friends, for whom doth chance, etc, anyway dear friends, I have heard your calling, and indeed I have seen your cries, be it not for those that perish, and I deem it in your eyes, lest we forget those that suffer, and I pray you are not of them, so have patience my friend and worry not, while I put paper to pen, I know you are sad and frustrated, of that there is little doubt, but my poems will end the suffering, so have faith in God with no doubt.
Dear friends and enemies alike, I have just watched the Green party, I mean their party political broadcast, ON YOU TUBE---- and its fucking great-its the best--its sooper-dooper-- its fucking fantasty---come on--mode-----its the real deal--like-like--like--it-----like-it----- but and however I do not necessarily agree with all of their policies, -but then-and however-- its a fucking great crack-- in the song dept-- so I raise my glass to you GREEN PARTY -- for a brill advert--,,
I am getting a ginormous boost and get real feeling by watching this advert from the GREEN PARTY--- so please dear friends watch it--- as it is just the best ever, agree with their policies or not no matter, vote as you wish, but really, its just the bees knees, in the song dept----------- well anyway I think so,
Well hello again everyone, yes its me and I am back to chase you and embrace you, with my oh so wonderful poetry, so now then people listen up-- for you see its like this-- well you may indeed think of me as a berk--- or even a jerk --- but I do not shy away, from the fact that I work, --- be it not and less than now---- though I wandered in a field talking to a cow, ------- and I do most sincerely realise that the time is now, -- for the truth to be told, -------- so unless you are old- then be bold- for if my poetry is to mean anything-- then let it be brave and wise- for then the world will realise- that I am the best-- by any test- and I do not jest- so dear friends-- be at peace and rest-------- while I seek thee to -- sue--- come--- to my breast. -- or should that be succum - or succumn-- well anyway its something like that, so please forgive the spelling mistakes.
Hello again everyone, its been a long time I know, but I have been flying around the universe, just having a look you understand, and I have met all sorts of wonderful creatures, just far too strange to describe, anyway, I am back home now, and will provide more wise words of a poetical nature soon, so for now its nite nite time as I am so very tired, sleep well EARTHLINGS.
Yes Earthlings I am still here, just thinking about my next poem, so be not scared or in an Earthling rut, as the truth will be told without an Earthling cut, as Earthlings go your not so bad, so be ye happy and never sad, for I have seen the other side, and if not, then why do you think that on this planet I reside, ? for I have seen the bad and the wicked, on far off planets where all is not cricket, so trust in this world its where we are at, while I take my place at the crease with the bat, there are bad dudes out there for sure and its true, so lets put faith in the Lord that they dont come for you..--- AMEN.
-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Hello again everyone, I just wanted to say God bless you all, as both He and I love you.
Dear Friends, yes I am back, but only for a moment while I contemplate new wise words and poems to delight you all.
It is just so as to bring to your attention that there is a rather naughty person whom has appeared from nowhere, and would you believe it, he or she or them or whomsoever they may be, well they are using my name, well I mean the first word that I use on this--MY poetry website, they are using it for their email address, so it is-- my first word@then the company name whom perhaps it is better that I do not mention.com, well how cheeky, how naughty, but perhaps they like my web site and chose it for that reason, so perhaps I should be pleased, anyway, that particular email address has NOTHING to do with me, I just wanted to let you know as you may have thought that I have wandered away from poetry, AND I HAVE NOT.
Here is a nice poem for all you good people out there.
You yes you, I mean each and everyone of you, are kind considerate friendly polite beautiful pleasant and brave, you are trustworthy decent and strong, each thought you possess has been put to the test, each struggle has been harsh and long, though you ponder with doubt that your soul is without the trust and faith of the Lord, then ponder no more for the story is sure that Heaven will open its door, can you not see that the truth it will be yours alone without end, for I have no doubt that the answer will be seen from the troubles of this world to a life more serene, when that moment comes and we take our last breath, to loving arms that will caress.
Dear Friends, hello again, and yes I have not gone away anywhere, just contemplating the meaning of life, I mean your life, not mine, as I know where I am at, and my duty, I mean the word from on high, is to convey the message to you, as you may be in some doubt as to just why it is that you are here, I mean on this the 3rd rock from your Sun, well anyway thats for the future, but just for now, I wanted to clarify a particular point, and it is as follows.
I have TWO websites, yes indeed, with the same content, quite so, the first is with a bright white background, and it can be found at ------ ssehcetamworldpoetry.co.uk
and the 2nd is called --- ssehcetamworldpoetryandpublications.co.uk --- and it has a dark background.
depending on your mood of course good people, so there you have it, I hope you like both my sites, I will of course return, so keep the faith and be ye not in doubt. God bless you all.
Welcome muslim sikh and hindu too, welcome one and all as God loves you, from far off lands they came for help, where we have plenty in our belt, a house a car a job for sure, this land is rich to help the poor, one world one humanity in God we pray, so let not pure hatred close the door, one life one love for one and all, and the Lords open arms will prevent their fall.
Hello again everyone, yes I am back, just been flying around the universe, and what a great place it is, shame you can not join me, well at least for now that is, but perhaps one fine day for sure, well I have just received the latest message from on high, and the master has asked that I pass it on to you, so here goes, well its like this, the Good Lord knows only too well that humanity, in other words you, yes your good selves, are trying and attempting to get to Mars, yes well anyway, its a bit of a hike for you folks at the moment, so I have been asked to give you a little clue as to what to do, as follows, well now, it will become obvious after just a few words, and then no doubt you will just get on and do it naturally, ok then, this is the answer, you will know and have heard of people putting wires and tubes and all manner of things on their head and with the power of thought they are able to make things move albeit slightly, well thats the way ahead folks, so do the same thing with the spaceship, and your in business, I mean to get to Mars in sooper dooper fast than a speeding whatever, anyway very quick, well thats it, so I wonder how long it will take humanity to wake up.
YES BOSS------ well good people of planet Earth, looks like my wise words from above have struck a note, well it looks like to me at least that the high and almighty on planet Earth of course have got the message, at least from the news wires that is, that is to say, that putting wires and tubes on your head and with the power of thought, no less, you can make things happen, so God bless to all for waking up, and God bless to thee above for having passed on the message.
Hello again everyone, have you missed me, bet you have, well I am still around so fear not, another poem is on the way, God bless you all.
To be or not to be-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
I wandered lonely as a cloud-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
A fool and his money are soon parted-------------------------------------------------------------------
A man without passion has no feeling-------------------------------------------------------------------
well hello again everyone, I might have got that last bit wrong, anyway, lets continue, I have just received the latest message from above, and I have been asked to pass it on to non other than YOU--- yes all of humanity and Earthlings everywhere, ----- as follows-----
The Good Lord above has indicated that he is due to return quite soon, and lay peace and love for all, and all trouble and strife, and all conflict will end, as he is well aware of the errors of your ways, and the dangers were he not to arrive, therefore, prepare for the big event, as our Lord in Heaven, is on his way, and all I can say is, fear NOT and pray, for our souls will be saved quite soon one day. Amen.
Hello again good people, yes I am still here with the Lord in your heart, fear not, for truth will win, and be at peace with the world, and the good times will begin.
Dear all, yes I am still here, watching and listening to the foolish things that Earthlings do, and so is the Lord, and it is so very sad indeed that humanity has not as yet learned the lesson of peace and harmony, in other words to live together, as was intendid, however, I continue to pray that you will realise the error of your ways sooner rather than later, God bless you all, Amen.
Hello everyone, even in these sad times when there is so much heartache about, there is indeed a good reason to look on the brighter side, and it is of course the time of year when we celebrate the birth and love for all humanity of our Lord Jesus our saviour and shining light of pure hope and goodness, I pray that you will find the happiness that you seek as I have, so just say a prayer, and be of good cheer, and with love in your heart you will find the Lord, and he will never leave you, so have faith and no fear and all will be clear.
God bless you all, and Happy Christmas.
Dear everyone on Planet Earth, I have just returned from a very long journey around the universe, and guess what, yes thats right folks, they are indeed one and ALL celebrating Christmas.
Happy new year everyone on planet Earth and Earthlings everywhere throughout the universe, oops sorry I mean that refers to one fine day when Earthlings get up there amongst the stars, well anyway for now here is a poem, and it goes something like this, I was sent without repent to teach and pray with love, without a doubt the truth will out like the perfect fit of a glove, so have no fear for the Lord is near, so close so pure so strong, let not your doubt mean your without it really is so clear, you will be saved and not only the brave, will learn this beautiful song.
Hello again my good friends, I would like to say that it is my most sincere wish that my poetry has been of some good use to you, I have indeed tried as best I can to show you the way, I mean the way of the Lord of truth and light, for without these oh so wise words of wisdom, you would surely have chosen the wrong path, I mean of course that you would have gone somewhat astray. I hope you will agree, and so for now I wish you all love and kindness, as I am here forever with you, with more wise words to please and tease on your journey in this world and the next. --God Bless You All -- Amen.
Here is another nice poem, Red is a bed, yes a bed of Roses, White is a Kite, yes bright that can fly both in the day and the night, Blue is a View, yes of things most pleasing its true, Green is Serene, yes a great big wonderful scene, Yellow is the Sun, yes without which we would not have won, Brown is the Crown yes that gives meaning all around, Black is the Back, yes of an attack long gone, Grey is the Song yes that we sing oh lay, and all of the others are joined forever, yes as bones in the body just like the elbow, we give thanks to the Lord for creating the Rainbow.
Hello again good people everywhere, well its that time again when I must add a little colour to my site, and I do hope that you like the result.
Here is a nice little poem and its called --- SAN - GROSH
San Grosh is a place of beauty and charm, a bit like the Yellow brick road where you will come to no harm, its tall and strong its wise and proud, and it beams with a smile so shout it loud, a place where creatures so strange reside, a colourful picture of time and tide, footsteps and pastures no longer seen, a place where thoughts and motions can still dream, there are whispers and colours and wavy lines for sure, all mixed up in a chrystal door, perfumes and sounds not heard before, a floating memory is real and raw, yes this is San Grosh a treasure out there, way up above where the stars shine with love, its a loverly place just like our Earth, born by the creator with all things of worth, so have no doubt that we are all as one, for the stars that we see are inhabited by many with a likeness of you and me, yes of course dear friends we are not alone, for the universe is so full of life, given by the Lord God in Heaven to end all strife.
And yes dear friends I am still here, just putting paper to pen for my next poem of truth and worth, from our Lord in Heaven to planet Earth.
Hello again everyone, windy and blowy it is for sure but poems abound right next door, so stick around as they will astound, and you guessed it folks I have not left town.
Well hello again everyone, and here is an observation that I wish to convey to all of you loverly jubberly people of planet Earth, and here goes, well its like this you see, its all about a smile, yes folks I did say a smile, well now, when you see a person smile, well yes indeed you have to ponder for a while, for one might ask if the smile is true, for listen up as I do not kid you, as the message has been sent from way on high, that if not both lips then one might cry, for the truth be known it is for sure, for top lip only is something of a bore, when you see a smile it must be both, for upper and lower lips and teeth must be shown, as this indicates truth and genuine known, so when you see a smile with just top teeth on view, be wary my friend, as its a mish mash of stew, a genuine smile will show full face, sent from above with power and grace, so if you can see both upper and lower teeth, on one with a smile that you can meet, its genuine and true, and have no fear, but if top teeth only can be seen, then hide behind that powerful screen, for it is not genuine, it seeks to deceive, as I with faith in God do indeed believe.
Our Father whom art in Heaven forgive the sins of thy children I pray, until the day we rest and lay, when we move and meet to seek and greet in thy place of love without defeat, its a long dark road until that time, but with faith in our hearts there will come a time, when all is clear and pain no more, we take our steps through your Heavenly door.
Good morning everyone on this fine day, I trust that you will have as good a day as I
Roses are Red and Violets are Blue, I just know that you think my poetry is true, and for that , God bless you.
Hello again everyone, yes I am back, back at long last, after another very long mega journey around the stars, and its good oh so very good to be back home, with you loverly jubberly Earthlings.
More poems on the way soon folks, now that I have had a good rest from my long journey around the stars I am well rested and will entertain you with more wise words quite soon.
Are you ready good people, well then the poetry is about to begin.
Well good people of planet Earth, yes indeed dear Earthlings I am still here, just before I hit you with more mega loverly poetry, I just wanted to mention the following, which is beauty indeed, that I must pass on to you, though you may already be aware of it.---------------- ie ---
There is a singer, whom sings a song, and it is a most beautiful song, sung from the heart, of a man whom loves a woman, and it is the very words that you and I would wish to convey to those that we love, Gods words indeed, with love and compassion, and true oh so true feeling, therefore dear friends, please listen to it , and be amazed at the pure love that sings so loud and true with every word, for those that we love and care for.
And the singer is ---------------- JOHN LEGEND
And the song is ------------------- ALL OF ME LOVES ALL OF YOU
Yes dear friends here I am again, back with all of you loverly Earthlings on planet Earth, after having gone through a most naughty episode of the latest attempt by Earthlings most naughty crooks to gain access to my one and only true poetry site that this pure planet has ever seen on this the 3rd planet in a most wonderful universe anywhere.
And yes my good friends I will resume my poetry again soon, now that the oh so naughty crooks have been defeated.
Well good people, its that time again when I must resume my wise words of a poetical nature, so here goes with a rhyme, and just in time for the hour is late, and its well past nine I wish to state. Dear Rosie thanks for your kind words of help for my site, but dear child I am quite alright, so just sit tight, and let not the night create a fright, as when one tries with poetry in the eyes, there is not the need to seek help from the skies, so thankyou dear Rosie for the offer of help, but my inspiration comes from above, where the Lord resides with power and love.
Hello everyone, been a long time I know, but you see I have been having pc problems, but its ok now, so more poetry soon, and my thanks indeed for one so sweet, the loverly lass Sophie, what a treat, whom helps and assists and never gives up, for the thirst for answers from an empty cup.
Here is a little poem from a nurse with not many pennies in her purse, just a little ditty of no concern that strives to please and loves to learn, its a way and a means by which to place on record the art of text and verse, that all you need for the perfect rhyme are words that sing and dance and chime, just choose a word and add it on to the word before to make that song, so pure so sweet so lovingly thought, that one becomes after the nought, now you get the idea its really quite easy, to make a rhyme the perfect poem in time, no secret no posture no given sign, the poem is easy with thought and rhyme in mind, just make it sound the same for sure, so open the world of poetry and explore.
Well folks its time to tell you a little about myself, from an honest perspective of course, well here goes, and I hope you like it, I really am just a simple soul, no harm no trouble no evil intent, just pure goodness in fact, but alas it was not always so, oh yes indeed I was rather naughty to say the least, but then the Lord gave me a sign, and it became clear that my duty was to serve him and pass on his message to none other than you, and I am so pleased that I have been chosen so to do, now you may ask why me, ? well yes its a good question, but the answer is obvious, no not because I was special or smart or clever or brave in heart, no I was none of those things, I was horrible and nasty and cruel and rude, but the Lord God was determined to prove that the lowest of the low can be saved and to rescue the weak and fallen, and I am now a product of his oh so wise intervention, so I say to all whom have lost their way, be brave in heart and there will come a day when all will be well and the light will shine just say a prayer to the Lord above whom resides within all of us, he is in our heart our mind and soul, forever with us to console, be in no doubt he is with love a part of us throughout our lives on our journey to teach and show us the way, I have seen many things that I can not explain, too strange to convey in any rational way, so trust me my friends when I say we are not alone, for one so pure is by our side our Heavenly father does indeed reside with us all so have no fear, be brave and strong and shed no tear, and until that day when we rest and meet, those that we have lost will smile again as Heavens door is opened wide as we cast aside the sadness to hide, we live again, until that day my friends have faith that I will strive to pass the word from the good book, to all whom will listen, that when we die we shall live again, with our Heavenly family, and until that time I will continue to put poem to pen, God Bless You All.
Hello again my good friends, I have just been watching - YOU TUBE- and specifically DAVID BOWIE God bless him, and the great song that he and others sang at the Feed the world concert, -- live aid--- in 1984/5 on stage at the Wembley stadium as was, specifically the song was HEROES and what a performance, fantasmalogo, for sure, well anyway, afterwards I looked at those sad and dying infants, and my heart broke into a million pieces, as no doubt yours did or will do upon looking at that film, therefore I say to all mankind and ladies too, for Gods Sake, put an end to all of this suffering, as in the west, we have plenty, and therefore, there is no need to put adverts, or commercials on tv asking the general public to give to charity, when it is the responsibility of the Governments of the world community to properly finance these things so that there would be no need for CHARITY. You may indeed cry with me, at the sad sight of those poor starving people and wonder why oh why it is that foolish oh so foolish people do such things to make these images possible, when clearly they know better, but the time will come when they must answer to the Lord in Heaven for their errors, so let us pray for them, though they do not deserve saving.
Hello again dear friends, it seems that my words of wisdom have hit a note, in as much as the USA and Russia have decided NOT to blow the hell out of each other, and all I can say is thank God for that, it looks like the wise words from above have resonated with those silly Earthlings whom are in charge of things on planet Earth, ie the silly politicians, whom are under the impression that they are the bosses, delusional, of course as they are.
Hello friends, here is a rhyme and just in time, for the hour is late, and there is no rush to hesitate, yes its about memories, yes your memories, and mine, well then it goes like this, you see memories are fine like a glass of wine, for its fine that they will surrender to the ultimate rhyme, I thought I knew it all as I wandered throughout life, alone and sad not happy and glad, a pebble a stone, a lost speck of sand on a lonely beach, with arms that sing and can not reach, though folks know much with eyes that see, across the ocean the fish will flee, the wild rage of the net set to catch, the waves and gulls await the snatch, so floating and swimming and deeper than now, and rise again to see the bow, of those big bad trawlers those masts of strenghth, that plunder the ocean with muscles and length, I have swam the rivers the lakes and more, while wondering why we are here and poor, then I was rescued and saw the light, a hand reached out shining bright, I was pulled from the ocean on sea breeze and air, a floating dream without a care, up higher and higher I was taken above, the clouds and the sky to a place of love, I stayed for a while to rest and learn, then returned to my home to teach and give the word of the Lord for all to hear, that our saviour is with us and always near, so rest easy my friends and have no fear.
Hello again my good friends on planet Earth, yes I am back after fighting evil all over the universe, and thank God whom was with me all the way, we have defeated all of the evil ones that abound here there and everywhere, so what is all of this nonsense about black friday and cyber monday all about I wonder, pray do tell, for it seems like pure nonsense to me, and the one above. I will be back soon, with more words of wisdom, and dear friends fear not, as the Lord is with us all, for now and forever.
Hello again everyone, yes I am still here, looking after each and everyone of you DEAR EARTHLINGS, THOUGH YOU DO INDEED DO SOME VERY FOOLISH THINGS, HOWEVER, LETS MOVE ON, AS NO DOUBT ONE FINE DAY YOU WILL REALISE THE ERRORS OF YOUR WAYS, so from the Good Lord in Heaven and of course my humble self, both He and I wish you all a very happy and joyous Christmas holiday time, and we pray that you will prosper and live in peace with each other, God bless you all.
Dear friends, the Lord and I would just like to wish you all a very happy and new year yes indeed in this the year of our Lord Jesus 2017, God bless you all.
I and the good Lord are back my friends after another very long journey around the universe putting wrong to right and we are so very happy to be home with you loverly Earthlings again, GOD BLESS YOU ALL.
ON THIS FINE DAY THE 2nd of September in the year of our Lord 2017
Hello eveyone again, please try and listen to an old song, sung by the oh so great Tom Jones, and its called without love, and its on you tube, yes, and there he is wearing a green jacket, and he says its a bit hot in here, IN-IT yes and with the microphone in his left hand, what a great song,sung from the heart, a sooper dooper gem for ever, so please find it and enjoy it, as I always will,
Here is a little ditty, yes a poem at long last, from the land of twitty, you see it goes like this, well uncle Kim, and uncle Donald, are having a ding dong, and both of their names are not Ronald, for with insults flying here and there, it is no doubt a bit of a scare, for uncle Kim has a nuke at hand, while uncle Donald has Four aces which are grand, the prospect of a ginormous battle, will echo throughout the world with a rattle, but be at peace and rest with ease, for the Lord and I, will seek to please, for we shall not allow such death, fear not dear Earthlings, it is not your last breath, as upon this fine day the 25/09/2017
Hello again dear Earthlings, and yes the Good Lord and I have been on our travels again, but we are back home now, and the Lord God in Heaven and I would like to wish each and everyone of you loverly people, a wonderful Christmas, God bless you all, on this fine day the 28th of November, in the year of our Lord 2017
Dear Earthlings, do please have a joyous and prosperous Christmas time and yes indeed a happy new year for 2018 as the Good Lord and I are looking after each and every one of you, so fear not and be happy, as we are here with you now, and will always be, God Bless You All.--- on this day the 17/12/2017
Hello again everyone on planet Earth, the Good Lord and I have been rather busy of late, but I can now tell you that at long last uncle Kim and uncle Donald have decided to be the best of friends, and yes talk and smile at each other, will wonders never cease, / well not while the Good Lord and I are about at least, so let us all say a prayer that they both may dare, to seek truth and love, as it was meant in the beginning from above. On this fine day in the year of our Lord the 10/03/2018 Amen.
Dear friends, here is another comment that the Good Lord and I wish to make, and we most sincerely hope that you can appreciate the points being made, as follows.
The recent unfortunate events surrounding the uk and Russia of which no doubt you are aware, is we would suggest, unfair and quite wrong, in that the uk has accused the Russian Federation of complicity, and indeed guilt, without there being a shred of evidence to substanciate their claims, the forced exodus of 23 members of the Russian staff, and other measures which are clearly not going to improve ties, will no doubt ensure that the Russian Federation will take massive retaliatory measures againgst the uk, and the most recent comment from a certain british official whom is in a high position of authority saying that Russia should go away and shut up, is hardly correct diplomatic discourse, we are both agreed that the uk position thus far is too premature, and wrong, and we hope that the uk will come to its senses before further damage is done.
Dear Friends-- Hello again-- and here is a nice little poem, to lighten the mood just a little bit, as follows--
Twas a wee little idea, born of dreams so dear, that gained fruit and spirit from youth that was to spill it, conjure and praise the world in a haze, though doubt lingered on that we all heard that beauty of a song, so be in no doubt for if you feel without, that this Easter will reveal, that most serene of a feel, for the Lord is upon us, and he shall reveal, that most splendid of dreams, so soon to reveal. on this day of our Lord Jesus our saviour the Friday the 30/03/2018 in the year of our Lord God in Heaven, blessed be his name, and both he and I wish all and everyone a very happy Easter, may God protect us all. Amen.
ON THIS DAY THE 13th-OF APRIL IN THE YEAR OF OUR LORD GOD IN HEAVEN 2018--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
HELLO again everyone, this is just to let you know that the Good Lord and I have just been listening to another great and wonderful and beautiful song, yes indeed, as all of you loverly Earthlings are in for a treat, because, we ask you please to listen to the heartfelt words sung by ED SHEERAN == SINGING THAT MOST BEAUTIFUL SONG-- CALLED -----------PERFECT---------------------------------------- AND IT MOST CERTAINLY IS-----------------
SO PLEASE LISTEN TO IT------ AND CRY AS WE BOTH DID-------------------------------
And yet another great song dear friends, that the Good Lord and I have just found, yes indeed, for all those that have lost loved ones, this is a heart breaker, and millions of tears have been shed from the eyes of yours truly and of course the Good Lord Jesus and our Father in Heaven, so please listen to it, and cry with us, for it is so very true, the words that say, I LOVE YOU--- and the singer is---- SAM SMITH-- and it can be found on the YOU TUBE---- Acoustic Lyric Video-- and the song is called=== LAY ME DOWN-----------------
and it is a most beautiful song----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Dear Friends, thank God that the Lord Jesus in Heaven, has come to our rescue, in as much that the Two Leaders of North and South Korea, have met and are on good and friendly terms, it is to be hoped and I most do sincerely wish that peace will echo throughout the world on Planet Earth, and that the love of God our saviour in Heaven, will put an end to all those that are angry with each other at this time. and will forever more, be able to live as friends with each other.---- Amen.
Hello again my good friends on Planet Earth, well it is now the 04/05/2018/-- EARTH TIME of course, and the GOOD LORD and I would just like to say that we love YOU--yes indeed -- YOU--- so be at peace with your mind--and body-- and soul--- and fear NOT-- as all will be well---with GODS blessing-- and the GOOD LORD JESUS--- by our side.----------------------AMEN.
And dear friends and Earthlings everywhere, here is another great song by that nice young man with a great voice, yes it is none other than the wonderful Sam Smith singing that most beautiful song, sung from the heart, of one whom has lost in love as we all have, and heartbroken and destroyed, by loves failure to satisfy, so do please cry with the Good Lord and myself, as we listen to Sam Smith singing---NOT IN THAT WAY---
URGENT URGENT URGENT------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Dear Earthlings I and the Good Lord are back from our travels around the universe, but of course we were always here with you every second really, anyway, I just wanted to say the words that are on everyones lips throughout the universe, as of course they are all so very interested in what goes on here, and those words are as follows, --- HARD BREXIT- SOFT BREXIT- NO DEAL BREXIT---- THESE SEVEN WORDS ARE A GREAT TITLE FOR A NEW BOOK- OR EVEN FOR A NEW WEB SITE-- DONT YOU THINK ?
The End is Near. Dear Earthlings I and the Good Lord are back from our travels around the universe, but of course we were always here with you every second really, anyway, I just wanted to say the words that are on everyones lips throughout the universe, as of course they are all so very interested in what goes on here, and those words are as follows, --- HARD BREXIT- SOFT BREXIT- NO DEAL BREXIT---- THESE SEVEN WORDS ARE A GREAT TITLE FOR A NEW BOOK- OR EVEN FOR A NEW WEB SITE-- DONT YOU THINK ?
oops I nearly forgot, and of course that should also be --- BREXIT MEANS BREXIT--- THATS TEN WORDS IN TOTAL---
Hello again dear friends, the good Lord and I are back, yes indeed, and we both have a little complaint to make as follows, well, at least these are my thoughts and words, for we, well at least I anyway, have been watching the tv-- yes indeed, and it was the uk bbc Parliament broadcast, yes live from the uk parliament house of Lords, and would you believe it, yes they were all falling asleep, what a disgrace I say, what a humiliation, these bleep-bleep-bleep- people are being paid £300 per day for their attendance, and they are falling asleep, yes, it was quite shameful to watch it, these people need to be in a nursing home, for the elderly, NOT IN THE HOUSE OF LORDS, THE SYSTEM IS CORRUPT 100% FOR IT TO BE ALLOWED TO CONTINUE LIKE THIS.
Hello again my good friends, the Good Lord and I are well thank you, and we need to say more good and wise words as follows, well its like this-- you see-- I have just been reading about the universe, yes all of the stars galaxies universes, black holes the lot, well everything, basically, and all of the web sites, and all of the knowledge, and all of the tv shows, and all of the space information, will tell you and I and everyone, that THE BIG BANG CREATED US AND EVERY BIT OF YOU AND I AND EVERYTHING ELSE, AS WE ARE TODAY, well the Good Lord and I are here to tell you all, that those words are NONSENSE,
Hello again everyone, yes the Good Lord and I are back, after a long,long,journey, though, of course, we were always here with you, so have no fear, as we were always, near. and so you see, the question that we ask ouselves is this, why, oh why, does the uk British government choose to support the unelected imposter to the throne of Venezuela, when, quite clearly, President Maduro is the rightfull owner of that office, shame on you uk -- for you should know better, than to lie and cheat, as you are doing, shame, shame, shame, on you.
Dear Friends, yes here I am again with more delightful words to comfort and cheer, Brexit means Brexit, oh yes, those immortal words, that bring pain and sorrow to the masses, may well indeed end in the exit of Teresa, such a dear young lass with plenty of crass, though she believes what she says, and whom can blame her, for she did her best, to pass the test, but woe betold, the story is old, for we the people, whom shall not want, decry the shame, lest it rest on the font, notwithstanding that lonely task, when all others, make suggestions to ask, that we be one, on planet Earth, for are your dreams not worthy, of the dearth,
For it seems that we shall remain united, in sorrow and joy, with Europe as one, and none the less to play with such as a toy, for even though Nigel will shout and bluster full strength, even he can not deminish the length, of the good Lords view, and mine as well, that to remain as we were, will be just swell, God bless you all, dear Eathlings, the Lord God in Heaven and I are here with you now, we always have been, and always will be. Amen
The End is Near.
can you not see that the truth it will be -can you not see that the truth it will be -
- For whom doth chance the merry walk the bard in chess will gladly dance. +
- [ www.ssehcetamworldpoetryandpublications.co.uk-and ssehcetamworldpoetry.co.uk[ All the world's a poet and poetry takes centre stage in ssehcetam's world of poetry and publications]Sexless wonders and gutless objects, absolute and unconditional surrender of a platitudinous scrapheap, doing our thing in Benidorm, New Zealand, Barbados, and Tyne and Wear, Twenty nine million years and all is well, God bless this place I call home. LOVE IS BEAUTIFUL AND DIMENSIONS OF LOVE. -If you like my site please leave a comment at the following email address = Look deep inside for your hidden pride and just let your love flow as the song goes.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------My poems are great, although they frustrate, why wait? do not hesitate, he thus also ate on a plate at the Tate, while in solemnity to meditate. Is a story a poem and why is the sea so blue? why do birds fly in the sky and not stand and walk like you,? why is the sun bright yellow and why is the desert so dry,? only my poems can answer these mysteries, so read on and pray do not cry. What is a man if not a woman, and why be shy and not brave, why love thoughts and hide them, when shades of resentment are grey, although this is not the beginning of any substantial decline, it may well be the ending of literature if poetical prose be mine. All of my poems are rubbish and yet they sell, all of water needs drinking but not a well, a day needs a night, as any moon in flight will tell you, the bird on the wing sings a song, the man in the tower dings a dong, the tick keeps clocking, and the carpenter keeps knocking his wood into the nail, to write a poem one needs rhyme, to sing a song one needs time, to write a book one needs a pen, to keep a lion one needs a den, all of my poems are rubbish but they sell. Poetry is all things to everyone, poetry is good, poetry is anything written, poetry is food of your cell, or soul, jolly dee said he whoop it up and give another performance just for me, and so I did give another performance just as he had asked me to, and again the applause rang out into my ears telling me that I was not alone, encore encore please you are so good they said, and so again I repeated my act, jolly dee said he as I climbed down out of my tree, this monkey deserves an increase in pay I thought an increase in pay, listen I said how about a raise,? play it again sam I am still in a daze said he. One day so soon corned flake in my spoon, apple on rye crisp on butter somewhere in my gutter memory. This house is a bit sideways on, it leans not very straight, it was built on a hill and its ex-occupier was called Bill, and Bill always had a chill, and because this house was built on a hill the roof is as big as the door, and the mice take refuge in the floor, the windows are made of wood and the present occupier is very good at building houses sideways on.I once was a porter whom thought that I ought'a do something about getting married, so I went to the chapel eating an apple, slipped on the core and fell on the floor, and ended up in a box.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Without quite realising it I had surpassed myself a thousand fold, travelling in warp factor Twelve and beyond planets and minds and obstacles, a million light years had unfolded before me, everything was as clear to me as the morning sun rising over the mountain top, to be able to see all the worlds problems, to be able to see every bodies point of view, to be able to understand why people fought wars and held different religious beliefs, and why people chose to die of starvation when food was available, it seemed as if my mind was racing forward at a million miles per second, beyond this planet, beyond the furthest most far reaching planets and still further, and far out beyond and still travelling, to be able to understand all that one sees and hears, and never being able to find a problem to stop me, a truly remarkable predicament to find oneself in.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Every day I sit and wonder and contemplate my nose, every day as I sit and wonder my nose it grows and grows, in every way I always wonder if my nose it knows, that the secret of a lovely nose is to write some decent prose. Fifteen minutes and twenty seconds late not enough time to bake that cake, chasing that second hand around and around soon be time to visit town, hurry scurry puff and pant the crowd they stare and then they rant, fifty five seconds nearly there will I make it what a scare, Ten Nine Eight this is it come back next week for another bit, to the wheel of fortune. Lovely lady beautiful and sweet eyes so piercing a pleasure a treat, gently as I approach so near, will she wont she thats the fear, and yet within this passive stance we both await the wished for glance, the thoughts the hopes abound anew for those that wait are lost its true, a simple touch and then the smile, the wait has yet surpassed a mile, beneath the tremor my nerve doth shake the moment is now to make or break, but all is well she doth kiss long, the poem has sung its enchanted song. In times of need we falter not lest it be to tie the knot, the brave the strong the weak are slain the path we take will doubt remain in love the thought the eye is pure, we walk the silent echo to path when once again it shall be known, a night of pleasure a life of pain. Episode one of this story is tread the thought the dream the pain in head, at last the longed for thirst has passed the pen has served its trusted mast if these few words can gender hope then please read on and stay the rope. There is more than this in a moment its true, have patience my friend for tis not thought that lacks the need but pertinence redeems itself and far away the night is new, when once we wake and night becomes true, few of us are bold and brave for those that are the shield the knave a knight of valour a sword and thrust the poem has yet a soul to trust. Whenever the Earth shines its light above the stars and into the night, the mist it fades and then it glows for when the power of the sun it knows, to move and gently sway the fog and rain the birds at play, from inside out and over the top our lovely planet moves and will never stop, for life itself is born anew, with each day passing love it grew, its good to wake and see the dawn, another day this Earth is born. I stepped down from the plane and I left her heart our love had just begun to start, she was so pure a gem indeed a man could wish for nothing more, a tear began to fall and then she turned and whispered gently, a sweet caress and then the call another man had stolen all, alone one night and then the news a soul destroyed without much thought, just memories now an empty space this love has walked and the words the love the kiss has gone, just lonely dreams in life that sadness has caught. she followed me and I her, we made every step a pleasure to taste as she walked upon my breast, to keep a tender loving way while holding hands we skip and play, the distance was without a doubt just a second without a thought, now the sky is full of rain, the heart is filled with lifelong pain.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------The following are imagined facts, that is, a factually imagined reality, that may or may not be true in other words it could be fiction, real or imagined true or false it remains an unknown, at least an unknown to others, but not to me, for me at least it represents the only truth, its the truth of different dimensions, you see it came to me in a dream, it just made pure sense the only sense to see and know that different dimensions are real. The way to understand this theory is to imagine a box of copy paper, lets say a box of A4 copy paper, of which there may be 500 or 1000 sheets or maybe more in a box, well now the next step is to imagine that each sheet of that copy paper is our whole universe, everything the whole lot all of the planets stars galaxies dark matter light matter all matter, no matter, everything black holes the lot, all and everything on this one piece of A4 copy paper, well thats it I mean thats what different dimensions are, ie millions and billions of single sheets of A4 copy paper all piled one on top of the other just as they are in a box of A4 copy paper, and remember that all of these single sheets of copy paper represent one complete and total universe the whole thing ie everything you and me and all of the stars and galaxies and planets and black holes and well you get the idea - right,? well thats whats going on you see one sheet of copy paper represents one dimension, and the next sheet of copy paper represents the next dimension, and the next and the next etc etc ad infinitum, now the next step is to realise that each and every one of these sheets of paper ie each and every one of these dimensions encompasses and includes each and every one of us, yes thats right you and me, an exact copy of ourselves is on each and every piece of this copy paper and don't forget that the whole universe is on each and every sheet with all of us and everything duplicated exactly the same billions and trillions and zillions of times over and over and over again, and so it is that people the world over have experienced the feeling that they have been somewhere before, when they know that they have not, it really is just that our other self has been there and done that particular thing, and don't forget that they are very close indeed, so close in fact that its just like that sheet of copy paper sitting on top of that other piece of copy paper millions and billions and trillions and zillions of times over and over and over again, never ending yes thats right they are very close indeed I mean our other selves and our other universes and our other dimensions all co existing so close just as close as that sheet of A4 copy paper in that box of 1000 sheets of A4 copy paper repeated and duplicated forever over and over and over again, well that is my guess my hope my dream another dimension never to be seen, a dream of something better than this a long lost love never to be missed, a place a time that has gone before another world beyond that door, a trusted place better than now another dimension but surely how,? think not of them nor even of why it really is just futile to try, trust in yourself and this place we are at while other dimensions ponder with chat, they are out there of course its true a perfect copy of someone like you in fact they sit and ask as we, but pause with doubt lest it be just a dream and nothing else a hope a wish of a better life a dimension where all is void of strife, our very selves are thinking this right now upon that distant place the look upon the smile of face we might one day have the chance or miss the opportunity to gently kiss that lovely lass whom we have lost in this dimension born of frost, she waits and looks a beauty a prize just out of reach of her lovely eyes, just a dimension thats all it takes to reach the arms of strength to make a better life where love it grows in the body of one whom knows, that love transcends all dimension and time another dream and she is here transported from that distant fear, for love is the answer so doubt it not have faith that we are all as one she may be here and there as well but love will make the distance small not even a dimension can build a wall, we stand together so be not afraid the A4 paper can not invade be content and suffer not as this dimension will forever stay a true reflection of our other self, think not out there but here instead, our planet is pure with life to tread.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Have you ever wondered why words are as they are?, and why we call a car a car, who invented words and why do we see that piece of wood as a tree, why water and sky and bird and fly, why chairs and tables and carpets and bread, when someone chose these words in head why not this and that and anything instead?, when the word was chosen it must have been said not only the wise have something in head, the answer is clear it must always have been, not one person could invent what has always been seen, these words have existed long before us so don't worry and stress with thought and fuss, the answer is clear for all to see there is no mystery with that tree the words were always here just waiting to be found, and there are many more secrets waiting around so read on and have no fear, as the meaning of life will soon become clear.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------On a clear dark night when the moon it doth shine and the stars they twinkle like a glass of wine, you can see the answer for its up above there is no mystery in space or love, for how can it all have been created when not yet the stars the planets the emptiness were dated, ? well clearly things have always been why just imagine the empty scene they say the gas and dust did all for after the bang the story is tall can you not see the blinding light for I tell you true this night the bang was not and could not be its easy to discover what must have been, no cloud of dust can just be there without a reason or even a care, the void the blackness the things we see were put in place by one like me, need I say more you must realise we were made in his likeness what a surprise, there was never a bang not out in space because he made everything just like our face, yes now you know and see it all infinity exists there is no wall. And now this life this truth is seen you know the answer has always been fear not for love its never gone the poet and poem will linger on, your strong and brave so trust in thee will echo beyond this time and place the past the future in pure full face, the beauty repeats and we will see the song in hope and pleasure in life its long, you will not die nor tender be only the brave will create the joy to see, if hope and love are in your heart the beginning and ending will never start, we were always here and will always be just like the wood in that tree, life is eternal and love the same so doubt it not and ease the pain. If thought and deed were never spoken hark the smile will not be broken with trust in your heart and the hope and prayer is not the beauty long to stare, fear not to walk the darkest road with love in your heart the song will ode.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------So what I have got is what I keep no longer the fool or knight to sleep much has been given born of doubt when such was fear to live without, not a moment not a word was said frustrated and told the pressure in head, when lost and ancient rhymes go near the pleasure was taken without a tear and now we have to live with choice, the lungs are longing to shout with voice, trust in what is left undone strive and prosper and try to run.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- This is the story of a man whom falls in love, of one whom seeks the hand of his fair maiden then tragically dies by way of drowning, and these are his thoughts as he descends the murky depths and of his hopes and dreams alas being so sadly dashed in one so young and yet to fulfil the might of life. January cold and icy February played with snow March starting to thaw April showers raincoat May I have this dance June such a pretty name July on my other arm August things are hotting up September on the boil October wedding bells approaching November saw us cut the cake December honeymoon to take. A is for affair my affair with you B is for bare this life we two C is for care for each other D is for dare to be together E is for ever our love always F is for fear that we should part G is for great this love to start H is for hope we have together I is for island our home J is for joined entwined forever K is for keep us together L is for love ours alone, M is for mouth to speak the truth N is for never us to part O is for open our hearts wide P is for pleasure we give to others Q is for questions we never ask or hide R is respect for each other, S is in spite of all our flaws T is the tremendous feeling for you U is the ultimate feeling, V is victory over adversity W is winning the battle of life X is extra beyond strife Y is younger with each year Z is zealous for each tear. Walking and talking and thinking of you as we pass the Deer in the zoo the pretty red roses on our right enchanting serene what a beautiful sight, Aprils showers could do no wrong splendidly singing ancient songs away to the greenhouse master of none, save for the apes the gorillas have won the spacious refinery all to ourselves, cloved in asparagus set on the shelves, this place of amusement which we see is London zoo to you and me, now we approach the snakes and the frogs signs saying please will you bring no dogs just over there the journeys end we are in love lets not pretend. Such a happy rolling seaside town simply skyward waiting for the applause to be forever on the ancient lawns roller coaster bubbly juice, the bands are heading for number one break the lateness time is floating keep for me people are boating back to front and inside out we are high on love and not without, rowing in a small boat everything is nice and quiet the water is very still and calm as we pass the waters moat and the castles moat, as I row I can not help but as I look into her beautiful eyes whereupon I am hypnotised and her smile makes me realise that to be in a boat alone with her on this river of tranquillity this is a beautiful feeling, looking and thinking and reeling as we pass the roses red and the sight of daffodils in their bed I start to gaze to look and groan these thoughts of words in monotone, and now she starts to smile at me this is the face of sublimity is this the girl that loves the sea whom thinks of me in totality a veil of flowers and a cloak of thorns this is the girl that keeps me warm, thinking and feeling I begin to sleep suddenly I fall overboard and into the deep in she goes without a thought I feel that time has come to nought, down I go I am gone for sure but wait a moment there is a door am I dreaming or is this real on my left is a giant eel, this is too much and its blinding me my arms are pulled with relentless ease the strength the power the force ensues, the water abounds the depths submerged all light and life begins to fade, floating breathing past pleasures redeem resting with mouth and lip to conceal her beauty shines and radiates warmth the eyes they shine and penetrate deep, our love has survived the dreaded weep. Oh to be in England on such a fine day oh to be in Sussex in the suns ray oh the joys of living in this loving way all the children and flowers happily at play, oh to be in England never been so good Shakespeare's cottage even Robin Hood oh to be in England what more could I want to be in church on Sunday kneeling at the font. Prosperity in light blue shades of sunset in overdrive caught on the wheel of fortune almost a bit of madness absolutely and abundantly serene in its simplicity a broken nightmare painted in sadness, leaves that are green the colour of my youth and leaves that have markings of veins in their bed a baby grown from seedlings small closed in the earth with eyes alone, a stub of growth a mark of respect left asunder from their breast an upward climb an endless trail the suns ablaze not far to go, now watch the earth gently move a rose I am another day. A pleasure to see you my friend so nice to see you again a long time to be together separated entwined forever loves lost on lonely march parades to see you now, illustrious pictures anew fresh from the perfume of old scents and fragrance aplenty with people that we know sad as we were seen as we grow this pleasant land is for me picture postcard boulevard DE john in France on a sunny day. Time is fortune money is life give me that daydream in my strife wrap up my sorrows peppered with tears whisper sweet nothings in my ears, follow me all the days of my life and enrich me with feelings of happiness. Walking on air and walking on sea seeing and tasting and feeling a spree on whistling past the old oak common boarders when those days of fishing and floating and playing football in the spring and on the sand, and now we go walking and running and gaily jumping and to dance halls and parties and spend evenings dining and tasting the summers vineyard wine and reminiscing on our youth, time is fortune money is life give me that daydream in my strife, follow me follow me inside out give me that daydream with tables and chairs and a bottle of stout pen to paper Liszt on song Issac is knowing this payment begone, January cold middle is bold ending is told my birthday again. There is a town called Limerick with people very gay the children always run about and every day they play over the hills and down the valley you can see old Limerick town with the sun so bright and the moon at night it layeth all alone. Happiness is my name contentment is my game to have plenty of everything and nothing to lose born on this day a pleasure to choose so happiness is all things to me. HARRY SHARMA KATE HENRY JULIA ROSE PHILLIS ALICE ROBERT BARBARA MARK. The sea is beautiful it is clean and it is smooth silky shiny and nice, it is very nice just to be sitting quietly on the beach without anyone around to disturb the silence, when the sun is going down in the early evening and everything is serene looking up at the cloudless sky is a beautiful thing, and seeing in the distance the last of the birds going home to nest tranquil in their silence as they glide away gently on the breeze. Light of my India with garlic watered down mellow DOWN save for all this woe begotten tract of treasures bend this arm of oppression show forth this anaemic face that shudders openly appalled, shower these thy children with flowered perfume scent red roses opened in spring give thanks to all that you bring forth and give truth the chance to redeem its broken wing, succour all his thoughts of mellow shadowed perception on a fiery wind, angered by his arm of friendship dust to dust the bounties king reach out to splendour mine own see this thing of movement keep all these things as one as the eagle approaches the gates of home. On wandering past old common brick brown and grey dust filled with ages past the eloquence of a bygone age so flamboyant in its youth time resisted all abuse, following green pastures and fence to laid mortar and stick come now and see this thing of beauty for it has been bequeathed to us all let not weak heart prevent us, stand near and lobby her bow for it needs support a thing of beauty never dies given for the sake of posterity she is a treasure upon us all in weather fowl she stood alone in the heavy storm she faltered not now brave her gently kind folk for we fear that she may aghast the life is ebbing from her broken sail, I remember walking by a stream only remembering the tiny fish just below the surface of the water sitting by the bank just by the waters edge how pleasing to hear the silence the stillness the softness of grass on finger, ripples gently swaying glistening on the water the sun strikingly red and yellow as the evening draws near, on the distant winds the animals cry foxes sleeping darkness coming soon be night all is quiet once more. My mind and my body were detached my spirit disabled a rolling stone in the blackness of uncertainty and here I am sitting alone my body and my mind so far apart it was as if being in a car with the windows open with people many thousands of people standing in a straight line and all of them shouting at the tops of their voices but not being able to hear what they were saying because of the speed at which I was traveling to be able to comprehend everything without fully understanding anything such a paradox to live with. Twilights last gleaming born on the ceiling of blues and greys and white playing football and thinking of telling tales tall tales pieces of Eight without weight plums and fruit juice of wine taken away on light blue dust, from Sunday to November and back together we stay and accept the ultimate of this treasure for you and me and those days of sights past, and present pleasures given for ourselves your light. Somewhere out there is my reflection somewhere out there is my other self gazing down on this object of desire, somewhere outside is my inner being looking again at the imprint of this thing, without looking inside looking out without looking outside looking in we try to see ourselves looking at the looking, looking at the looking mirror, looking at the looker only to see ourselves being looked upon by the looker, don't try to force when the force of the force is not forcing the issue remains still the issue remains the same, the stillness remains the issue the same remains the same. ITS NO GOOD WISHING YOU MUST DO, AND IF YOU DO AND WISH YOUR WISH WILL COME TRUE, be with me for another day and help me to help others in the same way. Of ships and sails partly hidden blue of acorn eyes apart dead of night we are as one we sprightly dance the butterfly waltz canst from the dungeon cool a further feather from osprey, let Byron's name be echoed throughout the land and let the day of Agamemnon approach the eye of Zeus, The army in Ireland are fighting a battle hell is hell even in heaven once in hell and above the sword the crime is done and blood is poured, now for country law and peace we see ourselves for what we are never to stay the falling blade can I but face that darker bend in which may come my final end. The answer to all the problems the answer is to meditate be still and sincere in the silence of meditation. Since I was young I would be sitting with book on my knee sitting by the fire glowing brightly with my family and all was very peaceful, over the years reading my book page by page I took the chance to read all the news with a breathless wonder yearning to look, since I was Ten still reading my book fifteenth chapter take another look since seventeenth chapter all is well tea is ready story to tell, since I was eighteen and full of thought playing rugger on rugby ground north of town bound for fifty miles, with still time to read my book and still sitting by the fire with my family around the tree, tall stories of my younger days children and grandchildren and auntie Margaret's daughter on my knee, since I was reading my book since I was young and old. I sit here now with frowning heart saddened with eyes torn apart blackened ripped and desperate plagued by sarsaparilla, pop corn and yellow custard pies and butter beans floating in G wave on the good ship lollipop. Tide and sea sand and peace its what everybody wants flying in a small plane all is green below piecing together pieces falling in the snow, pleasing memories of people and places the things we did together so long ago when we were happy death comes so soon so unexpectedly, tide and sea and sand so green the pleasant land the Earth comes closer still repentant always praying, hoping when there is no hope covering mine eyes a second only and then a flash and then the blackness, am I dead or alive? perhaps in limbo a feeling of floating endlessly drifting dead or alive?. On Bolton dock I was standing around the stale bread and cocoa until uncle Bert with tea in hand made advances to the sand off they flew all in a flutter only to land face down in the gutter all of a splutter with tears in their eyes. Staying alive staying alive staying alive this world is staying alive running jumping singing drinking and staying alive staying alive staying alive, happy happy sorrow cry staying alive staying alive singing in a one man band One Two Three Four Five and trying to stay alive. How can I weep for sorrow when she has no tears, how can I condemn the meek when they hold the spears, light this fire with passion spurned and cast aside this womb of feeling given to us for life's journey now to start, pleased for the seeing sights of believing a view of aspiring glory taken from the book of Jude relive this moment for me, Armageddon approach begone each second counted Armageddon is upon us. I am pleased to be myself I am pleased to be together with friends I am pleased to have a nice job and home I am a product of my mothers thoughts I am a pebble in this shell of sunken beaches. Dreaming of a time gone by and trying to remember forgetting only glimpses of reality feeling not as one and yet not lonely, oblivious to actions events and causes quiet thoughts pass freely now dreaming still of the friends I once had before and now, what is real and what is untrue? where am I what am I and what are they? all these things are dreams but what is a dream?. Can you please will you please come back to me soon perhaps we can be together again one day soon, when you were with me I was walking on air as light as a feather not even a care, but now you are gone and life is so sad will I see you again? perhaps in heaven, what a time we will have. [ EPILOGUE ]
- And so it came to pass that a fair young prince whose spirit was cast aside lay forlorn and defeated on the long dark road of sadness to the other world beyond the reach of light and hope, and yet for whom and lest we tell there may be a truth beyond the reach of hell, we believe and trust that all will be well for this fair young prince whom has lost his princess, but we hope and pray there will come a day when they join again for fair prince and princess to succumb once more for loves sweet smile to kiss and caress beyond oppressive duress.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Spirit my thoughts and arrest this tranquillity move me one step closer to reality, Telegraph Standard news flash Times Observer Guardian Angel Sun shine for me Mirror my thoughts shine on this foolhardy spirit of enlightenment, frown upon my wicked venture absolve me from evil and injustice, take this bond and pieces, repair this martyred soul, again this duty pleased., The sunshine comes slowly over the mountain top whistling and breathing with every stop, breaking silkily through the misty morning air as I stand alone in the due drop green grass, the cool morning breeze echos past on its way to meet the night on its long and relentless journey, where one day I will stand to meet him and to greet him on that mountain top, the next morning as the mist it gently fades to see the sun arise again, playing games on my mountain top surely my friend will never stop. I have written many poems but my best I regard as this one read on.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
123456789 and all is fine FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF FINE.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------There was a time before the yesterdays became tomorrows that the flowers they did bloom and the canon boom and the light and the darkness were as one, when the mist was hazy and the dawn was crazy for the love of life and the swift cut of the knife were known, Tis now to say that faith and gun were alive to each other and better than none, when doubt and fear were always near and the shudder and fight were always right, well, it is in this time of hope and lost the days were long and the forests were tall that this tale begins to shine, when dreams were proud and the brave did stand that merry spring of man was loud, it was a time of peace and hope when all those songs were filled with gusto, now I empty this pot of gold for tis true that the detail must now unfold, all mystery and doubt will be cast out for you will know the truth of how it all began in that time of legend and man, a miracle was born that day and I am here to show the way, fear not and look that compass long the days the years we search with song, of battles and creatures proud and lean the blood it flowed before the scream, the brave were weak and the old were young in those days of pastures strong, if England's song can rise again the bravest folk will honour men.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -
- Believing that there is something else other than emptiness trying to surrender ones own doubts and fears to the reality and to the absurdity of feelings, plying wood upon fire moist upon dryness water upon depravity, seldom recognising that what we are doing is total destruction of humanity self annihilation for a lost cause, perhaps its already too late to stop the seemingly endless chain reaction of events, that we are told are beyond our power, and yet all alone in the darkness one can see the benignity of it all perhaps the emptiness does have something, something to say and something to offer, perhaps we are not alone its as if waiting for the seconds on a clock to tick relentlessly by, time will continue even if there are no humans to wind the clock. Stubbornly I find myself criticising all that I see around me, but still I feel not quite alone its as if in the emptiness and the stillness there is a voice to be heard, albeit a voice without a face the lonely one on the other side of awareness who can not communicate to tell us of the better world, which is just beyond our reach, am I really so far away from the truth?, I believe that to find ones self one must look inside for the answers.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Impersonalised number plates driving in a small plane feeling a little pain, don't think that I am the same doing it my way thought that I knew it all, where am I going to what is it all about? trying to work it all out my way, nothing more to say take my girl to the pictures seen it all before, someone at the door open it and fall in love again.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- When one contemplates the existence of life on Earth one must surely be completely mystified by the fact that there is no end to space, but there must be an end somewhere.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Perhaps one of the most controversial and emotive subjects facing man in this century is just how do we dispose of the bodies of our deceased?. Throughout the centuries this has not been a problem that mankind has addressed to himself with any degree of seriousness, it has never been seen as a problem with any degree of urgency attached to it, it is only now at the end of the Twentieth century and the beginning of the Twenty First century that man is beginning to take seriously this enormously complex problem. Burying the dead has always seemed to be the most humane and respectful way of disposing of bodies as far as the relations of the deceased are concerned, and until quite recently there has been no need to think seriously about the problem, maybe this is because there has always been plenty of land available, and also that in all countries respect for one's dead and finding a proper place of rest for them has never been found difficult, but as we open a new chapter and start a new century we are being made aware of the need in many ways to increase food production and conserve energy for the ever increasing population, and so the need to conserve our wealth is the reason for needing so much land. It is a priority which we must come to terms with quite soon if it is to have any effect at all, I believe that there can only be one answer which is logical and practical, and one which is the only realistic solution there can be little doubt that cremation is the answer to this very serious and pressing problem, however, the way to go about convincing people is far from easy, to suggest to the families of those deceased that in the interests of everyone, not least those in the Third world, whom are in desperate need of the Earths resources, that their dearly beloved be cremated would no doubt seem quite outrageous and unnecessary, man can not forever go on abusing the Earths resources at such an alarming rate, the Earth at the present time has what may seem like an abundance of land available for agricultural purposes, and so people have assumed that that there will always be an abundance of food and raw materials whenever needed, but this can only remain so if we stop burying our dead and start cremating them. A typical burial ground will probably be used for a period of some Fifty years or more, with the present increase in population and our need to feed and clothe everyone, we must start taking seriously our need to conserve land, we simply can not afford to take substantial areas of land out of circulation for so long.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- The following little verse is not to be taken too seriously by those that are easily offended, there is no disrespect intended, it is just a poem, well a story of sorts. That poor black person uneducated semi literate half breed, forbidden in the house of the white man born to serve the master supreme, separated from his homeland over centuries of gloom a beaten finalist in the race of doom, some abstract admission of guilt, born in the womb of sorrow, despised and forlorn cared for and mourned, the life of the black man when born.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Asian lady dressed in white across the Sahara desert with mouthfuls of water glazed, about this time set to thinking of some ancient forest, born to give life and sight all of the soldiers leading the way across this sandy dune, of beautiful droplets particles of blues and greys and flowered petals pacing, only in my mouth for the pleasure that I gave and only small thoughts passing for the brave and not forgetting the slave traders, in that land of song across this sea of caves this camel of my meaning.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Roses are red pretty red velvet and soft roses in their fire blown from aloft, orchids and daffodils and blue dancing too much on due pine tree escallop and rice, boiled beef stewed onions and lice, roses red partly hidden splendour accentuated on this autumn gender manor to manor surrender, speak up and voice your views roses and daffodils on blue, albeit lies or true if lies and detention born on redemption splendour splendour given voice, on this afternoon of alpha sud super soap sud.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------THE WORLD CUP 2010 ] Those days of football are upon us again when the shout of the girls admire the men, the brave and the strong have travelled so far for the fame and the glory a bruise and a scar, they came from the lands of poverty and pride the rich and the poor now they all reside, no fear no lust no thirst to fail the spirit is strong to shout to hail, all conquering hero's must strive to the mast each game is so precious each man to the last, to play for one's country ambassadors all the heartbreak the sorrow before the fall, the winning and losing the constant test just another game before the rest, at this moment we are all as one as each waits nervously for the starting gun, whoever triumphs we are winners all, the taking part makes a man stand tall.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Last night was a very sad night he sat there all alone desperately desperately needing help, a sorrowful picture of loneliness and depression, every fibre of his makeup was exhausted beyond recognition of the once youthful full of life character that once occupied that strong and happy frame, completely shaken by shock a man who would not and could not accept the truth which was the truth of separation, as I watched I could feel and sense and realise that it was the death of a soul and the death of a spirit of that embodiment of life, and of love and of hope he was now dead, a pitiful languid and hateful and despised specimen-of nauseating sickness, he was pretending to smile while realising that everybody hated him and all of the time he was wondering just what he could do to heal the break, crying in his teacup alone all through the night his heart was bleeding and it would continue to bleed for all time, his stare was callous hard and cruel with a burning look that penetrated the floor, endlessly searching for the reason for his heartache, alas it was all too late to reconcile the hurt my friend is now alone perhaps to be alone for ever not knowing when he will regain his happiness or his pleasures or his life, his thoughts were all too clear he was trying to say that he was sorry for the wrong that he had done he was trying to say please while knowing that all the time he dare not say a word or there would be a deathly hush of hatred he was trying to say that his love was still for her alone, but she did not want to listen to his petty mumblings he was now a man who knew just what it was that he had done and he regretted it so much but he knew now that it was too late to change a thing, how sad it is to look upon the face of defeat many a sad-line telling a sad tale, what will become of the man of sorrow never to see the light of tomorrow, seldom have I seen such a change in a man.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I place my faith in God and all of my worldly possessions I place at his door, I do not condemn those that are evil but ask forgiveness instead, I smile in the face of adversity I laugh at evil intent I pray for those that are good and also for those that are bad, and I ask nothing for myself other than to help those less able than me, my religion I have none my aims are small my likes and dislikes are few, but above everything else my one hope remains to be able to say that I tried when someone asks for my hand in time of need, and yet these are only words mere words without strength, the test will come when one day someone says help me.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I have received instruction in faith I have accepted the word and the light I have chosen to obey all things to this day without fear or malice or spite, I am simple and clean and I do what I can to help those that are worse off than me, and so to end this sad tale of rhyme and song let me part with the words of shakespeare anon, my dear let me be what I want to be a simple soul harmless to all.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Two wars are long past a third in sight as east and west both flaunt their might, with awesome weapons in grand array total destruction on open display, as counter charge and counter lie tension mounts the price is high one hasty word and all could die, filled with a dread I have seldom known fear my companion I sit alone afraid this day I might be called upon to fire three, through mankind's greed and mankind's hate I am now ordered to exterminate all mankind, the dye is cast and I am caught not much time left for thought trained to act instantly repeat command fire three, those cold grey walls shall be my shroud as I release the deadly mushroom cloud, button three is coloured red and finally all are dead, spare us this day, I feel an urgent need to pray to ask the lord forgive us this day, button Three now glowing red, needlessly all are dead. button three is coloured red and finally all are dead, spare us this day. A strident note the warning bell confusion hurry run like hell fire fire someone shouts then suddenly find there is no way out the doors are locked where are the keys ? a woman is praying on her knees, I try to resist the panic I feel have I the time to stop and kneel, ? as I stumble through smoke and erupting flame I wonder if someone will find whom is to blame, I sorrow for those whom soon must follow I am sorriest most there is no tomorrow.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------The cup slipped gently from the old mans hand he could not hear the nearby band, a beggar blind who had no sin there was no reason to do him in, he had no fear of any harm he was withered old and full of charm, he never spoke just proffered the cup hoping for something he would share with the pup, who was whining now and licking the face, of the only friend he could not replace.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------No one knows for certain what follows one's last breath, no one knows for certain if there is living after death, no one knows the reason someone called a fish a trout, no one knows for certain if an echo can make a shout, no one can be sure of the face behind a mask, no one knows the answer to a question that you don't ask, but one thing is for certain and the truth it can not lie, you can not live forever and one day you will die.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- I could gather the silver thats lining every cloud, I could be the lightening flash and the thunder following loud, I could know the innocence of a babe just newly born or walk along a rainbow and see a new worlds dawn, I could ride upon the wind to the farthest galaxy, quite simply I unlocked my mind and threw away the key, through my imagination I now find has made me very sad, they say that I have lost my mind and have locked me up as mad.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Sharp is the edge of the knife I see, a surgeon in white bends over me, blood spattered gown brush my face- I sink in a flimsy clouds embrace, with fluttering heart and feeble will - I now depend on the surgeons skill, soft the hands I no longer see softer still the memory, awareness comes and with it pain moving beds an endless chain, concerted effort to save a life another goes to face the knife, its calmer now and need I say --they have not lost a life today.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------A second chance, I was only a smalltime gambler whom did not know a lot, but I went to a casino and I won the biggest pot, it seemed like easy pickings I thought I knew the score, I lost all count of place and time as I laid out more and more, drunk with thoughts of grandeur a little tree grown tall too late I recall the proverb pride goes before a fall, the joy and ease of winning was not without its thrill but my cup of sorrow was brimming when I had to face the bill, I no longer have a wife and home I am a saddened and lonely man I was only a small time gambler but played as a big man can, the pill that I must swallow a lesson expensively learned my position all due to my gambling my fingers sorely burned, I dread the thought of the morrow and the path that I must walk a highway of grief and sorrow a road without a fork, I look back on my life with a sadness and regret my broken romance, can I know the joy of gladness to be found in a second chance ?.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------It does not need a brain on a higher plain to see wars as futile and a pain, so lets refrain from the strain of a million droplets of rain.
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Merry Christmas and God bless everyone, and I pray that you will find the lord as I have. Just looked outside and its total darkness the street lights are off, welcome to austerity in the uk 2011. My prediction for the uk budget, = fags up booze up petrol up taxes up all hope for a better life down down down. No need for austerity plenty of money around but privatisation is the top agenda. 12 billion pounds for the olympics money for wars everywhere and public service down the toilet. A uk liberal mayor lets hope so as I stand to win big bucks if it happens. Yankee horse racing is great its better than the uk which is fixed rotten. Horse racing in the uk is screwed rotten take my advice bet on night time yankee horses they pay out on 1-2- and 3 - even with 7 runners. The usa the uk and Israel will regret their foolish rhetoric their words of war will rebound on them and haunt them forever. Any country that attacks Iran will be destroyed so stop this madness now. Israel the usa uk France and other hopeless hangers on are insane to seek a fight with Iran. Fucking bastards Nato bullshit stop interfering in other countries Nato wankers. The wests action in libya sets a dangerous precedent for world order, it is wrong illegal unjust and dangerous for world peace. The usa uk and France are wrong to seek a change of leadership in libya, 1973 does not give them the authority for such action stop now. www.ssehcetam world poetry and publications .co.uk- el presidente gbagbo is king el presidente gbagbo is the winner viva el gbagbo viva el gbagbo viva el gbagbo viva el gbagbo viva el gbagbo. scum usa uk Israel pay back time is coming in defence of the oppressed in the arab world insane policies will have severe consequencies. The Third world war is upon us say your prayers the end is near. Eruv poles all over the fucking place, concessions to the Jewish community but no one else, screw the jews, screw Israel, screw the west. I need love I need warm hugs I need honesty tranquility sincerity but no chance on earth 2011. David ca morons big society is doomed to fail uk conservatives are insane insane insane. Who agrees with me that the British Royal Family are a waste of time and money, ? Royal wedding complete rubbish, who cares I dont. Press tv for real news Press tv Press tv Press tv Press tv . Down with usa down with uk down with Israel down with the mafia, viva freedom viva democracy viva Egypt. The Egyption army are puppets of Hosni, the people must protest the usa the uk and Israel just want time to put their stooges in place. Grutos Sena Beeswi Agdu Twhyy. Why are track and field events run anti clockwise. ? Does Sir Alex Fergurson the man u manager wear a bullet and stab proof vest under that black coat, is he scared of being bumped off.? I like Islam I like Muslims they are good people friendly and wise, God bless them all. Is Egypt heading towards Sharia law ? will Sharia law become the religion of the world ? will Israel adopt Sharia law. ? Israel is finished, the Arab nations are going to gobble you all up bye bye Israel your friend Hosni has left you. Israel must be nervous worried and scared at Egypts revolution, the people want change adios Hosni. Twitter twit witwrit wet trite wire write tire rit tit we . England are rubbish at football. abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz and 0123456789 represents the total of all human knowledge. A womans place is in the kitchen they should be seen and not heard. Humanity is dumb stupid idiotic crazy mad barmy insane nuts and I only am a genius just my little joke. uk government want to move may day to october if they choose the 31st does that mean they really are wicked and evil .? Are the usa and uk and Israel planning an attack on Iran,? they would be making a big mistake to do so. Thanks for the warning Rev but I prefer honesty come what may. Shove it re death is pref to silence and fear scum politicians and scum uk political policies no fear no pain. Insane policies from uk government they should be held to account for war crimes against uk public services. uk British government imposing drastic and severe cuts to public services people will protest and potentially take violent action. uk government cutting hospitals schools day centres care homes libraries will cause chaos riots violence insane policies. London to Birmingham new rail link proposed costing £17 billion pounds what we have is adequate its a disgraceful waste of money. when politicians dont listen to their people chaos begins as in Egypt, its a tragic lesson for all other countries. 1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8+9=45 . Iranian tv news Press tv for real news not western sterilised sanitised nonsense. Iranian tv news called Press tv very nice take a look www.presstv.ir Suddenly the world loves Hosni viva Hosni viva. mr Hosni Mubarak is a dead duck, dont wait till september Hosni your people will string you up in the next few days if you hang around. The usa and Germany send planes to get their people out of Egypt, the uk waits till the next day and charges them £300 pounds for the flight. and has a cup of tea before they do anything. The London olympics is such a shameful waste of money £12 billion pounds how many hospitals schools etc its a disgrace. sky tv should be ashamed for sacking Andy Gray, sue those idiots at sky Andy for millions, free speech and democracy is now dead. Well done Andy Gray and Richard Keys speak your mind and screw the politically correct brigade, what happened to free speech. ? Women have no place on the football ground, the mans game is far too rough and tough, they should stay in the kitchen where they belong. Will some kind soul please take legal action to prevent the uk government selling uk forests to the highest bidder, ? as uk forests belong to all of us and are there to be enjoyed by all and not a priviledged few. www.ssehcetamworldpoetryandpublications.co.uk for great poetry. Spurs football club bosses are totally bonkers in wanting to re build the Stratford stadium even the fans refuse to go there. As uk politicians wish to devolve everything perhaps THEY will leave as they are a waste of time and money. Re Arizona shooting, when will the usa learn the lesson, ? the only surprise is their surprise, too many guns, too much tv violence, wake up. Watch RT.com for the truth in news. The cosy club of western mafia heads of state agreeing the death of democracy is shameful, Russia 1st. When people are pushed too far by a corrupt uk government and bent politicians they will fight back, so watch your backs scumbags. David Cameron British pm, my opinion as follows, people will protest against your idiotic policies, get lost get out and stay out, idiot. President gbagbo is king the best, viva el presidente gbagbo, screw the opposition. Leave president gbagbo alone, he won the Ivory Coast election fair and square, the usa and Europe should not interfere in other countries. Re- uk student protests, when the police use heavy handed tactics and kettling and politicians lie and cheat expect massive trouble again. No wonder we lost the football bid, sending the Two Daves and Bill smiling is not enough, wembley is a dump and London is full of rubbish. Russia for ever and China too we love the east screw the west and you too. Communism makes sense viva revolution. Get rid of the monarchy, kick out the usa uk europe bias viva revolution. Corruption pervades in uk society down with the establishment viva revolution. well done those uk students for protesting today the British establihment is corrupt the mps are corrupt David Cameron resign. Now an aircraft carrier is on its way to South Korea for war games, the usa must be totally insane 3rd world war coming up soon, crazy usa. China and Russia should tell the crazy yankees hands off North Korea, the uk and usa are seriously stupid. The South Koreans are crazy for holding military exercises so close to the border in disputed waters the usa and uk should not support them. That Bishop is right, get rid of the Royal Family I say, waste of time and money and what happened to free speech. Have a look at my great poetry web site = www.ssehcetamworldpoetryandpublications.co.uk - Dear David you do not own the bleep trees and the bleep forests as they belong to the nation they are not yours to bleep sell. This wicked conservative government are planning to sell off half of the uk forests to balance the books THEY BELONG TO THE NATION DAVID. The Malvinas islands belong to Argentina not the uk, give them back David and dont ask Chile for support, and stop military exercises there. This wicked government are thinking of doing away with the SIA license for the private security industry, are they nuts crazy bonkers. I hope you like my poetry. love you x-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Have you ever wondered just like me why it is that the uk weather service people talk in such strange technical terms.? I am not interested in ice o bars or high pressure or low pressure nor deep fronts and the like, how about keeping it simple, just rain or shine hot or cold we simple folk need not to trot to the highest mountain top with the misty lingo crap, just keep it simple chaps and ladies too, as after a hard days work a little chat will do.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Am I alone in thinking that perhaps just perhaps the late and many would say great Sir Jimmy Saville is being a little hard done by, and maybe spoken of a little too harshly, after all he was a DJ of the swinging sixties generation, you remember the swinging sixties and seventies dont you, ? when free love ruled the day, and flower power was everywhere, anyway the thing is that he may well have let his hands wander a little bit, but hey, I guess we all have. So he had a taste for the ladies, well that was once thought of as being normal, and having a healthy heterosexual appetite, and when being on those music shows as a DJ those ladies did not complain at the time and did not shout from the rooftops soon after, which suggests perhaps that they were not so offended after all. I must point out that I in no way condone or like the idea that he somehow did things to under age people, if that is proven then he was quite wrong and should have been found out and punished by the full force of the law, my comments are directed at those of adult age, he spent his life trying to do good, and many were helped by his charity work, its easy to kick someone when they are down, even easier when they are six feet under, I give credit where its due, and he did a whole lot of good for society generally, I think that he was a good man, a kind man, and a genuine man, whom only wanted to help others far less fortunate, and he clearly did a good job in that direction, so he liked to have some fun on the side, and had a taste for the good life, I see nothing wrong with that, with consenting adults of course. So I raise my glass to you Jimbo, in the context of your charity work and obvious kindness, and if you really did do things to those of tender years, then the price has been paid with your demise, and the Lord will be the master whom decides your ultimate destination.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Whenever I look at myself in the mirror I see beauty clarity and charm, I see raindrops in clear colour, I see vision and thought mixed with progress and dreams, I see love and a smile worth more than a million miles of stepping stones and old bones rolling along this hillside grass, can the day and the night the passing of these sliding doors open to a new dawn where once was born a brave new world without hatred and porn, it is a true saying that you love and you lose and then you love again only to cry when she leaves and you die, you struggle for air but the stare has gone, your heart has vanished with another into the night where she took flight gone from the arms of the once mighty fight, now its back to that mirror where she lives once more, so sweet and pure and only just next door, but its another dimension a dream thats all, though my beauty remains even with heavy heart after the fall.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------SSWOPOANPU-SSWOPOANPU-SSWOPOANPU-SSWOPOANPU-SSWOPOANPU-SSWOPOANPU-SSWOPOANPU-SSWOPOANPU-SSWOPOANPU
- SSWOPOANPU-SSWOPOANPU-SSWOPOANPU-SSWOPOANPU-SSWOPOANPU-SSWOPOANPU-SSWOPOANPU-SSWOPOANPU-SSWOPOANPU-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------The year is 2013, the time is now, there are wars in all countries, fighting killing chaos and death, starvation hunger depression and sadness everywhere, its a fight to the death just to survive, no money no food no justice no hope, only decay and destruction that makes those in need choose the rope, when those in control steal lie and cheat, then all hope is gone, with the end result defeat, the Lord is watching and must feel despair for those that he died for show little of care, I pray that his kindness will reach in our hearts, before its too late for the ending to start. He died on the cross to give love and hope, a beautiful world with plenty for all, nothing was taken no bribe or lust, just truth and love that would never turn to dust, so be content in your heart that his love will shine, and all will be saved with his power devine.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------The legend of poo, faeces come and faeces go then there is nothing in between, then urine flow and urine stop and the rivers run deep with calm, if faeces can then faeces will and nothing can stop the pace, when all is done and rest is near, observe the tranquil face.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- I am the most wonderful person on the planet, I am so very nice everyone likes me, I have no faults no fear no pain no harm, I am pure lovely, the most charming peace loving humorous pleasant person that can be imagined, everyone admires me, they adore me, they praise me, they are in shock at my humble attitude, such a truly unique phenomenon of humanity, its amazing, I love myself so very much indeed.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- There was a man whom woke one day to find he had a bonus at play, the strangest thing had happened that night, its a mystery indeed that one can not deny when if truth be told it looks just like my eye, its the smallest thing so round and pure, a cheeky little object that no one else has, a gift sent from up above, an added addition to mend and cure, this object is right in line with the other just up above but in a straight line, a direct descendant of the one before, a brother a daughter a family and more, its time to ease your pain and quest just what could it be you think I jest, fear not your wait is near be told but you wont believe the icy cold for this is the story of -TWO BELLY BUTTONS - it just appeared that little hole a red and round protruding mole, a joy a pleasure sent as a gift a tiny little present to give me a lift, I must be the only person around certainly the only one in this small town, my TWO BELLY BUTTONS are a joy to see but I wonder if aliens have more maybe Three, ? at last my BELLY BUTTON is not alone it has a friend a chum a buddy to phone, now they play and look so sweet they talk and sing and dance all night, TWO BELLY BUTTONS are better than one in a fight, how strange to get another but good for one alone to get a brother, my TWO BELLY BUTTONS are now content and pleased, and I sleep soundly at night with gentle ease, my TWO BELLY BUTTONS are now happily at play, may they live long and prosper and stay that way.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Will you be my valentine, will you love me true, will you enrich the world with your everlasting smile that dissipates the blue,?every woman needs a man for when times get hard, so on this day of fairy tales lets play the valentine card,a valentine is for life its bright and breezy with cheer,will you be my valentine in old age when I call you dear. ?
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Yesterday I watched the late night football, so what I hear you say, its no big deal, well actually yes it was a very big deal indeed, you see it was not the British uk joke of an argy bargy football match where the objective is to break the other guys leg or kick him in the nuts or how about some brain damage like an elbow to the head, no, this was the real argy - not bargy - deal, ie the Argentinian Primera League, indeed it was a real pleasure to watch and enjoy a game of pure skill and not the kill or be killed attitude of the British game. The teams were San Lorenzo and Boca Juniors, your not alone, I had not heard of them either, all of them so super fit it was fast and pacy and yet gentle and kind to one and all, some of them had to change their shoes or boots and no laces either I wonder if they all do that, ? it makes for speed and skill on the ball only and not a karate kick to some tender parts of the body. At the end of a splendid game they all came off in a group together as one strong team, and they all played their socks off running here there and everywhere to win that game, there is no doubt they have respect for the game for the rules and each other, a proud people honest and true, and the crowd were great as well, lots of singing and clapping and no punch ups or pitch invasion, if you choose not to watch, then I pity you.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Rip off fucking Britain, the uk British insurance industry is one big fucking bullshit mega fucking asshole shit shagging waste of time and filled full of wankers, I have just had the misfortune to need help and these bunch of time wasters are trying every fucking bull shit wanky way to wiggle out of fixing the problem, you and I take out a policy in all good faith and pay our money so that when tragedy strikes we are not left high and dry, and these wankers look for every fucking letter and word of the detail to get out of paying a fucking penny in compensation, fucking assholes, wankers, bull shitters, cock sucking fucking idiots, thats what I say, God damn fucking country, the system is screwed rotten.Specifically, the company in question is none other than--- well I had better not use their real name as they might sue me, so lets just call them - Doom and Gloom - and if you take the first letter of each word then you might be able to know whom I mean, they are total bollocks crap wankers, a total shit waste of time and space, dont ever have anything to do with them.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------England are fucking crap shit rubbish at football, if they can not beat Chile they should give up altogether, or is the whole thing fixed, ? most probably, as the odds on Chile winning were quite good, yes thats it of course, the whole fucking game is bent rotten, fucking country, Rule Brittania thats what I say, after the first goal the England manager looked fucking shell shocked with that oh so familiar gormless fucking look that really says it all, what a fucking disgrace the England team were, they should all be kicked out of the game forever for not trying to win, which was fucking obvious, what a bunch of tossers they all are.Furthermore, no doubt England whom are playing Germany on Tuesday will run rings around the luftwaffa, and we will probably win 3/0----but that will in no way excuse those hopeless wankers whom could not give a toss about winning against Chile, honesty and pride have sadly gone from the uk game in 2013, where the name of the game is do or die, but only if there are big bucks in it for us to try.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------This is the story of Satan anew, this is the story of God in the blue, this is the story of those up above, this is the story of those that we love, never forgotten and always dear, those that we lost are always near, so true and yet lies we deceive with our eyes, we seek death and torture beyond the sky, a brother a sister a mother no less, a father is beaten but tries above rest, a grateful people in hunger and ill, a forgotten pride we once had in the mill, I had a dream we were one and the best, no longer the dream has been put to rest, a flight, a bird, a peasant, a poet, lest we know nothing and dont you know it, forget what you said and remember the past for all of your effort is gone at last, she was pure and sweet you and I know it all, and she broke your bones with one last fall, the Earth and the Moon and the planets that we see, can not hide the lonely tree, there is death, and Heaven and Hell its true, and only the weak believe, but not you.-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------This is a tip for the world community, so sit up and pay attention, as its good advice, ok here goes, ------------ when making your dinner, you put potatoes green beans cabbage onions curly kale garlic peas and the rest of the good stuff in a pot , --- right ?, well then you boil the God damn thing, - right, ? well then, when its all cooked, nice and tasty like, dont chuck the lot ie the juice from the pot down the sink, I mean the boiling water that came out of the pot, I mean when you transfer all those lovely vegetables from the pot on to the plates, thats all the good stuff so dont waste it and dispose of all the juices, drink it with your dinner, it is out of this world and the next, so maybe the whole world does this anyway, well maybe they do and maybe they dont, but now that I have realised I will never chuck it down the sink again, I have seen the light and tasted pure Heaven. well you get the idea, just put it in a cup and drink it, its super fantastic vunderbar and fucking brill, and will keep you fit and healthy forever, well I like it anyway.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ And here I go again with more words of wisdom that the people whom run the country will for sure not like, so listen up and take note for these are Gods words - except for the bad language of course which is strictly mine, and the truth can not be hidden, nor indeed should it.-----ok then this is my opinion----As you and I know only too well, there are many sad and lonely people here today living and dying on the streets of London England, yes in the year of our Lord 2013. What an absolute disgrace that this should happen, there should not be any reason why people are made and feel compelled to sleep rough on the streets, the powers that be should go around and help these people, ie they should even say that the law says that they can not do this, if I were in charge I would not allow this to happen, I would make sure that those in need received the proper help that they need, I would get vans to go and pick them up off of the streets and take them to a place of safety, I would feed them, and house them, and look after them, and get them back on their feet, until they were a credit to society and able to look after themselves again, yes this is what I would do, and this is what any caring and compassionate state would do, sadly we do not have such a system in London 2013, I also disagree with the idea of charity, why I here you shout, well its like this, I say that the uk bosses ie the guys that run the shop should fund properly all of the systems that we need ie Health/Schools/Nursing Homes/Social Housing/welfare/Defence/etc/ well you get the idea by now I guess, we pay I mean you and I through our combined taxes enough fucking dosh to feed the fucking world a billion times over, but sadly the scum that run the shop would sadly and from their point of view gladly line their own pockets, so I will never give to charity and I advise others not to do so either, as the Government have enough money to make the idea of giving to charity obsolete which makes the point of giving pointless, if everyone did not give it would force the bosses to do the right thing, so I say God forgive those that know better and choose not to do as they know they should, the Lord is watching and listening and at the day of judgement the price will be paid, and yes I too am a sinner, a bad dude, a scum bastard, a hopeless wanker, but at least I have the balls to admit it.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I wonder, can you like me see the stupidity of the following, ie we go into a shop, and we ask for pain killers, paracetamol or the like, for such times as a headache, or toothache, or whatever, and we can only buy Two packs, is this because they think we may harm ourselves with more, ? how bonkers is that, as we can go to all of the shops anywhere and buy millions, the powers that be whom dream up these rules are seriously in need of help I suggest.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Have you noticed just like me that the clocks I mean the time seems to be slowing down. ? If you look at a clock well then look at the second hand and the seconds seem to me to be slowing down quite considerably, yes really, take a look at all of the clocks everywhere, big clocks small clocks, anywhere and everywhere, they are all going slower, for sure, no doubt about it. Am I bonkers crazy and mad do I jest or is this just sad, could it be true, or am I just kidding you,? is the world spinning slower, and will it affect the garden tools and the mower?, can I be serious, am I potty or nuts?, for I have a strange feeling deep down in my guts, could it be the martians the aliens from afar, attacking our lovely planet whom view us like ants in a jar, ? if so we must stand and fight back and protect our rock, but seriously folks take a look at your clock.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Here is another point that I wish to make, another gripe, another complaint, but for those millions of my beloved followers whom no doubt thrive on my every word of oh so wise wisdom, it is a joyous moment to savour and digest, it is like this----. We, I mean you and I, watch the tv news, oh yes indeed we do, and we see the news reader reading the news, oh yes indeed we certainly do, and sometimes that particular news reader, and this only applies to the male species I must stress, well he will put his hand in his trowser pocket, yes there he stands reading the news with one hand in his pocket and the other hand is holding the script, paper, notes, how lax I say, how clumsy, how rude, do they think its cool, or hip, or smart, or, trendy,or fashionable, ? well I say no it aint, I mean no it is not, I mean they are on mega money and should take more pride in their job, I mean after all they are reading the news in front of millions.They are probably told to do so by their masters the tv bosses, I have seen the same on other tv news broadcasts as well, its in very poor taste I would suggest, and shows just how far down the toilet standards have dropped.And it also shows a distinct lack of respect for themselves and more importantly their viewers. Basically they are saying - UP YOURS - we do not care what you think.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------What follows is my interpretation of life, the meaning of life, the moment of truth has arrived for all of Gods blessings are now to unfold before your eyes, this is the story of how it all began.--- It was in the beginning that I saw a light, shining brightly in the night, it was dark and misty until that point a ray of sun a star out of joint, perhaps a word a whisper was heard, that very day though sight was blurred, I do not remember the exact event after long lost flight the strength was spent, but I do recall an arm a hand reaching far out and into the sand, the stars were born that very day and we are the products of that blessed way, the giver was giving and gave a lot no doubt you know the story the plot, our father in Heaven was Heaven sent to rescue all with good intent, that evil exists is true no less but truth and kindness will lay to rest, so dream the dream and sorrow is gone for were you not brave to see the obvious meaning of life is long, I have hope in my heart and pray that the Lord will see that humans are human and vunerable be, his power is mighty pure and strong but in death and sadness we will here the song, of love and kindness that is his alone given to all to share and roam, love is forever and life the same so live life without fear and ease the pain.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I have tried to give you my dear reader an insight into the other side I mean the other way, as you can see my poems are wonderful, yes quite good really, however, there may be others whom see my poems as pure rubbish, and a total waste of time, well trust me it does have a meaning and a purpose, all of my words therefore are designed to give you my dear friend another way of looking at life, yes this life, this life given to us to break the mould of old thinking, you have no doubt been quite happy and contented with many of my sayings, and of course you have been less than happy with my bad language, but there was a purpose, a point, a meaning, it is not so much that you care nor dare or even wish to stare, but the other way has been shown to you and you are a better person for having seen my writings, so trust me dear reader when I tell you that your life will be so very much more interesting having seen my oh so wise words.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Ok then everybody, now that you have had a good rest from my brave and tragic thoughts, well just when you thought that it was safe to go out and play, well guess what, yes its me and I am back, yes back to pester you and caress you and ponder you and wander you around the brain and yet without pain though you wish I would refrain but the meaning will become plain that poetry can not be slain, then I rest my case so lets begin this most pleasant journey on the wise wisdom train.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Dear Friends, why you ask have you not heard my wise words again for some little time now I hear you say, is something wrong you ponder, ? well have faith and be patient for I say to thee nay nay and yes nay again, for all is well with the wise one, and I shall return soon to soothe your worried mind with gentle thoughts and dreams of pleasure, and where all trouble is brought to nought.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Ok here we go-------------------------------- Look up to the sky and fly, look into the sea and see, look into my eyes and be, whatever you want to be, your mind is a bit of alright, in fact its quite out of sight, so open it and let your dreams go, dont be shy just be brave and let go, the meaning is pure and so sure, its waiting just beyond that door, I have found the meaning of life, a world devoid of all strife, a deepness and feeling of joy, as one is when only a boy, let your inner being be calm, and let the Good Lord hold your arm, for I have sinned, repented, and prayed, and the Lord God has chosen to save, you too can be given the word, and your wicked deeds will be heard, but you must confess to your sin, for there really is no mystery to be saved and win.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Hello again dear friends and poetry lovers all over the world, I must confess without the stress that my site is in need of some slight colour alteration, therefore brave souls be at ease while I try to improve mywords to please, I will be back with brave new heart, to fight the good fight so let the battle start.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I am the master and you, yes you must agree, and yes I do indeed see that you are my slave and will obey my command, but wait you disagree?, for whom doth the cast were it not from afar, you know whom I am so be still while I come from the star, yes that star from up above, that small little light that shines with love, you may be small and wonder with lust but I am here to put wrong to just, we can win all with hope in your heart, let not the fear of pain prevent the start, you are what you are and have faith in the Lord, so let it all shine with the power so sweet, and there is no need to bow at my feet, for you are me and I am you, we are the same God knows its true, you are so pure so honest and true, but above all else just remember that the good Lord and I love you. You may wonder indeed why I called you my slave, fear not my friend I jest just be brave, it is meant to inspire to prove the lie that alone we must live before we die, for the Lord is with us both so fear not, rest your soul for we are forever tied together in his trusty strong knot.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Be not bad nor sad nor those things that worry thy soul, just be you so proud and true, dont try to be that which you are not, just be yourself and gain a lot, tis true so true that fortune will abide, with thee in mind so take the world in your stride, I count my blessings and yours as well, our demons reside in that place called Hell, but that place only resides in dreams, and it can not harm you though it does try with schemes, your power is within you so have faith that it will, save and protect you when you must climb the highest hill, for the Lord is with you always and will never leave, and all you need is the will to believe.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Dear friends and those of brave heart be still for the ending may be upon us all, it has come to my attention that a plot has begun to spin, for your brave wise one may fade quite soon, for the night is upon me like those guns at high noon, I followed the path without question or lie, but there are those whom would try to destroy and die, the message was given in truth and hope, for not withstanding the noose of the rope, there are those among us that are wicked indeed those demons are plotting and try to feed, I will be back in death or life as no demon can kill a mother or wife, so pray for me friends that I win this fight, the battle must begin this very night, I trust that the Lord will win the day as you only need love and the will to say, that darkness shall never win the game, those demons and evil will be slaine, let battle commence I must depart and through my words I trust that you will be strong of heart, do not surrender be brave and strong, for with the Lord in your heart you will hear the song, the time has come and I must face the test, God bless you all, you are the best, the darkest journey is upon me now, and just my faith is all I have, I pray I shall return quite soon, for the fight must begin up there on the moon, so look up and wonder and watch the war, for never has a battle been so raw, if I fail the lights will go out, but just remember not to shout, just keep the peace deep inside and remember to pray with eyes open wide, I must go now but I hope to return for the fires of Hell are waiting to burn, I go with no weapon to fight the good fight, just love in my heart for what is right, I have God by my side so I have no fear, and there is no need to shed a tear, I will return of that I pray, with more wise words of love to play.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Dear friends I am back and the battle has been won, I am hurting and broken but the heart still beats even with the stun, it was a great battle fast and long with many demons charging on the run, I fought them hard with strength and hope, I was determined not to let them use the rope, with the Lord by my side we braved the fight, I thank God that we have returned this night, I need to rest now for sleep is due, and soon dear friends my words of wisdom will be back with you.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------My foolish poems have been found out, I am no longer the Lord of clout, I tried to give of my best but it seems sadly that I have failed the test, there were many whom asked what are you and why, though I did give my best efforts and I was willing to try, but those of the many were seeking me out, and they found me and destroyed me of that there is little doubt, well now all I have are my poems of old, so all I can say to my beloved followers is be bold, for the time has come to rest my case, for the bottom line has been reached and its the base, from which you may gather that my time is done, but I wonder if another poem is due before I run, so I say goodbye to the world and may peace be with thee, for it has all come to nothing oh can you not see, indeed I may be back if you can say a prayer, may I linger in hope for your wished for stare, so let me know if you want me to write some more, I wait at the exit just near the door, oh please have me back as I wish to write again, be brave young folk for you are almost men, for ladies and girls and the old as well, for the choice is simple, its either Heaven or Hell.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------HERE IS A SONG AND IT GOES LIKE THIS--------LOVE-GLOVE-DOVE-MORE-SORE-CORE-BACK-JACK-SLACK-HAPPY-NAPPY-SLAPPY-WING-SING-AND ---DING-A-LING--I DO HOPE YOU LIKE MY POETRY, BUT IF NOT-- THEN GUESS WHAT --- ? WELL ---- YES YOU GUESSED IT----- SO WHAT ?.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Dear friends, I must stress that those words above were spoken by the demons in the heat of battle, up there on the moon last night, those devilish dastardly doom merchants had the ability to read my mind and were able to see that I have a desire for the poetical way, and they did not hesitate in shouting those words back at me, but I stood my ground and the cries and the cheers of the sound were around and abound throughout that long and arduous struggle, I swayed left and I swayed right trying all through that difficult night to fight to the end to pray that I win to return to my friends and my next of kin, they had weapons so strange never seen before long and tall with eyes so scary that went to my core, I trembled with fear and was shaking with dread, but I had the Lord by my side and the good book in my head, the night was filled with horror so pure but could I continue with effort to cure, the battle was worth it the war was won, the demons were vanquished thank goodness its done, I return with love and hope in my heart, that evil is defeated and never to start.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Hello everyone, I am back home again after what seems like an eternity flying around the galaxy, and I would like to update you on what appears to be a most unusual event up there on the Martian surface, yes indeed, among the hill tops on the 4th of April the Martian Rover caught a glimps of a bright light in the distance, now please remember that this is a distance from Earth of 99 million miles, but thats not so far in the big scheme of things really, anyway on the Martian surface the camera on the Rover was about a mile away or Two at the most, now what could this strange light be I hear you ask, ? -- well as it happens I can put your mind at rest, because while on my long journey home I was passing that very spot and saw the exact same thing, so naturally I stopped to investigate, well now it turns out that the bright light is indeed a man, just like you and me, yes thats right folks we are not alone and never were alone, in fact the whole universe is crammed chocca block full of all manner of strange and wonderful life forms, just too numerous to mention, anyway, that bright light is a Martian in his space suit of course just coming up for air and to go walkabout, you can see the outline of him perfectly in the photo, arms by his side, quite tall with a head and legs just like us, you see its like this, the Martian surface is rather barren no trees sadly, or rivers and lakes and birds flying around like our lovely planet, no its a bit of a dull old place really, but all the same it does have a few things going for it, get this, they all live underground, yes really, deep underground with all mod cons thrown in, that chap had just come topside from deep deep deep down and he was standing in a bright beam of light shining from way down below, thats the reason for the bright beam of light shown on the camera of the Martian Rover, yes they all live great lives deep down way down inside the Martian belly, and they also have great telly, dont tell me that you thought that we were alone in the vastness of space, ? come on people get real you mean that out of all the stars and galaxies and everything there is just little old us, ? well all I can say is look at the night sky and open your eyes wide, and your mind too, so there you have it folks, open your eyes and your mind to learn more and open your heart to walk through that door to a better life devoid of all strife.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Hello again everyone, yes its me back to bother you with more of my thoughts, which may indeed come to nought, but at least you will agree with me that though my words may seem so sad and you may agree that they may be bad, well at least I do make an effort and of that you must be glad. So here goes with more wonderous letters, you see its like this, if I be you and you be I then why oh why do we struggle and try, if not for reason long and proud then all is lost so shout it loud, why then be you and others to mourn for whom doth smile the story is worn, can you not see the ever green, the tall and long and most serene, I pray the lord will here your cry and at least with my poetry you know that I do try, so rest in peace and never fear not for what you have is worth a lot, I will continue to write some more, in the hope that you will love and adore.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Hello everyone again, its me, yes me, the one and only, and I am back, yes back to give you my dear friends many a word of wisdom.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
FUCKING wanky bastards, the usa uk, and the rest of the western wanky wankers keep on pushing the RUSSIANS you wankers will regret your foolish moves, da, yes, and da, again I say, NATO, potatoe, wankers, bull shitters, yes, da, and da, again, I say, oh foolish ones, stop, oh , stop, now, before, it is too oh so too late, I SUPPORT RUSSIA, YES DA, I SUPPORT, RUSSIA, oh foolish west, you are not the best, oh foolish west, you will lose the test, I LOVE RUSSIA.. DA-- DA -- DA --
Well now what be this, ? some people may indeed find my words rather rude, well yes they are but there is a point to say I object is not out of joint, you see its like this my friend and foe, for if we dont speak the truth then there is nowhere to go, so be at ease with my words to please, you see its done with a purpose to tease, its to open your mind and your heart as well, otherwise we will all take the long and lonely journey to Hell, I see nothing wrong in doing whats right, as to do anything else, we might as well say goodnight.
I am the master and you know that its true, I am the master so dont feel blue, I am the master when you are in your bed, I am the master so dream and realise that I am in your head.
Dear Friends, it has come to pass that being the oh so wise and gifted one that of course you know and realise that I am, the word has been passed down to me from on high, so that I may pass on these words of wisdom to none other than the good folk of planet Earth, ie you, yes indeed I do mean you, so listen and try oh please do try and act on these wise words of the Lord, our Lord, yes indeed the Lord of all that is good.
We are in the dark of night whereupon there are those whom will scream and fight, death and crying abound around for those with evil in their hearts will seek to win, we of good cheer must fight the good fight also, there is change in the air and ways are being planned to destroy your brave land, so be wise to this threat and never be shy to give of your blood for the desperate try, be strong in your head your heart and soul, give not one inch to the dreaded hole, the pit yes that pit is the road to hell, its near and I realise of course that you tremble with fear, but all is not lost there is a way, to say a prayer and be good today, so stay on the path and the road of peace, as the Lord is waiting forever and its more than just a lease.
Well now good people, here is another moan, another gripe, another complaint, another I here you say, well yes, dear friends, here goes with another of my oh so very famous observations, its the chemist you see, well I mean the chemists shop, that is to say, the pharmacist, I mean that place where they keep millions of tiny pills, that sometimes make us feel better, and most times give us a bad dose of the ills, I wish here and now and yes indeed for ever more no less, well I wish to put down on record for all time and maybe even eternity the utter futility of it all, indeed the utter futility of even trying to make such sense of it all, not that there is much sense of it all to be had for sure, well now the point is this, there was once upon a time a tiny little tablet, yes indeed there was, and this tiny little tablet was a nice shape and colour, and this tiny little tablet did the trick quite nicely, it did the job that it was supposed to do, it was indeed a very nice little tablet that was of the right shape and the right colour and the right strength, well now everyone, the moment of truth has arrived, HERE COMES THE KILLER, some bright spark, some genius, some - W I Z Z - kid, some numb nuts from another dimension, thought it wise and prudent and a jolly spiffing idea old chap to change the fucking colour of our nice little tablet that is the same in all other respects, its the same shape, the same size, the same taste, the same strength, its the same fucking tablet except that the colour has changed, so some moron whom works in a big company full of fucking morons has decided to screw the poor punters of this world, in other words you and I for every fucking penny that we have, how many fucking millions of bucks were wasted on just changing the colour, need I say more, ? enough said I am sure you will agree.
Here is a little poem that is quite nice -- nice like rice -- yes oh so very nice, so try to keep up, do you remember when as a boy you had a pup and played with a toy, ? do you remember the ice cream man whom was so nice and had a brightly coloured van, ? do you remember the milkmans float whom rattled those bottles without even a coat, on all of those rainy days in the fog and the haze, ? do you remember the lolly pop lady whom was so strict and stood quite still, but would move like lightening if a car was speeding on the hill, ? do you remember the coalmans lorry so full with dusty black sacks from the quarry, ? do you remember those that we loved and laughed and cried with on many a day, ? then remember this one thing the most important of all, that Love will cure all without doubt or delay, so live life to the full and be brave every day, and pray to the Lord for the mercy we seek, give us strength oh Lord for humanity is weak.
Why do people hurt each other and why do people cry, the recent sad events have made the world ask the question why oh why oh why,
it is with sorrow deep within these words are just to say, for Gods sake people of the world, - LIVE IN PEACE AND LET US PRAY.-
Yes folks I am back, after crying a million tear drops just like you and everyone else on planet Earth, well yes I am back to comment on all of the wonderful and yes even strange goings on in this the most central and one and only place to trace and face the truth of the yet unknown to be forever spoken on planet Earth, whereupon some little while ago the truth found its birth, and yet and until you and I will no doubt swim and surf until we find our worth.
I am the master and I am the dude, and all of my comments are basically rude, you know what I am and you know where I am at, so just accept my bad words and be content with a slap on the back, you think you know it all, a wise guy tough and strong, well come at me mother fucker and I will sing you a very sad song, your tall and muscles will see you through, and I am a wimp just a shadow of you, but wimps can win and reach the end, so watch it mother fucker or else you will bend, for poofs and queers and the fucked up will survive, you wanky fuckers dont know how to strive, I am bad, I am mean, an ugly machine, if you come at me dude then death will be seen.
Dear Friends, I do hope that you liked my latest and little verse, though a bit naughty it was in the lingo dept I must admit, though it really was just a poem, just a little rhyme, just a little story thats all, so dont worry too much about it, I am quite harmless really, THOUGH COME AT ME MOTHER FUCKER AND I WILL BUST YOUR BALLS. !!!
dear oh dear, here I go again, I really am such a tease, and so here goes with a lighter and nicer verse.
Roses are Red Violets are Blue my poems will last forever which might make you Blue, however remember the very old saying, that if you try and you fail then the world is not worth slaying, there is something wrong with this poem for sure, its supposed to be nice and kind not poor, so I will try to finish on a lighter note, that if no one buys my poems then I will remain broke, and yes your right folks my poems really are just a bad joke.
Do you remember a pub without walls, do you remember a market without stalls, do you remember a tree without leaves, do you remember a jumper without sleeves, do you remember the shelves without food, do you remember the jokes that were rude, do you remember the dances and songs, do you remember the short and the long, do you remember the bikes without wheels, do you remember the shoes without heals, do you remember the sky and the Earth, do you remember your very birth, do you remember the sick and the old, do you remember the brave and the bold, - Do you remember is all that we have, so remember to remember, when you need the Lav.
Hello everyone, I do hope that you are all well on this fine day, as it happens its my Birthday, and I know that you all wish me the very best, and so, dear friends, to celebrate this most momentous occasion, I will treat you all to a lovely poem, so here we go. --- Tis my Birthday dear friends and enemies alike, most of the time I jest of course, for tis true that I do like to tease, but my aim is only really to please, so therefore let the cake be spread you are indeed invited to partake of the bread, the wine and strong stuff is there for you, do please help yourself for the pancakes are true, there is jelly and ice cream in abundance no doubt, I do hope you like just a little drop of stout, there is sausage and buscuits and plenty of beer, on this day my friends there will not be a tear, just have a guess at my age if you will, there are not many whom have reached the heights of this hill, so indulge and feast and dance till the dawn, and wake on the morrow with a gigantic yawn, I have seen so many things and people its true, but none so special and lovely as you, I must end now as its time to fly, lets hope I reach my next Birthday before I die, and here is the punchline, I do tend to lie.
HEY YOU, get off of my cloud, HEY YOU, get off of my cloud, HEY YOU, get off of my cloud, dont hang around for this boy in town. sounds familiar right, ? well get this, I am the man, and I am the best, yes indeed folks I am the best in the west, indeed, by any test, so be at ease and rest, while I put thee to the test, you see its like this, I was once upon a time a woman, and my name was Labia Majora, now dont laugh, I heard a titter, a slight pause and a mutter, me thinks that you might perceive me as a nutter, well twas a while ago no doubt you do realise and know, that I was the king the master of all, until that great day when I took a fall, up to then I was a man proud and strong, but fate took a - t u r n - and sang a song, I became over night a feline cat, and - t u r n e d - into a typical brat, a moan, a groan, and a monthly leak, need I explain with another tweak, ? anyway I now sit at home doing the knitting, its a nice coat or jumper or maybe a mitten, I have found a hunk big and strong, whom gives me a - f o r t n i g h t l y - bang, and I am now smitten.
I wish I had a piano, I wish I had it all, I wish I had the courage to climb the highest wall, I wish I had the talent to paint to write and dream, I wish I had the brains to plot a plan and scheme, I wish I had the knowledge a better education would have helped, I am poor broken and defeated a drunken bum no doubt for sure, for others look at me with hatred as just a jerk heading for the door, you are so brave and happy, a life with plenty no doubt, I wish I were in your shoes with bravado and plenty of clout, but time will be the judge, and all is not lost I pray, for if the good Lord is listening, I may yet one day have my say.
Dear Friends, I have just received the latest message from God, and yes folks I am his messenger on Earth.
Well, it goes something like this, that the West - ie - Nato and the - w e s t e r n - tough guys think that they can defeat with force those in other countries whom think they wish to live their lives in the way that they want to, well to put it bluntly, that Nato can smash them, and crash them, and trash them, to the history books of time, well now, the word from above is that they can not, I repeat can not, for they are only trying to defend their own, yes indeed, as we would do, so therefore, and with great respect, the Lord says leave well enough alone, for whom doth chance the merry dance is foolish without a doubt, for the boys from afar will kick our butt, and the wound will be so sore, and will hurt us to our core, so leave well alone that which does not - c o n c e r n - us, or we may well - t u r n - to crust, if there is nothing left but dust.
ok everyone, its time to make a personal comment about the recent Scottish elections, so pay attention. If the Scots can only muster a paltry 1.5 million votes out of a total of some 5 million bagpipes, then woe betide the supposed for tribe of those whom think that its better to drink without the sassenacks by their side, I thought the Scots were brave and strong for no longer can I echo that particular song, the pride of being away the kilt, you failed to tilt the passion for unity, there were tears and laughter we saw it all, but the brave Scots were stuffed by the sassenack wall, poor Alex the fish had tears in his eyes, for upon the result he looked so surprised, did he really think he could throw the dice, a treble 6 would be very nice, but sadly Alex you fluffed your lines, the path of independence is filled with mines, never mind my son its a lesson well learned, that when you take on the mob your fingers will be - b u r n e d .
And here is another personal comment that I wish the world to know.
Another war has been set in place, we are doomed to face the wrath of pace, its easy to see a way to win, but sadly the road to success is grim, the end is near so say a prayer, for its going to be a nightmare scare, with endless pain the struggle will last, for the future is dark and we will miss the peaceful past, those in control are foolish indeed, to imagine that war will change ones creed, they will prosper and fight for ever more, their belief is strong and ours is poor, oh foolish politicians in the west, whom think its just an easy test, these words will haunt us for ever more, I take no pleasure in saying the law, the law of truth shall win the battle, its the battle that will leave just sheep and cattle, for mankind will - b u r n - and - t u r n - to dust, there are no winners when everything is rust, so I say stop this madness now, before its too late, one planet, one life, given to us all to eradicate hate. And as I said there will be endless pain, while the world community and I say - NOT IN MY NAME -
All hell has now been declared, and chaos will now happen on the streets of the western nations, through the stupid actions of the western politicians. - God help us all - they have put you and I and all of our families in harms way, sadly they will only see sense when they themselves or their families are unfortunate enough to find tragedy on their own doorstep.
Remember my friends that - God is Love - and all will be forgiven with his kindness, I depart now to face my darkest battle, so say a prayer each and every night, and keep the word of the Lord in your heart, God bless you all.
Hello again everyone, looks like I defeated the evil one at least for the moment, but he might get me in the end, so say a prayer for me, just in case, well now while I have time, I have another complaint to make, specifically about the idiotic decisions that some people in power make, so here it is, you will be aware that there is a plan to build a new bridge across the river,------------ the river Thames in London, and fill the fucking thing full of nice trees and plants and flowers, all very colourful no doubt, but hang on a second, its going to be quite close to TWO other bridges across the river, and there are fucking public parks all around, and its going to cost well in excess of £160 million fucking quid, and can you imagine the vast numbers of people whom will wish to stand and admire it, the bridge will fucking crumble under the weight, these crazy mother fucking bull shit wankers whom come up with these insane ideas should be locked away forever, and the rest of us must put up with vast amounts of fucking austerity in the mean time.
Yes people I know you think that I am going to fuss and curse again and use very bad lingo, well guess what, no I aint, so take note and dont rock the boat, or I will kick your------------ oops sorry, nearly forgot, --- anyway here goes with a nice poem, sweet and kind, so that it will remain in your mind, and yes I mean for all time.
I wish you well and please stay out of hell, that very bad day of Halloween approaches, which fills me with dread, so may I rest my head, on my bed, in hope that life will outrun the dead, and so it goes that we are sure to know, that my poetry will outlive the demon instead, oh please Lord Jesus save us all, and leave those demons outside the wall.
Dear friends, I have chosen the path of the Lord, and that sadly will mean my end, for I have confronted the evil one face on and up front no less, ie -- I am as dead as F--- so my dear friends say a prayer for me, as its the end of the line and of that there is no doubt, but at least I will go on my final journey knowing that the evil one has had a black eye, well at least you and I will know and he that I do try, so I hope that my efforts have stopped him in his tracks, and it is for me bye bye, but say a prayer every night, and my last wish and effort is that it will all be alright, for evil will be defeated for I have no doubt, that with your good prayers and loving, there will be little clout from the evil one, and I pray that justice will be done, amen.
so say a prayer every night that the evil one is put to right, I rest my case the battle is done, its God or Satan whom will win the test, so let us wait and see whom wins the war, until it is done, and we are laid to rest.
Dear friends, I have again escaped the grip of Satans claw, and therefore wish to take this brief opportunity to say a few words, specifically about, --------------- RT-- UK -- what a great show it is, much to the dismay of the bosses in charge of the country, the Russians are coming, and thats for sure, never mind with the BBC--ITV--CH4--AND CH5-- they just tow the government line, ie-- support Israel--support the USA-- SUPPORT THE EUROPEAN MAFIA UNION-- support any god damn mother fucker with a million bucks in his pocket, but DONT under any circumstances support that which is right and proper and for the good of the nation, ie-- one good example is RT in Russia showing how the public in the good old USA are fucking going nuts over the ---FRACKING INDUSTRY-- because it is so very dangerous, and yet the great British public are being told that it is SAFE.----- Please take note that the uk public are being told that its FRACKING, --- which really means FRACTURING THE EARTH, fracking is FRACTURING----- and its a fucking nightmare scenario, for future generations, but the boys whom will make BIG BUCKS out of it -- DONT GIVE A FUCK.
For all you dudes out there whom are trying to purchase my web site/domain/email/ etc/ FORGET/IT/----- PRONTO---
For all you dudes out there whom are trying to purchase my web site/domain/email/ etc/ FORGET/IT/----- PRONTO---
For all you dudes out there whom are trying to purchase my web site/domain/email/ etc/ FORGET/IT/----- PRONTO---
You know um tough, You know um bad, a mean bad dude whom is tough and sad, I have been around and seen it all, done time inside yes plenty of porridge, and I have fought dragons and tigers in the forrest, um a big bad bitch, so dont jive my ras, or tease me with jokes that never last, my poetry aint bad in fact its good, but this bad dude aint dumb like wood, so play the game and dont take the P for this bad mother dont like the rise taken out of me, so here is a warning for all you jerks, its that this big bad dude knows how to fight back and it hurts.--------- BIG TIME -----
I am the master and you will agree, I am the master and you dare not disobay, maybe wrong spelling there, oops,---- anyway, I am the master and you had better not linger, for I am the master, and if you disobey, you just might lose a finger, or TWO, so how do you do, my name is blue, and I am a mean mother from the sky, and if YOU misbehave, then guess what dude, I will get YOU. I will look at you and look into your eye, and guess what again, as to what rhymes with EYE, ? yes dude you guessed it so if you dont want to --- you know what ---- then OBEY ME.
Dear friends, I have survived my battle with the evil one, it was something of a draw you might say, and we both were bloodied or blooded and badly bruised, he to resume his wicked ways and yours truly to follow the path of truth hope and justice, though sometimes I do despair as there is precious little of that about these days, anyway I am back to thrill you with my wonderful poetry, so I will keep it brief and simply say hello everyone, and God bless you all.
ok everyone, so here is the thing, just my point of view of course and no disrespect meant for anyone else, so here goes.
Well its like this, you see, there are those among us whom think that it is a good idea to go where no man has gone before, well actually he has gone before in this case ie, and specifically, the MOON, YES INDEED THE MOON, I MEAN, MARS, of COURSE, yes indeed Mars, I mean in fact that certain persons, or even people indeed, wish no less to take the long and arduous journey to MARS , well now the point is this, which might seem to some of you to be quite obvious, ie, its going to take about ONE YEAR to get there, and then upon arrival, what the fuck is there to do, except pitch a tent on the barren landscape, and by the way there is no return journey, so here is my suggestion, for what its worth, and its worth a lot in my opinion, well you see its like this, ---, In my opinion, which is great and fantastic and vunderbar, well yes indeed folks the MOON is the place to head for, and why I here you ask, well get this, its close, only about a quarter of a million miles away, and it takes about THREE days to get there, and even more important, you can get back home again, which seems to have escaped the attention of those whom wish to go further, now please remember folks that I--- yes yours truly, can at any moment up sticks and fly around the universe, yes indeed and its quite easy for me to do so, however, I do realise and appreciate that for Earthlings ie you yes I do mean you, well lets be honest your stuck on this chunk of rock which is the 3rd planet from your star, ie your SUN----- anyway, I do understand your wish to go and explore far off places in the galaxy, however, one step at a time, seems to me to be a good idea, for you folks at any rate, therefore, may I suggest again that the moon is a good place to start, to wet your feet in the water, before you attempt to start swimming I mean, so go up there and have a look around knowing that you can come back home without problems, I rest my case, but Earthlings being Earthlings will probably and no doubt ignor my comments and head straight for Uranus or some such place which is probably where most folks whom are in to these things have their heads right now.
Hello everyone, yes I am still here, I would just like to wish you all a very happy Christmas time, yes indeed, and may Gods love be with you always.
Well now good people of the world, I would like to wish you all a very happy new year, and set you a little puzzle to dwell upon, especially while having your cornflakes on a nice and bright sunny morning, and it is this, --- the so called wise ones will have you believe that everything got started with the so called -- BIG BANG -- I mean everything up above us ie the stars planets galaxies etc, --- well its not so and I am here to put the record straight for you, well just imagine the empty scene, its pitch black, no nothing anywhere, not a spec of dust no clouds planets stars nothing --- JUST TOTAL ZIP--- then good people we are told that out of all this nothingness one fine day there was this almighty BIG BANG, which produced you and me and all the fish in the sea and all the bunny rabbits too, yes I think you see what I am getting at, only that you can not get something out of nothing, so that leaves only one logical answer, the only power that created everything ie the Good Lord Himself, it is plainly obvious to those whom have an open mind and a pure heart, therefore be ye not in any doubt, just look all around for the Lord is about.
Dear all, yes its me again, oh dear I here you say, and in reply I say ------- oh lay oh lay -------- if you live in Spain that is, I mean the costa lotta , or even the costa del oo la la, anyway, lets get down to the real nitty gritty, which is as follows, ----- well Ladies and Gentlemen its like this --- I am the boss, and dont you dare forget it, --- I am the boss, and lest you forget, then you just might regret it, --- yes indeed, dee --- I am the boss, and if you want a fight, then I am available, just about any night, so dont you forget that I am a mean naughty child, for I am the boss, even more so when wild, even though I am a wimpy sucker, I like to push and pull, and sometimes I even do the knitting with wool, so just take my words as harmless fun, or else as a naughty child I will come at you with a dumb numb nuts poem and--- get this dude----THE STORY WILL BE DONE.
its just poetry folks -- so dont choke on the joke, ---------------
I really am just a harmless wimp--- so look deep inside for forgiveness---------------- and just think, before you are inclined to bump me off in the drink.
A new poem is on the way dear friends, and I know that you are desperate to see it.
As the raindrops softly fall, pleasant memories they recall, of evenings spent midst Aprils showers, of walks we took amongst the flowers, the fragrance of those heavenly blooms, as we walked beneath the trees, took me from the land of living, carried on the evening breeze, as the raindrops cease to fall, memories dim and slowly fade, brings me back from dreamers hall, from the paradise we made, soft music, fragrance, your laughing eyes, in life, in love, forever together, and the fortune of the roll of dice, is of course - MY - paradise,
The day was Monday on the morning of the 26th and the time was about 9/30 and from my window I saw a black car a rather familiar black car, and although I looked for a few moments at the car, I could not see the driver, as I did not have my glasses, but the driver did not know that and may have thought that I did not care, how wrong, how sad, my error indeed, if it was you, the lady of my dreams, then return and let me know, and mend this broken heart. or find a way to let me know, if that is your wish as it is mine. --- oh well perhaps the driver was not my long lost love after all, I wandered lonely as a cloud --- how beautiful thy words and indeed how beautiful thy eyes, few can imagine or even perceive the fear the heartache the pain the need, in death in life with sadness sorrow and strife, and the slow blood thirsty cut of the sharpened knife, were it not for you and for them and us the happy times with running thrust, they were brave and strong and funny as well and that lovely church with the very loud bell, stop this and linger I here you say, can you not spare a few moments to pray, well yes my friend I can indeed, so let us kneel and bow and lay, the joy is within and it will always be, and memories live forever and do not fade, so rest easy boys and girls and good people everywhere, for as the saying goes ------ tis better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all ------------- and dear friends I shall end with more beautiful words --- though not mine alas ------ To all the girls that I have loved before, whom wandered in and out my door --------- and as I rest from these words to another page of life, a tear drop falls.
Well now good people, that was sad indeed, yes oh so very sad, that little story that had the whole world crying, yes I know, and only too well sadly, but life moves on and so must we, therefore, cheer up, for I will try and provide you my good friends with a happy little verse, and it goes something like this, ---------------- What if I say that I love you, well, what would you do, ? well yes of course, you would say that you love me too, therefore, be at peace with the world, for with God on our side we will both win through.
Dear friends, It has come to my attention that very many of you have been trying to make contact via email, and I am being very cheeky in not opening these messages, why is this you ask, well I am being rather naughty in that dept so as to get you a liitle angry and a little annoyed, and a little bit upset, but why oh why and why again you ask, ?-----------------hmmmm well its my way of making you strive to succeed, to fight and never give up, to struggle, to climb to the top and never stop, well thats why, so ---- sorry everyone, and you have my permission to call me as many bleep-bleep-bleeps- as you wish.
Hello again everyone, I do feel that it is time to try and change the colours of my web site, so please have patience as I will do my best.
Dear friends, I have decided to speak the truth, and these are the the words from up above, I mean on high, I mean oops well I guess you know from where they originate, that is to say, well, yes you guessed it, I mean the boss in the shop, so here goes, its like this you see,well its like this, you see that I am the the boss the master the main man yes indeed and even the dude, the main man whom may at times be rude yes rude, but chill winston, I say again chill winston, for whom so ever and if truth be told, then be bold and do not feel old, for it is written that yours truly, yes indeed---dee --- I do mean yours truly, well yes folks I am indeed the best by any test, ------------------------------ well folks its nite nite time and so I must rest my head, but I will return, ----- as this story is as yet to be continued , ------------------------
Yes folks well where was I----------- ?---------------- oh yes---------- I am the master---------- oops oh no thats not it ------
well all I can say is - Bo---- Lucks---- oops well that was a bit cheeky of me but I guess you know what I mean----only joking folks--- so chill winston---chill--- and still there is talk of going to Mars yes Mars can you believe it, so Four brave souls are going on a journey which will take one year, yes indeed can you imagine it, one whole year stuck in a tin can where there is hardly enough room to swing a cat, after a couple of months they will be going fucking bonkers never mind one year, the people that say it can be done are seriously sick mothers, never mind the time the expence the effort, and for what- ? just to plonk 4 dudes on a chunk of rock a fucking million miles away, when there are so many worthy things to be done right here, and by the way its a one way ticket.
Dear Friends, I have just heard on the TV news that there are some people in positions on high, whom play games on their computers and lap tops and tablets etc while they are supposed to be listening and taking notice of what is going on, and they are being paid mega fucking big dosh while doing so, well all I can say is, how naughty, how cheeky, and what a fucking JI--NOR--MOUSE-- piss take, well it just goes to show how fucking screwed up the system is that lets those mother fuckers get away with it, and yes dear friends I do know that you agree with my sad OH SO VERY SAD sentiments
Well hello again my dearest friends and foe alike, that is unless we choose to forever be enemies, and I say-------------- where for art thou my Romeo------------------ if it is not to be friends, and so it is written with the oh so beautiful pens, that we shall live together, for there is NO other way, other than to destroy and slay. ---
and so my dear friends it is to another poem that we go, however it may indeed be slow, but have patience for the truth will shine, as indeed will the taste of a glass of wine.--------------------------
and also by the way---- I do most sincerely wish and hope that the love of the Lord is with you upon this Easter weekend.
And so it is to the latest poem that we go---------------------
Well you see it was in the pub, yes indeed and very nice grub, but fortune was astray that day, for there was punch up in the air, just at that moment at the front door, a massive big bruiser of a brute approached the door, yes big and strong with flexing muscles, a bad mother fucker but NOT from Brussels, just a wimp was I with pint in hand, no match indeed for a battle in the sand, but the weapon that I had was strong and brave, just the good book with words to save, I said a prayer to save my pint, I mean not only the beer but the glass as well, and would you believe it a thunderbolt arrived, for just in time as he threw a punch, and my ears were ready to recieve a crunch, but no I was saved to booze again, the demon has been vanquished and I say -- AMEN.
AND YES DEAR FRIENDS, I AM STILL HERE , JUST WORKING ON MY LATEST POEM, SO FEAR NOT, AS I WILL RETURN, AND I SAY GOD BLESS YOU ALL, ------------------------------------------------------------------
And yes again my very good partners, and indeed friends, for whom doth chance, etc, anyway dear friends, I have heard your calling, and indeed I have seen your cries, be it not for those that perish, and I deem it in your eyes, lest we forget those that suffer, and I pray you are not of them, so have patience my friend and worry not, while I put paper to pen, I know you are sad and frustrated, of that there is little doubt, but my poems will end the suffering, so have faith in God with no doubt.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Dear friends and enemies alike, I have just watched the Green party, I mean their party political broadcast, ON YOU TUBE---- and its fucking great-its the best--its sooper-dooper-- its fucking fantasty---come on--mode-----its the real deal--like-like--like--it-----like-it----- but and however I do not necessarily agree with all of their policies, -but then-and however-- its a fucking great crack-- in the song dept-- so I raise my glass to you GREEN PARTY -- for a brill advert--,,
I am getting a ginormous boost and get real feeling by watching this advert from the GREEN PARTY--- so please dear friends watch it--- as it is just the best ever, agree with their policies or not no matter, vote as you wish, but really, its just the bees knees, in the song dept----------- well anyway I think so, ,
Well hello again everyone, yes its me and I am back to chase you and embrace you, with my oh so wonderful poetry, so now then people listen up-- for you see its like this-- well you may indeed think of me as a berk--- or even a jerk --- but I do not shy away, from the fact that I work, --- be it not and less than now---- though I wandered in a field talking to a cow, ------- and I do most sincerely realise that the time is now, -- for the truth to be told, -------- so unless you are old- then be bold- for if my poetry is to mean anything-- then let it be brave and wise- for then the world will realise- that I am the best-- by any test- and I do not jest- so dear friends-- be at peace and rest-------- while I seek thee to -- sue--- come--- to my breast. -- or should that be succum - or succumn-- well anyway its something like that, so please forgive the spelling mistakes.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Hello again everyone, its been a long time I know, but I have been flying around the universe, just having a look you understand, and I have met all sorts of wonderful creatures, just far too strange to describe, anyway, I am back home now, and will provide more wise words of a poetical nature soon, so for now its nite nite time as I am so very tired, sleep well EARTHLINGS.
Yes Earthlings I am still here, just thinking about my next poem, so be not scared or in an Earthling rut, as the truth will be told without an Earthling cut, as Earthlings go your not so bad, so be ye happy and never sad, for I have seen the other side, and if not, then why do you think that on this planet I reside, ? for I have seen the bad and the wicked, on far off planets where all is not cricket, so trust in this world its where we are at, while I take my place at the crease with the bat, there are bad dudes out there for sure and its true, so lets put faith in the Lord that they dont come for you..--- AMEN.
Hello again everyone, I just wanted to say God bless you all, as both He and I love you.
Dear Friends, yes I am back, but only for a moment while I contemplate new wise words and poems to delight you all.
It is just so as to bring to your attention that there is a rather naughty person whom has appeared from nowhere, and would you believe it, he or she or them or whomsoever they may be, well they are using my name, well I mean the first word that I use on this--MY poetry website, they are using it for their email address, so it is-- my first word@then the company name whom perhaps it is better that I do not mention.com, well how cheeky, how naughty, but perhaps they like my web site and chose it for that reason, so perhaps I should be pleased, anyway, that particular email address has NOTHING to do with me, I just wanted to let you know as you may have thought that I have wandered away from poetry, AND I HAVE NOT.
Here is a nice poem for all you good people out there.
You yes you, I mean each and everyone of you, are kind considerate friendly polite beautiful pleasant and brave, you are trustworthy decent and strong, each thought you possess has been put to the test, each struggle has been harsh and long, though you ponder with doubt that your soul is without the trust and faith of the Lord, then ponder no more for the story is sure that Heaven will open its door, can you not see that the truth it will be yours alone without end, for I have no doubt that the answer will be seen from the troubles of this world to a life more serene, when that moment comes and we take our last breath, to loving arms that will caress.
Dear Friends, hello again, and yes I have not gone away anywhere, just contemplating the meaning of life, I mean your life, not mine, as I know where I am at, and my duty, I mean the word from on high, is to convey the message to you, as you may be in some doubt as to just why it is that you are here, I mean on this the 3rd rock from your Sun, well anyway thats for the future, but just for now, I wanted to clarify a particular point, and it is as follows.
I have TWO websites, yes indeed, with the same content, quite so, the first is with a bright white background, and it can be found at ------ ssehcetamworldpoetry.co.uk
and the 2nd is called --- ssehcetamworldpoetryandpublications.co.uk --- and it has a dark background.
depending on your mood of course good people, so there you have it, I hope you like both my sites, I will of course return, so keep the faith and be ye not in doubt. God bless you all.
Welcome muslim sikh and hindu too, welcome one and all as God loves you, from far off lands they came for help, where we have plenty in our belt, a house a car a job for sure, this land is rich to help the poor, one world one humanity in God we pray, so let not pure hatred close the door, one life one love for one and all, and the Lords open arms will prevent their fall.
Hello again everyone, yes I am back, just been flying around the universe, and what a great place it is, shame you can not join me, well at least for now that is, but perhaps one fine day for sure, well I have just received the latest message from on high, and the master has asked that I pass it on to you, so here goes, well its like this, the Good Lord knows only too well that humanity, in other words you, yes your good selves, are trying and attempting to get to Mars, yes well anyway, its a bit of a hike for you folks at the moment, so I have been asked to give you a little clue as to what to do, as follows, well now, it will become obvious after just a few words, and then no doubt you will just get on and do it naturally, ok then, this is the answer, you will know and have heard of people putting wires and tubes and all manner of things on their head and with the power of thought they are able to make things move albeit slightly, well thats the way ahead folks, so do the same thing with the spaceship, and your in business, I mean to get to Mars in sooper dooper fast than a speeding whatever, anyway very quick, well thats it, so I wonder how long it will take humanity to wake up.
YES BOSS------ well good people of planet Earth, looks like my wise words from above have struck a note, well it looks like to me at least that the high and almighty on planet Earth of course have got the message, at least from the news wires that is, that is to say, that putting wires and tubes on your head and with the power of thought, no less, you can make things happen, so God bless to all for waking up, and God bless to thee above for having passed on the message.
Hello again everyone, have you missed me, bet you have, well I am still around so fear not, another poem is on the way, God bless you all.
To be or not to be------------------------------------------
I wandered lonely as a cloud-----------------------------------------------------
A fool and his money are soon parted----------------------------------------------------------------
A man without passion has no feeling------------------------------------------------------------------
well hello again everyone, I might have got that last bit wrong, anyway, lets continue, I have just received the latest message from above, and I have been asked to pass it on to non other than YOU--- yes all of humanity and Earthlings everywhere, ----- as follows-----
The Good Lord above has indicated that he is due to return quite soon, and lay peace and love for all, and all trouble and strife, and all conflict will end, as he is well aware of the errors of your ways, and the dangers were he not to arrive, therefore, prepare for the big event, as our Lord in Heaven, is on his way, and all I can say is, fear NOT and pray, for our souls will be saved quite soon one day. Amen.
Hello again good people, yes I am still here with the Lord in your heart, fear not, for truth will win, and be at peace with the world, and the good times will begin.
Dear all, yes I am still here, watching and listening to the foolish things that Earthlings do, and so is the Lord, and it is so very sad indeed that humanity has not as yet learned the lesson of peace and harmony, in other words to live together, as was intendid, however, I continue to pray that you will realise the error of your ways sooner rather than later, God bless you all, Amen.
Hello everyone, even in these sad times when there is so much heartache about, there is indeed a good reason to look on the brighter side, and it is of course the time of year when we celebrate the birth and love for all humanity of our Lord Jesus our saviour and shining light of pure hope and goodness, I pray that you will find the happiness that you seek as I have, so just say a prayer, and be of good cheer, and with love in your heart you will find the Lord, and he will never leave you, so have faith and no fear and all will be clear.
God bless you all, and Happy Christmas.
Dear everyone on Planet Earth, I have just returned from a very long journey around the universe, and guess what, yes thats right folks, they are indeed one and ALL celebrating Christmas.
Happy new year everyone on planet Earth and Earthlings everywhere throughout the universe, oops sorry I mean that refers to one fine day when Earthlings get up there amongst the stars, well anyway for now here is a poem, and it goes something like this, I was sent without repent to teach and pray with love, without a doubt the truth will out like the perfect fit of a glove, so have no fear for the Lord is near, so close so pure so strong, let not your doubt mean your without it really is so clear, you will be saved and not only the brave, will learn this beautiful song.
Hello again my good friends, I would like to say that it is my most sincere wish that my poetry has been of some good use to you, I have indeed tried as best I can to show you the way, I mean the way of the Lord of truth and light, for without these oh so wise words of wisdom, you would surely have chosen the wrong path, I mean of course that you would have gone somewhat astray. I hope you will agree, and so for now I wish you all love and kindness, as I am here forever with you, with more wise words to please and tease on your journey in this world and the next. --God Bless You All -- Amen.
Here is another nice poem, Red is a bed, yes a bed of Roses, White is a Kite, yes bright that can fly both in the day and the night, Blue is a View, yes of things most pleasing its true, Green is Serene, yes a great big wonderful scene, Yellow is the Sun, yes without which we would not have won, Brown is the Crown yes that gives meaning all around, Black is the Back, yes of an attack long gone, Grey is the Song yes that we sing oh lay, and all of the others are joined forever, yes as bones in the body just like the elbow, we give thanks to the Lord for creating the Rainbow.
Hello again good people everywhere, well its that time again when I must add a little colour to my site, and I do hope that you like the result.
Here is a nice little poem and its called --- SAN - GROSH
San Grosh is a place of beauty and charm, a bit like the Yellow brick road where you will come to no harm, its tall and strong its wise and proud, and it beams with a smile so shout it loud, a place where creatures so strange reside, a colourful picture of time and tide, footsteps and pastures no longer seen, a place where thoughts and motions can still dream, there are whispers and colours and wavy lines for sure, all mixed up in a chrystal door, perfumes and sounds not heard before, a floating memory is real and raw, yes this is San Grosh a treasure out there, way up above where the stars shine with love, its a loverly place just like our Earth, born by the creator with all things of worth, so have no doubt that we are all as one, for the stars that we see are inhabited by many with a likeness of you and me, yes of course dear friends we are not alone, for the universe is so full of life, given by the Lord God in Heaven to end all strife.
And yes dear friends I am still here, just putting pen to paper for my next poem of truth and worth, from our Lord in Heaven to planet Earth.
Hello again everyone, windy and blowy it is for sure but poems abound right next door, so stick around as they will astound, and you guessed it folks I have not left town.
Well hello again everyone, and here is an observation that I wish to convey to all of you loverly jubberly people of planet Earth, and here goes, well its like this you see, its all about a smile, yes folks I did say a smile, well now, when you see a person smile, well yes indeed you have to ponder for a while, for one might ask if the smile is true, for listen up as I do not kid you, as the message has been sent from way on high, that if not both lips then one might cry, for the truth be known it is for sure, for top lip only is something of a bore, when you see a smile it must be both, for upper and lower lips and teeth must be shown, as this indicates truth and genuine known, so when you see a smile with just top teeth on view, be wary my friend, as its a mish mash of stew, a genuine smile will show full face, sent from above with power and grace, so if you can see both upper and lower teeth, on one with a smile that you can meet, its genuine and true, and have no fear, but if top teeth only can be seen, then hide behind that powerful screen, for it is not genuine, it seeks to deceive, as I with faith in God do indeed believe.
Our Father whom art in Heaven forgive the sins of thy children I pray, until the day we rest and lay, when we move and meet to seek and greet in thy place of love without defeat, its a long dark road until that time, but with faith in our hearts there will come a time, when all is clear and pain no more, we take our steps through your Heavenly door.
Good morning everyone on this fine day, I trust that you will have as good a day as I
Roses are Red and Violets are Blue, I just know that you think my poetry is true, and for that , God bless you.
Hello again everyone, yes I am back, back at long last, after another very long mega journey around the stars, and its good oh so very good to be back home, with you loverly jubberly Earthlings.
More poems on the way soon folks, now that I have had a good rest from my long journey around the stars I am well rested and will entertain you with more wise words quite soon.
Are you ready good people, well then the poetry is about to begin.
Well good people of planet Earth, yes indeed dear Earthlings I am still here, just before I hit you with more mega loverly poetry, I just wanted to mention the following, which is beauty indeed, that I must pass on to you, though you may already be aware of it.---------------- ie -----------------------------------
There is a singer, whom sings a song, and it is a most beautiful song, sung from the heart, of a man whom loves a woman, and it is the very words that you and I would wish to convey to those that we love, Gods words indeed, with love and compassion, and true oh so true feeling, therefore dear friends, please listen to it , and be amazed at the pure love that sings so loud and true with every word, for those that we love and care for.
And the singer is ---------------- JOHN LEGEND
And the song is ------------------- ALL OF ME LOVES ALL OF YOU
Yes dear friends here I am again, back with all of you loverly Earthlings on planet Earth, after having gone through a most naughty episode of the latest attempt by Earthlings most naughty crooks to gain access to my one and only true poetry site that this pure planet has ever seen on this the 3rd planet in a most wonderful universe anywhere.
And yes my good friends I will resume my poetry again soon, now that the oh so naughty crooks have been defeated.
Well good people, its that time again when I must resume my wise words of a poetical nature, so here goes with a rhyme, and just in time for the hour is late, and its well past nine I wish to state. Dear Rosie thanks for your kind words of help for my site, but dear child I am quite alright, so just sit tight, and let not the night create a fright, as when one tries with poetry in the eyes, there is not the need to seek help from the skies, so thankyou dear Rosie for the offer of help, but my inspiration comes from above, where the Lord resides with power and love.
Hello everyone, been a long time I know, but you see I have been having pc problems, but its ok now, so more poetry soon, and my thanks indeed for one so sweet, the loverly lass Sophie, what a treat, whom helps and assists and never gives up, for the thirst for answers from an empty cup.
Here is a little poem from a nurse with not many pennies in her purse, just a little ditty of no concern that strives to please and loves to learn, its a way and a means by which to place on record the art of text and verse, that all you need for the perfect rhyme are words that sing and dance and chime, just choose a word and add it on to the word before to make that song, so pure so sweet so lovingly thought, that one becomes after the nought, now you get the idea its really quite easy, to make a rhyme the perfect poem in time, no secret no posture no given sign, the poem is easy with thought and rhyme in mind, just make it sound the same for sure, so open the world of poetry and explore.
Well folks its time to tell you a little about myself, from an honest perspective of course, well here goes, and I hope you like it, I really am just a simple soul, no harm no trouble no evil intent, just pure goodness in fact, but alas it was not always so, oh yes indeed I was rather naughty to say the least, but then the Lord gave me a sign, and it became clear that my duty was to serve him and pass on his message to none other than you, and I am so pleased that I have been chosen so to do, now you may ask why me, ? well yes its a good question, but the answer is obvious, no not because I was special or smart or clever or brave in heart, no I was none of those things, I was horrible and nasty and cruel and rude, but the Lord God was determined to prove that the lowest of the low can be saved and to rescue the weak and fallen, and I am now a product of his oh so wise intervention, so I say to all whom have lost their way, be brave in heart and there will come a day when all will be well and the light will shine just say a prayer to the Lord above whom resides within all of us, he is in in our heart our mind and soul, forever with us to console, be in no doubt he is with love a part of us throughout our lives on our journey to teach and show us the way, I have seen many things that I can not explain, too strange to convey in any rational way, so trust me my friends when I say we are not alone, for one so pure is by our side our Heavenly father does indeed reside with us all so have no fear, be brave and strong and shed no tear, and until that day when we rest and meet, those that we have lost will smile again as Heavens door is opened wide as we cast aside the sadness to hide, we live again, until that day my friends have faith that I will strive to pass the word from the good book, to all whom will listen, that when we die we shall live again, with our Heavenly family, and until that time I will continue to put poem to pen, God Bless You All.
Hello again my good friends, I have just been watching - YOU TUBE- and specifically DAVID BOWIE God bless him, and the great song that he and others sang at the Feed the world concert, -- live aid--- in 1984/5 on stage at the Wembley stadium as was, specifically the song was HEROES and what a performance, fantasmalogo, for sure, well anyway, afterwards I looked at those sad and dying infants, and my heart broke into a million pieces, as no doubt yours did or will do upon looking at that film, therefore I say to all mankind and ladies too, for Gods Sake, put an end to all of this suffering, as in the west, we have plenty, and therefore, there is no need to put adverts, or commercials on tv asking the general public to give to charity, when it is the responsibility of the Governments of the world community to properly finance these things so that there would be no need for CHARITY. You may indeed cry with me, at the sad sight of those poor starving people and wonder why oh why it is that foolish oh so foolish people do such things to make these images possible, when clearly they know better, but the time will come when they must answer to the Lord in Heaven for their errors, so let us pray for them, though they do not deserve saving.
Hello again dear friends, it seems that my words of wisdom have hit a note, in as much as the USA and Russia have decided NOT to blow the hell out of each other, and all I can say is thank God for that, it looks like the wise words from above have resonated with those silly Earthlings whom are in charge of things on planet Earth, ie the silly politicians, whom are under the impression that they are the bosses, delusional, of course as they are.
Hello friends, here is a rhyme and just in time, for the hour is late, and there is no rush to hesitate, yes its about memories, yes your memories, and mine, well then it goes like this, you see memories are fine like a glass of wine, for its fine that they will surrender to the ultimate rhyme, I thought I knew it all as I wandered throughout life, alone and sad not happy and glad, a pebble a stone, a lost speck of sand on a lonely beach, with arms that sing and can not reach, though folks know much with eyes that see, across the ocean the fish will flee, the wild rage of the net set to catch, the waves and gulls await the snatch, so floating and swimming and deeper than now, and rise again to see the bow, of those big bad trawlers those masts of strenghth, that plunder the ocean with muscles and length, I have swam the rivers the lakes and more, while wondering why we are here and poor, then I was rescued and saw the light, a hand reached out shining bright, I was pulled from the ocean on sea breeze and air, a floating dream without a care, up higher and higher I was taken above, the clouds and the sky to a place of love, I stayed for a while to rest and learn, then returned to my home to teach and give the word of the Lord for all to hear, that our saviour is with us and always near, so rest easy my friends and have no fear.
Hello again my good friends on planet Earth, yes I am back after fighting evil all over the universe, and thank God whom was with me all the way, we have defeated all of the evil ones that abound here there and everywhere, so what is all of this nonsense about black friday and cyber monday all about I wonder, pray do tell, for it seems like pure nonsense to me, and the one above. I will be back soon, with more words of wisdom, and dear friends fear not, as the Lord is with us all, for now and forever.
Hello again everyone, yes I am still here, looking after each and everyone of you DEAR EARTHLINGS, THOUGH YOU DO INDEED DO SOME VERY FOOLISH THINGS, HOWEVER, LETS MOVE ON, AS NO DOUBT ONE FINE DAY YOU WILL REALISE THE ERRORS OF YOUR WAYS, so from the Good Lord in Heaven and of course my humble self, both He and I wish you all a very happy and joyous Christmas holiday time, and we pray that you will prosper and live in peace with each other, God bless you all.
Dear friends, the Lord and I would just like to wish you all a very happy and new year yes indeed in this the year of our Lord Jesus 2017, God bless you all.
I and the good Lord are back my friends after another very long journey around the universe putting wrong to right and we are so very happy to be home with you loverly Earthlings again, GOD BLESS YOU ALL.
ON THIS FINE DAY THE 2nd of September in the year of our Lord 2017
Hello everyone again, please try and listen to an old song sung by the oh so great TOM JONES and its called WITHOUT LOVE, and its on YOU TUBE yes there he is wearing a green jacket and he says ITS A BIT HOT IN HERE IN-IT- yes and with the microphone in his left hand, what a great song-- sung from the heart, a sooper dooper gem for ever, so please find it and enjoy it, as I always will.
Here is a little ditty, yes a poem at long last, from the land of twitty, you see it goes like this, well uncle Kim, and uncle Donald, are having a ding dong, and both of their names are not Ronald, for with insults flying here and there, it is no doubt a bit of a scare, for uncle Kim has a nuke at hand, while uncle Donald has Four aces which are grand, the prospect of a ginormous battle, will echo throughout the world with a rattle, but be at peace and rest with ease, for the Lord and I, will seek to please, for we shall not allow such death, fear not dear Earthlings, it is not your last breath, as upon this fine day the 25/09/2017
Hello again dear Earthlings, and yes the Good Lord and I have been on our travels again, but we are back home now, and the Lord God in Heaven and I would like to wish each and everyone of you loverly people, a wonderful Christmas, God bless you all, on this fine day the 28th of November, in the year of our Lord 2017
Dear Earthlings, do please have a joyous and prosperous Christmas time and yes indeed a happy new year for 2018 as the Good Lord and I are looking after each and every one of you, so fear not and be happy, as we are here with you now, and will always be, God Bless You All.-- on this day the 17/12/2017
Dear Earthlings I and the Good Lord are back from our travels around the universe, but of course we were always here with you every second really, anyway, I just wanted to say the words that are on everyones lips throughout the universe, as of course they are all so very interested in what goes on here, and those words are as follows, --- HARD BREXIT- SOFT BREXIT- NO DEAL BREXIT---- THESE SEVEN WORDS ARE A GREAT TITLE FOR A NEW BOOK- OR EVEN FOR A NEW WEB SITE-- DONT YOU THINK ?
The End is Near. Dear Earthlings I and the Good Lord are back from our travels around the universe, but of course we were always here with you every second really, anyway, I just wanted to say the words that are on everyones lips throughout the universe, as of course they are all so very interested in what goes on here, and those words are as follows, --- HARD BREXIT- SOFT BREXIT- NO DEAL BREXIT---- THESE SEVEN WORDS ARE A GREAT TITLE FOR A NEW BOOK- OR EVEN FOR A NEW WEB SITE-- DONT YOU THINK ?
oops I nearly forgot, and of course that should also be --- BREXIT MEANS BREXIT--- THATS TEN WORDS IN TOTAL---
Hello again dear friends, the good Lord and I are back, yes indeed, and we both have a little complaint to make as follows, well, at least these are my thoughts and words, for we, well at least I anyway, have been watching the tv-- yes indeed, and it was the uk bbc Parliament broadcast, yes live from the uk parliament house of Lords, and would you believe it, yes they were all falling asleep, what a disgrace I say, what a humiliation, these bleep-bleep-bleep- people are being paid £300 per day for their attendance, and they are falling asleep, yes, it was quite shameful to watch it, these people need to be in a nursing home, for the elderly, NOT IN THE HOUSE OF LORDS, THE SYSTEM IS CORRUPT 100% FOR IT TO BE ALLOWED TO CONTINUE LIKE THIS.
Hello again my good friends, the Good Lord and I are well thank you, and we need to say more good and wise words as follows, well its like this-- you see-- I have just been reading about the universe, yes all of the stars galaxies universes, black holes the lot, well everything, basically, and all of the web sites, and all of the knowledge, and all of the tv shows, and all of the space information, will tell you and I and everyone, that THE BIG BANG CREATED US AND EVERY BIT OF YOU AND I AND EVERYTHING ELSE, AS WE ARE TODAY, well the Good Lord and I are here to tell you all, that those words are NONSENSE,
Hello again everyone, yes the Good Lord and I are back, after a long,long,journey, though, of course, we were always here with you, so have no fear, as we were always, near. and so you see, the question that we ask ouselves is this, why, oh why, does the uk British government choose to support the unelected imposter to the throne of Venezuela, when, quite clearly, President Maduro is the rightful owner of that office, shame on you uk -- for you should know better, than to lie and cheat, as you are doing, shame, shame, shame, on you.
Dear Friends, yes here I am again with more delightful words to comfort and cheer, Brexit means Brexit, oh yes, those immortal words, that bring pain and sorrow to the masses, may well indeed end in the exit of Teresa, such a dear young lass with plenty of crass, though she believes what she says, and whom can blame her, for she did her best, to pass the test, but woe betold, the story is old, for we the people, whom shall not want, decry the shame, lest it rest on the font, notwithstanding that lonely task, when all others, make suggestions to ask, that we be one, on planet Earth, for are your dreams not worthy, of the dearth,
For it seems that we shall remain united, in sorrow and joy, with Europe as one, and none the less to play with such as a toy, for even though Nigel will shout and bluster full strength, even he can not deminish the length, of the good Lords view, and mine as well, that to remain as we were, will be just swell, God bless you all, dear Eathlings, the Lord God in Heaven and I are here with you now, we always have been, and always will be. Amen
The End is Near.
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[Copyright © www. ssehcetamworldpoetry.co.uk and [www.ssehcetamworldpoetryandpublications.co.uk 2009-2050 All rights reserved.nbsp;
[Copyright © www. ssehcetamworldpoetry.co.uk and [www.ssehcetamworldpoetryandpublications.co.uk 2009-2050 All rights reserved.nbsp;
The End is Near.
[Copyright © www. ssehcetamworldpoetry.co.uk and [www.ssehcetamworldpoetryandpublications.co.uk 2009-2050 All rights reserved.nbsp;
[Copyright © www. ssehcetamworldpoetry.co.uk [2009-2050] and [ Copyright © www.ssehcetamworldpoetryandpublications.co.uk [ 2009-2050 ] All rights reserved.]
[Copyright © www. ssehcetamworldpoetry.co.uk [2009-2050 ] and
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